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Unit 1 School life 重点单词

【1】 experience n.经验,经历; v.经历,体验 指出下列句子中experience的词性和意义

①Only women with experience of office work can apply for the position. ________________

②The car accident was a terrible experience to him. ________________

③Have you experienced real hunger? ________________ ①n.经验 ②n.经历 ③v.体验,经历

by/from experience 通过经验

have much/a lot of /a little/no experience 有许多/有一点儿/没有经验 have experience in…有……方面的经验 have experience (doing) sth. 有(做)某事的经验

④Jumping out of ______ airplane at a height of 10,000 feet is quite ______ exciting experience. A. /; the B. /; an C. an; an

D. the; the

⑤The thoroughly ______ teacher,who has just retired from teaching,is said to ______ a lot of hardships during those unforgettable ten years. A. experiencing; experience B. experienced; experience C. experienced; have experienced D. experiencing; experiencing

④C 根据句意可知airplane和experience均表示泛指意义,而且experience表达“经历”之意是可数名词;airplane和exciting均以元音开头,其前使用不定冠词an。

⑤C 根据句意可知第一空是“有经验的老师”;时间状语是过去时间,所以第二空用完成时。

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【2】 attend vt. & vi. 参加,出席;照料,护理,服侍

The patient has three nurses attending (on/upon) him. 那位病人有3位护士看护。

Our plans were attended with great difficulties. 我们的计划遇到了很大的困难。

attention n. 注意,专心,留心,关注,立正姿势 Films with big stars always attract great attention. 有大明星演出的电影总是引起很多的关注。

attend a meeting / a lecture/a concert 出席会议/去听演讲/参加音乐会 attend school/church/assembly 上学/做礼拜/参加集会(注意零冠词的用法) attend, join, join in, take part in

(1) attend指参加会议、仪式、婚礼、葬礼、上课、上学、听报告等,是“出席,到场”的意思。 (2) join指加入某个团体或组织,成为其成员之一,如加入政党、团体、组织、俱乐部,还可以接表示人的名词或代词,指加入到这些人当中去参加某项活动。如:Come and join us! (3) join in意为“和某人一起做某事”,有时可以和take part in互换。join sb. in sth./doing sth. 加入到某人做某事的行列中去。

(4) take part in多指参加大型的群众性活动并在活动中发挥一定作用。take part in短语中part前若出现修饰语,则在修饰语前加不定冠词,如:take an active part in the sport。 He attended yesterday's meeting.

他出席了昨天的会议。(听而不一定主讲) He took part in yesterday's meeting. 他参加了昨天的会议。(出席并且参与组织) 用以上词语的适当形式填空

①After I was admitted to ________ the army,the officer asked me if I would ________ the lecture to be given by the general.

②Will you ________ us ________ buying a birthday present for her? ③You can never imagine ________ he takes in doing the experiment.

④He didn't ________ school yesterday because he had to ________ his sick mother. ①join; attend ②join; in

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③the part

④attend; attend (on/upon)

【3】 way n. 路,路线;方式,手段

We fought our way through the dense vegetation. 我们在茂密的植被中开出一条通路。 (1)后接动词作定语时用to do或of doing。 There are a lot of ways to make friends. 交朋友的方法很多。

Soon I got used to the American way of life. 很快我就习惯了美国的生活方式。

(2)后接从句作定语时用that或in which引导,在这种情况下也可省略该引导词。 You'd better change your way (that/in which) you speak to your parents. 你最好改变你对你父母亲讲话的方式。 by the way 顺便说,顺便问

by way of 经由;通过……方法 in the way 挡路 in no way 一点也不,决不

in a/one way 在某种程度上;稍微,有几分 give way 放弃,让步

lead the way 领路,引路;示范 make way 让路

make one's way前进,前行 out of the way 不再挡路,不再碍事 under way 已经开始,在进行中

on the way (to…) 在(去……的)路上,在进行中 the other way around 颠倒过来,相反,反过来 ①— I think he is taking an active part in social work. —I agree with you ______. A. in a way B. on the way C. by the way D. in the way

②He claimed that ______ would he give up the chance to compete with the top opponents.

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A. on the way B. in a way C. in no way D. in this way

①A 句意:——我认为他积极参与社会工作。——在某种程度上我同意你的说法。in a way意为“在某一程度上或在某一点上”。

②C 根据空格后的倒装可知需要用否定词,in no way表示“决不”。

【4】 respect vt. & n. 尊敬,尊重;考虑,重视; (pl.) 敬意;问候,[C]方面 请指出下列句子中respect的词性及意义。

①She respected her father's last wishes and burned all his photos. ________________ ②I respect your courage. ________________

③Give my respects to your wife.________________ ①v. 遵从,考虑 ②v. 敬佩 ③n. 问候

have / show respect for sb. 尊重某人 give / send one's respects to sb. 向某人问候 in all/some/many respects 在各个/某些/许多方面 with respect to 至于,关于,就……而言 in no respect 完全的,毫不…… in respect of 关于,就……而言

④The students ________________________ their history teacher. 学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。 ⑤We ________________________ the old. 我们应尊敬长者。

⑥The two persons are similar ________________ income and status. 这两个人在收入和地位方面是相似的。 ④have great respect for

⑤should show respect for ⑥with respect to

【5】 achieve vt. 取得(胜利、成功等),实现(目标、目的等)

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reach/achieve/meet one's goal / ambition / purpose 实现某人的目标/抱负/达到目的 He hoped to achieve his goal by peaceful means. 他希望用和平方式实现自己的目标。

achievement n. [C]成就;[U] 达到,实现,成功 a sense of achievement 成就感

make / come to / arrive at / reach an achievement 取得成就

①Compared to his parents' expectation,what he ______ is ______ little. has achieved; far too

B. achieved; far too D. achieved; far from

C. has achieved; far from

②Lucy has ______ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.

A. acquired B. finished C. concluded D. achieved ③She finally ______________________ to visit South America. 她终于实现了去南美洲旅游的梦想。

④I got ________________________ when reaching the Great Wall. 当我到达长城时,我有一种成就感。

①A 根据题干中的时态判断第一空应用完成时;far too little指相差甚远,far from little虽然语法上正确,但意思不符合本句句意。

②D 本题考查词义辨析。achieve the goals 实现目标;acquire 取得,获得;conclude 结束,下结论。

③achieved her ambition ④a sense of achievement

【6】 challenging adj. 具有挑战性的,激励的 He is a person who likes challenging tasks. 他是一个喜欢挑战性任务的人。 challenge n. & vt. 挑战,激励

Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious challenges we face. 环境的破坏是我们所面临的最严峻的挑战之一。

①I don't care about the good salary offered by the company. What I need is a(n) ______ position. A. creating B. awarding

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C. challenging D. competing

②The role will be ____________________ his acting career. 这个角色将是他演艺生涯中最大的挑战。 ③Teaching is a ____________ and rewarding job. 教书是一个富有挑战性且有意义的工作。

①C 本题考查形容词意义的区别。题意:我不在乎公司所提供的高薪。我需要的是一份挑战性的工作。challenging意为“富有挑战性的”,符合题意,其他几项均不合题意。 ②the biggest challenge of ③challenging

【7】 spend vt. & vi. (spent, spent) 花费(钱、时间等);度过 He spent more than one year (in) writing a short play. 他花了一年多时间写了一个短剧。 He spent more than one year on a short play. 他在一个短剧上花了一年多时间。(不强调写完) cost, take, pay, spend

(1)cost指花费时间、金钱,付出……代价,主语须为物,或形式主语it。 It cost me 20 dollars to buy the trousers. 买这条裤子花了我20美元。

(2)take指花费时间,主语多为物或用it作形式主语。 It took three hours to fix the washing machine. 修理那台洗衣机花了3个小时。 The work took/cost ten hours. 这项工作花费了10个小时。

(3)pay指某人花多少钱购买某物,其结构为pay…for… I paid 300 yuan for the new bicycle. 我花了300元买了那辆新自行车。 pay sb. to do sth. 出钱请某人做某事 I paid her to take care of my daughter. 我花钱请她照看我的女儿。

(4)spend指花费时间或金钱,须以人作主语,不接“to do”。

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She spent much time chatting with her penfriend. 她花了许多时间与笔友交谈。 He spends a lot of money on the new car. 他花了许多钱在那辆新车上。

①It ____________ to finish the composition. 花了我两小时完成这篇作文。

②The foolish boy ______________ yesterday. 这个傻男孩昨天花完了所有的钱。 ③I went and __________________. 我去付了房钱。

④The project lasted 4 years and ___________________________. 这个项目持续4年,耗资10亿美元。

①took/cost me two hours ②spent all his money ③paid for the room ④cost one billion US dollars

【8】 prepare vt. 准备,预备;调制;配制

Preparing herbal medicines requires a lot of skills and knowledge about different kinds of herbs. 配制草药需要很多技能和有关各种不同药草的知识。 prepare sth. 准备,宾语必须是这一动作的直接承受者。 Mother was preparing supper when someone knocked at the door. 妈妈正在准备晚饭,这时突然有人敲门。

prepare for 为……做准备,for的宾语不是这一动作的直接承受者,而是表示准备的目的,即所要应付的情况。

Will you please help me prepare for the party? 你能不能帮我为聚会做准备? prepare to do sth. 准备做某事

prepare sb. for sth. (= prepare sb. to do sth.) 让某人为某事做准备 preparation n. 准备,预备

make preparations for 为……做准备(注意复数形式) in preparation 在准备中

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in preparation for 做……的准备,为……做准备 get ready for 做好……准备

get sb./sth. ready for 使某人为……做好准备/为……准备好…… ①______________________ your interview? 你做好面试的准备了吗?

②Are the players mentally and physically ________________ a tough game? 运动员们是否已经在思想上和体能上对这场艰苦的比赛做好了准备? ③They've sold their house and car ____________________ leaving the country. 他们卖掉了房子和汽车准备出国。 ①Have you prepared for ②prepared to play ③in preparation for

【9】drop vt. 放弃;投递;掉下;落下,n.滴 Medical supplies are being dropped into the stricken area. 正在向灾区空投医药用品。

The police decided to drop the charges against her. 警方决定撤回对她的指控。

Mix a few drops of milk into the cake mixture. 在蛋糕混合料中滴几滴牛奶。 drop behind 落后

drop by 顺便访问;中途做短暂访问

drop out 不参加;(从比赛、俱乐部或学校)退出 drop in on sb./at sp. 顺便拜访(某人/某地方) drop sb. down 让某人下车

drop me a note/line 给我写了张便条/短信 ①____________________ when you are free. 当你有空的时候请来串门。 ②He has ____________________. 他已经戒烟了。

③____________________ when you miss me. 当你想我的时候给我写信。

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④John had to ______ out of middle school at the age of 14 due to lack of money. A. leave B. drop C. fall D. go ①Please drop in (on me) ②dropped smoking ③Drop me a line

④B drop out of school表示“辍学”。

【10】 miss vt. 失去,错过,缺 n.小姐,女士 miss the chance / opportunity 错过机会/时机 miss doing sth. (通常不跟不定式)

You can't afford to miss meals when you're in training. 你在接受训练,可不能不吃饭呀。

She threw a plate at him and only narrowly missed. 她朝他甩了一个盘子,差一点打中他。 It is an opportunity not to be missed. 机不可失,时不再来。 Will that be all, Miss? 就这些吗?小姐?

①The little bird missed ______ and flew away. A. shooting B. being shot C. to shoot D. to be shot ②— What do you think of the movie?

— It's fantastic. The only pity is that I ______ the beginning of it. (2009浙江) A. missed B. had missed C. miss D. would miss

①B miss后接名词或动名词,且bird与shoot为动宾关系。该句意为:这只小鸟没被打中,飞走了。

②A 考查动词时态。从创设的语境来看电影已看完。从句意“唯一遗憾的是错过了开头”可知,说话者在陈述过去的事实,构成现在和过去的对比。 【11】 donate vt. 捐赠,捐献 donate sth. to…将某物捐给……

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The singer donated most of his income to the disabled. 那位歌手将他的大部分收入捐给了残疾人。

【注意】 donate虽然是及物动词,但不能接双宾语,常与介词to搭配。类似用法的词语还有:introduce sb. to sb., explain sth. to sb.。

After the big earthquake in Taiwan, people in the Chinese mainland begin to ______ their clothes, food and money to the disaster areas. A. buy

B. bring

D. sell

C. donate


【12】 please v. 请,使人高兴,使人满意 Our main aim is to please the customers. 我们的宗旨是让顾客满意。 please oneself 随心所欲 pleased adj. 高兴的

be pleased with/to do sth. 对(做)某事感到满意 pleasant adj. 令人愉快的 pleasure n. 高兴,愉快 ①你无法让每个人都满意。 _____________________________ ②她对考试成绩非常满意。 _____________________________ ③很高兴认识你。

_____________________________ ④— Shall I stay here for another day? — ______. A. If you please B. As you please C. With pleasure D. It's my pleasure

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①You can't please everybody.

②She was very pleased with her exam results. ③It's a pleasure to meet you.

④B 句意为“我可以还在这儿呆一天吗?”A项常用于客气的请求,意为“如果你愿意”;B项意为“请自便”;C项意为“非常愿意”,表示愉快地接受别人让自己做的事;D项意为“不客气”。 【13】 require vt. 需要,要求 require sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事

True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty. 真正的婚姻有赖于我们表现出信任和忠诚。 require doing = require to be done需要被做 Lentils do not require soaking before cooking. 小扁豆在烹饪前不必浸泡。 require that 从句(从句用虚拟语气) (1)requirement n. 要求,条件,规则

meet / satisfy / fulfill the requirements 符合/满足要求 What is the minimum entrance requirement for this course? 这门课程的基本入学条件是什么?

(2)表示要求的动词还有很多,如:request, demand, desire, ask等,它们后面接that宾语从句时都要用虚拟语气。即动词形式为: (should)+动词原形。其中demand语气最为强烈。 She requested that no one be told of her decision until the next meeting. 她要求下次开会前不要向任何人透露她的决定。

①Bringing up children often ________________________ their needs first. 抚养孩子常常需要你把他们的需求放在第一位。 ②The rules __________________ only one guest to the party. 按规定,能带一位客人来赴宴。

③She demanded ______ the books he borrowed from her. A. to return B. he return C. returning D. of returning ①requires you to put ②require that you bring

③B demand后接宾语从句时,用虚拟语气形式:(should) + 动词原形。若选C项,则还书

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的对象为she,与句意矛盾。 【1】 at ease 不拘束,放松 I never feel completely at ease with him. 我跟他在一起总感到不是很自在。 stand at ease 稍息

put sb. at (their) ease 使舒服,使自在,使不受拘束 护士们尽最大努力使病人放松。

________________________________________________________________________ Nurses do their best to make patients feel at ease.

【2】 for free 免费地,相当于free of charge, without payment We will install your washing machine for free. 我们将会为您免费安装洗衣机。

free adj. 自由的;空闲的;不收费的 adv. 免费地 free from…不受……影响的 make/set sb. free 释放某人

①Delivery is ________________ if goods are paid for in advance. 如预付货款就可以免费送货。

②The old couple lived in a remote village ____________ wars and conflicts. 这对老夫妇住在偏僻的村子里,不受战争和冲突的影响。 ①free of charge/free ②free from

【3】 pay attention to 注意;重视(to为介词) You should pay more attention to your pronunciation. 你应该多注意你的发音。

(1) draw / catch / attract / get one's attention 引起某人的注意 hold / focus / fix one‘s attention on / upon 集中注意力于,专心于 (2) “动词+介词to”构成的常用短语: look forward to 盼望 turn to 求助于 stick to 坚持

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get down to 开始认真做…… object to 反对

see to 处理,料理,负责 lead to 通向,导致 refer to 提到,参考,涉及 belong to 属于

devote to 献身于……,致力于…… be limited to 限制在,局限于 be addicted to 沉溺于,对……上瘾的 be used to 习惯于

be accustomed to 习惯于,适应于

①The children's attention was suddenly ______ the passer-by who had a funny hat on and ______ strange clothes.

A. drawing to; wearing B. drawn to; wore C. drawn; wearing

D. drawing; wore

②Pay attention to ______ everything ready before dark. A. get B. make C. making D. getting

①B 题意表示“孩子们的注意力突然被吸引到那个过路人身上”,可用draw one's attention to sb.结构。句子中who引导的定语从句含有had和wore两个并列的谓语动词,都需用过去时,因此答案选B。

②D pay attention to中的to是介词,后面通常接名词或动名词;get sth. ready 把……准备好。 【4】辨析regret doing, regret to do

(1) regret doing sth./having done sth. 后悔做了某事;动名词的动作发生在regret动作之前。 I regret not giving him any advice. 我后悔没给他提出任何忠告。

(2) regret to do 对要做的事感到遗憾,常用动词tell, say, inform等。动词不定式的动作发生在regret的动作之后。

I regret to say that I cannot help you. 很抱歉我不能帮你的忙。

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类似的动词还有:remember; forget to one's regret 使某人遗憾的是 with regret 非常懊恼地

It is regretted that… 使人遗憾的是……,真可惜…… 用所给词的适当形式填空 ①— Have you told Li Ping about it?

— Yes, but I regret ____________ (do) such a thing.

②I regret ____________ (inform) you that you hasn't passed the exam. ③— Robert is indeed a wise man.

— Oh,yes.How often I have regretted ________ (not take) his advice! ①doing/having done ②to inform ③not taking

【1】 What is your dream school life like? 你理想的学校生活是什么样的?

What is…like?此句型常用来询问对方有关人或事物的评价,回答时常用描述性语言。like为介词,what是其宾语。 What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? What's he like? 他是个什么样的人?

(1)What is sb. like? 既可以用于询问某人的长相,又可以询问某人的性格、品质等。 (2)What does sb. look like? 仅用于询问某人的长相如何,like为介词。

(3)What does sb. like? 用于询问某人喜欢什么。其中like为动词,what是其宾语。

(4)What do you think of…?/How do you like…? 你认为……怎么样?常用来询问某人对某事的看法或感觉。

—What's your cousin like? — ______. A. He's working hard B. He's tall and kind-hearted

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C. He plays football well D. He's like his father

B 句意:你的表哥是什么样的人?此处是对长相和品行提问。

【2】 Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.


Going to a British high school for one year是动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数。 Reading aloud in the reading room is a bad habit. 在阅览室里大声朗读是一种不好的习惯。


It is/was a waste of time + v.-ing 做……是浪费。 It is/was no good/use + v.-ing 做……没好处/没用。 It is/was worthwhile + v.-ing 做……是值得的。 It is/was no good/use crying over spilt milk. 牛奶洒了哭也没用。(覆水难收。)

It's a waste of time persuading such a person to join us. 劝说这样的人加入到我们中间来真是浪费时间。

Jason is never willing to accept others' opinion. It's no use ______ with him. A. to argue C. argued B

【3】 I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English.


(1) what引导名词性从句,在句中作get的宾语。此外,what从句也可作主语、表语等。 What he said is true. 他说的是真的。 This is what I've seen.

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B. arguing D. having argued

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这就是我所看到的。 what 与that

两者都可引导名词性从句,但what引导名词性从句时,可在从句中充当句子成分,作主语、宾语、表语等。而that引导名词性从句时在从句中不充当句子成分。 He said that he was happy with his life.(宾语从句) 他说他对生活很满意。

The fact is that no one likes her.(表语从句) 事实是谁也不喜欢她。

What she said made me pleased.(主语从句) 她说的话让我感到很惬意。

①When asked ______ they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved. A. what C. whom

B. why

D. which

②The fact has worried many scientists ______ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years. A. what C. that

B. which

D. though

①A 句意:当被问到他们最需要什么时,孩子们说他们想要感觉受到重视和关爱。考查宾语从句。由句子结构可知,此处是一个宾语从句,且句子中缺少need的宾语,因此用表示肯定意义的what。

②C 句意:近年来全球气候不断变暖,这一事实使得很多科学家感到担忧。考查同位语从句。该从句结构完整,故选that。

(2)as heavy as 是原级比较,第一个as可换成so,后接形容词或副词原级。 英语中常见的倍数表达法:

倍数+as+adj./adv.原级+as+比较对象 倍数+比较级+than+比较对象

倍数+the size/height/length/weight/width/depth of +比较对象

After the new technique was introduced the factory produced ______ cars in 2010 as the year before.

A. as twice many

B. as many twice

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C. twice as many C

D. twice as

【4】 Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China. 他一完成学业,便开始了中国之旅。

upon/on+ n./doing表示“一……就……”;在句中作时间状语。 On hearing the good news, he jumped with joy. 一听到这个好消息,他就高兴得跳起来。 Upon her arrival at home, my mother started cooking. 妈妈一到家就开始做饭。

表示“一……就……”的表达方式还有: as soon as…

immediately/directly/instantly… the moment/minute/instant… no sooner…than… hardly/scarcely…when…

Immediately she'd gone, I remembered her name. 她刚走开我就想起了她的名字。 I went home directly I had finished work. 我一干完活就回家了。

I recognized her the instant I saw her. 我一眼就认出她了。

No sooner had she said it than she burst into tears. 她刚一说完,泪水便夺眶而出。

We had hardly sat down to supper when the phone rang. 我们刚坐下用晚餐,电话就响了。

Scarcely had the game started when it began to rain. 比赛才开始就下起雨来了。

______ the airport, he was arrested by the police. A. As soon as arriving B. Upon he arrived

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C. On arriving D. Upon arrival at

D upon+n./doing表“一……就……”,相当于一个由as soon as引导的时间状语从句。 A项后应接从句, C项后应加at。


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