牛津译林版八年级上8A Unit2 知识点梳理 下载本文

8A Unit2 知识点解析与练习

1. life n. 生活 (表示总称抽象概念时为不可数名词school life,

表示具体的不同生活时为可数名词: different lives)

生命 可数名词: The police saved our lives.

2. Why don’t + you +动词原形 = Why not + 动词原形 为什么不做某事呢?表建议 Eg. Why don’t you ask your teachers for help? = Why not ask your teachers for help?

为什么不向你老师寻求帮助呢? 3. They have to work harder.

1) have to do sth. 不得不做某事 客观外在情况 (否定: don’t/doesn’t/didn’t have to do) must do sth. 必须做某事 主观内在原因

2) work harder 更努力工作/学习 此处 work是动词, hard是副词 hard work 辛苦的工作 此处 hard是形容词, work 是不可数名词 hard-working 形容词 勤奋的,努力工作的

3) hard adj. 困难的= difficult 反义词 easy/simple 硬的 反义词 soft adv. 努力地

Kate is a ________________ worker but Susan works even ___________ than her. 4. What’s school like? = How is school? 学校是什么样子? like vt. 喜欢 prep. 像

Simon, _______ his father, _________ playing football. 5. There are fewer advertisements. 1) advertisement 广告 可数名词

2) few/little 几乎没有, 表示否定含义 There is little water in the fridge. Let’s buy some. a few/ a little 一些 表示肯定。

They planted ___________ trees, but _________ of them were alive(活着的). 他们种了一些树, 但没几颗活下来了

He drove fast in the street because there were __________ people. 6. different words for the same thing 表达同一事物的不同单词

be different from … 与…不同 be the same as… 与…相同 be different from = be not the same as

7. Britain n.英国 British adj.英国的& n.英国人 America n.美国 American adj.美国的& n.美国人 France n. 法国 French adj.法国的& n.法语

life in a British/ American school = school life in Britain/America 8. buy a toy lorry for my cousin in the shop near our school 1) buy 三单________过去式______________ buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物

2) a toy lorry 一个玩具货车 two toy lorries 两个玩具货车

3) in the shop near our school 在我们学校附近的商店 near our school 是shop的后置定语 9. Do you have any plans for the weekend? 你周末有什么计划吗? plan n. make a plan for… 为…制定计划

make future plans = make plans for the future

v. plan (not) to do sth. 计划做某事 planned planning 10. 1). practice sth. 练习某事 practice doing sth. 练习做某事 practice hard on sth 努力练习… work hard on sth. 努力学习…

2) this Saturday this前不加介词

11. an important match 比赛: match/matches 赛跑: race


12. 在几年级:

be in Grade 基数词(英文大写)= be in Year 基数词(英文大写)= be in the 序数词(小写) grade be in Grade Nine=be in Year Nine=be in the ninth grade

13. mix vt. 混合 mix A with B 把A和B混合 三单___________ mixed adj. 混合的 a mixed school 14. fun n. 有趣的事 [U]

Learning foreign languages is fun. = It is fun to learn foreign languages. 感叹句: What fun it is to learn foreign languages! foreign adj. 外国的 foreigner n. 外国人 language 可数名词[C] 语言 (pl.) languages 15. 1). borrow vt. 借入(borrowed)

borrow one’s sth = borrow sth. from sb. 从某人那借(入)某物 (from:从…) I borrowed his bike. = I borrowed a bike from him. 我借了他的自行车。

2). lend vt. 借出(lent) lend sth. to sb. 把某物借(出)给某人 (to: 给…) --- Simon borrowed 100 dollars from me just now. Simon刚刚从我这借了100美元。 --- So you lent money to him again? 所以你就又把钱借给他了?

16. seem v. 似乎 1).seem to do 2).seem (to be) adj. 3).It seems/seemed that+从句.

前两种表达会和第三种表达同义句转换。转换到从句里的主语即是seem to do/seem (to be) adj. 的主语,从句的谓语是seem to do里的do或者seem (to be) adj.的系动词, 其余照写。 It seems that time goes faster. = Time _______________________________________. She seems (to be) unhappy. = _____________________________________________. 17. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人 18. learn/know much/a lot about 学习/了解很多关于… learn/know more about… 学习/了解更多关于… 19. offer vt. 主动提供,自愿给与

offer sth. offer to do sth. 主动做某事 offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物 20. hero n. 英雄 复数(pl.) heroes

以o 结尾的名词:有生命的, -es: heroes; mangoes(芒果); tomatoes(土豆); potatoes(西红柿) 无生命的, -s: pianos(钢琴); radios(收音机); videos(视频)…

21. end earlier than usual 比以往结束得早 as usual 像往常一样 than before 比之前 22. win v. 胜利 过去式: won 胜利者 winner

win the game 注意: 赢得比赛, 奖牌(medal/prize)等, 不可说赢得某人 23. an article by a boy from the USA 由来自美国的男孩写的文章 by prep. 由…创作

a song by Eason Chen 由陈奕迅创作的歌 24. 对比两者数量时,用比较级

more (原形many)+ [c]n.复数 + than more (原形much)+ [u]n. + than fewer (原形few)+ [c]n.复数 + than less (原形little)+ [u]n. + than (than后加主格/宾格/主谓 e.g. She is taller than I/ me/ I am.) Tips: 1) 当比较事物数量多少时,只比人不比物。 我的书比你的书多。 I have more books than you. 他的画比我的漂亮。His pictures are more beautiful than mine. (没有对比数量,物可做主语) 2) 用There be句型,对比地点

There are fewer apples and less coffee in her fridge than in Daniel’s.


她冰箱里的苹果和咖啡比Daniel冰箱里的少。(Daniel’s =Daniel’s fridge) 25. 对比三者或三者以上数量时,用最高级

the most (原形many)+ [c]n.复数 the most (原形much)+ [u]n. the fewest (原形few)+ [c]n.复数 the least (原形little)+ [u]n. 26. juice [u]n.果汁 orange [c]n.橘子 an orange [u]n.橘子汁 27. among the three of us= among us three 在我们三个当中 28. 写出下列副词的比较级和最高级

fast ____________ _______________ high ______________ _________________ late ____________ _______________ hard ______________ _________________ early ____________ _______________ quickly _____________ _________________ slowly ____________ _______________ well _____________ _________________ far ____________ _______________ badly ______________ _________________ politely ____________ ______________ easily ______________ _________________ 以-ly结尾的副词,比较级和最高级加 more和(the) most,除了______________ 29. come first (前不加冠词) in the race= get the first place in the race


30. adj.比较级与adv. 比较级之间的转换

It’s easier for you to answer the question.= You can answer the question ________ _______. adj.最高级与adv.最高级之间的转换

She works the hardest of us all.= She is the most hard-working of us all.

He is the slowest swimmer in his class.= He swims the most slowly in his class.

He runs the fastest among us four.= He is _______ _______ _______ among the four of us. 31. the number of +限定词+名词复数 v.用三单 ……的数量是…… a number of +名词复数 v.原 许多、大量……

There are more than 200 students in our school. (同义句)

_______ _______ ________ the students in our school _______ _______ 200. What’s the number of…? = How many…? ……的数量是……? 32. How long

1)对时间提问 注意回答:有花(take、spend)无for

2)对长度提问 ---How long is the river? ---It’s one thousand miles long. 33. exercise

1) [c]n. 两操(do morning/eye exercises)一练(练习do some exercises) 2) [u]n. 锻炼 (do some exercise)

3) v. 锻炼 exercise---_____________(动词三单) 多锻炼 do more ___________ = ___________ more

34. have …off 有多长时间的假期 have…off (for …) (某个假期)休了多长时间的假 have eight days off = have an eight-day holiday 我们今年将有11天假期。

We will have _______________________ off this year. We will have _______________________ holiday this year.

35. spend some time on sth./(in) doing sth. 花费时间做某事 (主语是人) spend----______________ (过去式) 我花了两小时做作业。

I __________ two hours __________ homework. I __________ two hours __________ homework.

36. 进行一次英语测验 have an English test = have a test on English


37. 学科首字母大写;e.g. Geography; Physics

语数外老师首字母大写,其他小写 e.g. a Maths teacher; a physics teacher 38. 每门学科进行一次月考 have a __________ (month) test on each subject 39. 快速浏览问题 look through the questions look through it 40. 一直做某事 keep doing sth. keep---__________ (过去式) 一直用英语写 keep __________ (write) _________ English 41. 理想的 adj. ideal 主意,想法 n. idea

我理想的学校 my ______________ (idea) school Do you have any ____________________ (idea)? 42. 几点放学/ 何时放学?

What time does your school finish? = When do you finish school? 放学 finish school finish sth./doing sth. 43. at lunchtime 在午餐时间 during lunchtime 在午餐期间 44. wear school uniform(s) 穿校服 系领带 wear ties 45. don’t need to/ don’t have to/ needn’t do没必要做某事 46. 一个小时的作业量 an hour of homework

一个半小时 one hour and a half= one and a half hours

有一个小时的午餐时间 have an hour for lunch= have an hour to have lunch 有许多课外活动的时间 have lots of time for after-school activities = have lots of time _______________ after-school activities 47. 非常小 quite small 副词quite修饰形容词small quite a small school 真得很有趣 _______________ (real) interesting 48. 选择科目学习 choose subjects to study choose--- ______________(过去式)

choose sb. as/ to to be 选择某人为…… choose to do 选择做某事 49. 上电脑课 have computer lessons

50. 足球场 a football field 游泳馆 a swimming pool 51. 对 every month; twice a week 的提问 用 ______________ 回答频率 never, once, twice, three times a day…… 52. have/ go on a school trip 进行一次学校旅行

53. have fun (doing sth.)= have a good time (doing sth.)=enjoy oneself (doing sth.)

玩得开心, 愉快地做某事

此短语中fun只能用 great/much 修饰 have great/much fun 54. any 任何一个 any other 任何其他一个

I think China is larger than ___________ country in Africa(非洲) and more beautiful than ______________ country in Asia(亚洲). 错题回顾:

1. If you go to ___________(Britain), you’ll find many ____________(Britain) buildings. 2. The meeting began at 3.00 a.m. and ____________(结束) at 5.30 p.m.

3. Sun Yang ________(赢得) six golden medals in the national games last week. 4. Iron Man and Captain America are both Spider-Man’s ____________(hero). 5. Linda is in Year _______(八) and her sister is in the __________(九) grade.

6. Helen was ___________(bad) ill yesterday. Today she gets even ___________(ill). 7. Of the two girls, she is the _________________(slim).

8. Sandy often writes ___________________(care) than Amy, so she often gets lower marks than Amy.

9. These baseballs are those ________________(foreign).