新视野大学英语第三版B4U6教案 下载本文


7)Why did the women in the author’s college see him as an enemy? (Para. 8)IUaRN。 They were the daughters of privileged, Republican men and they wanted to inherit their fathers’ power and lordship over the world. They longed for a say over their future. And because of the author’s sex, as destined from birth to become like their fathers, so they see him as an enemy.bzzwn。 8)What kind of role the author wanted to play? (Para. 8)dFxnV。 Tips: The author thinks that the miserable life of the lower class people is similar to the gender inequality that women suffer from. He supports the fight against social inequality, no matter whether it is related to class or gender.Eef5q。

Structure Analysis: Introduction:

Men labored all day and had little free time. (Para. 1)kjBOW。 The bodies of men were twisted and wounded because of hard work. (Para. 2)ZlFDl。 Men were soldiers who had to die in war. (Para. 3)

The lives of rich men who had power and privileges seemed remote and unreal. (Para. 4)ubxWR。 Major arguments and supporting details

Women’s criticism of men was puzzling because men in reality had to work hard to support their household.(Para. 5)UnmZt。 Women’s grievances were hard to understand because women had an easier life than men. (Para. 6)6Kxfd。 The fates of lower-class men and women are equally bleak and grim. (Para. 7)GsIBC。 Conclusion:

Women have grievances about gender inequality because they don’t know the hard life of working-class men. (Para.8)qnTiV。 2. Language Focus: Useful expressions: 1)Off (the ) grid

Not connected to public utilities and having your own power and water supply.

VpMRX。 远离公共设施的,自给自足的

我们住在那里远离水电,生活全靠自己。 We lived there off the grid and on our own.

2)There are time when …… sometimes 有时候 有时候我觉得很懒,只想整天呆在床上。

There are times when I feel lazy and just want to stay in bed all day.qIU2d。 3)No more … than… 意为“不能… , 就像不能…一样”。 这个句型表示两件事情都无法做或都不具有某一特征。通常后面的事更明显或更易懂,所以将两件事进行类比,以解释为何第一件事是不可能的或不具有所说的特征。oMzCe。 他无法忘却那段历史,就像他不会忘记自己的名字一样。

He could no more forget about the experience than he could forget his own


name.3Pc0I。 4)No doubt, had sb. taken a more … (adj.) look/view at sth., sb. would have done sth. else.OGlzc。 某人对某事的反思 毋庸置疑,如果人类用更具前瞻性的方式审视对大自然的开采,他们就不会遭受资源短缺了。

No doubt, had human beings taken a more prospective view at the exploitation of the nature, they would have never suffered from resources shortage.u3VG9。 5)Have a say on /over sth: have the right or opportunity to give your opinionQUxV6。 她们唯一想要的就是对自己的财产有发言权。

The only thing they want is to have a say over their own property.OsAPJ。

Essay writing: Learn how to support an argument with personal experiences and observations:

FPr88。 In writing an argumentative essay, the author needs to provide specific details to support his opinion. Personal experiences and observations are a common type of evidence to support an argument. They often involve the author’s own impressions about or memories of a person, thing, place, or situation. 34WfV。 Topic:

A better method to overcome pronunciation problems Introduction:

? Introduce the background: A common method to overcome a pronunciation problem is to practice reading out the same sound or word over and over.GLcgd。 ? State the thesis: A better method to learn English pronunciation is to train the ear rather than the mouth. Bipjn。 Body:

Explain the main idea with a personal learning experience with the vowels in “shoot” and “short”. uEDSO。 Conclusion:

Restate that the new method is successful.

Sample essay:

As English learners, many of us have encountered difficulties in learning to pronounce certain English sounds correctly. The method we commonly use to overcome the problem is to practice reading out the same sound or word over and over. However, mere repetition is not an effective method since the core of the problem may lie in our poor ability to hear the differences between certain sounds. Hence, to some of us, a better method to learn English pronunciation is to train the ear rather than the mouth. h6886。 You will better understand what I mean once you know what I once went through years ago. When I first started to learn English back in middle school, I had a hard time distinguishing between the vowel in “shoot” and that in “short”. I had thought my mouth and tongue were set in the wrong way, which made me unable to


accurately articulate the two sounds. So I spent lots of time reading out the two sounds and words containing them. To my frustration, I made little progress. m4iUj。 It was not until I was in college that I realized the real cause of my incorrect pronunciation was not how I set my mouth and tongue, but rather my poor ability to hear the differences between the two sounds. I found out this when I watched an English movie. A character in the movie said “shoot”, but I heard “short”. Then it suddenly occurred to me that I couldn’t even tell the difference between the two vowels by ear. NFEVb。 This discovery gave me a new idea about how to overcome my problem. I listened to the pronunciation of “shoot” and “short” on audio (录音的) tapes carefully until I could hear their difference. Then I practiced reading out the two words by somewhat exaggerating the movement of my mouth. Weeks later, I succeeded in pronouncing the two sounds correctly. From then on, whenever my friends or classmates say they have difficulties with a certain sound, I will tell them what I did with the vowels in “shoot” and “short”. This “ear-training” method proves to be much better than just practicing reading out sounds or words. Cnobn。 Task: essay writing:

Topic: Life as a single child Introduction: ? Introduce the background. ? State the thesis. Body: Support the main idea with personal experiences. ? The way parents and grandparents treated me ? My feelings of growing up as a single child in the family Conclusion: Restate the thesis. Part III Reflection

Critical Thinking:

1Do you think the men and women you knew when growing up had equal rights? Why do you think so? titty。 ? Yes, I think so. My parents worked in a big state-owned factory, where both men


and women worked at similar positions and earned more or less the same amount of money.do2v2。 ? No, I do not think so. I grew up in the countryside, where even today men are dominant in the family. In those days, men had greater power in deciding the important things, whereas women generally followed what their husband says. hbGyb。 2. Is a woman’s economic status related to her status at home? Why or why not?

KeiQr。 Yes, a woman’s economic status is certainly related to her family status. If she earns the same or even a greater amount of money as her husband, she can have great power in making decisions on family issues.imVKa。 No, a woman’s economic status has nothing to do with how much power and responsibilities she has at home. Husband and wife should share in housework and decision-making regardless of who earns more money to support the family.T1TGa。 3. What do you consider as the most important elements of gender equality? QF2lX。 One is mutual respect between the two sexes. This means that men and women should value each other’s choices and opinions in daily life. RcrEn。 The second is equal rights to participate in the society. In particular, men and women should have the same opportunities to receive education, to have a job outside the home, and to have voices heard in politics. Rf3Hh。 Finally, there should be laws or regulations to guard against gender discrimination. In this way, gender equality can be ensured through legal resources.7MAGC。

Part IV Assignment

1. Oral reproduction Debate:

Men or Women Carry More Weight in Life 2.Homework

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