自考英语二 Unit1 Text A Critical Reading - 图文 下载本文

or not(是否) the assumption is valid(合理的).



⑥ Evaluate the sources(来源) the author uses. In doing this, be certain that(确信) the sources are credible. For example, Einstein is a credible(可信的) source if the author is writing about landmark

achievements(成就) in physics. Also be certain that the sources are relevant.(相关的) Einstein is not a relevant source when the subject is poetry.(承上句) Finally(最后) if the author is writing about a subject in its current (当前的)state, be sure that the sources are current(启

下句). For example, studies done by Einstein in the early 20th century may not be appropriate(合适的) if the writer is discussing(讨论) the current state of knowledge in physics.
