新视野大学英语第二册Unit3单词 下载本文

<31> son-in-law

n. 女婿

His son-in-law is a rich banker. |他女婿是个有钱的银行家。

She welcomed her new son-in-law into the family with a warm handshake. |她和新女婿热情握手,欢迎他进入她家。


a. 体贴的

a warm and caring man| 热心助人者 a caring attitude |乐于助人的态度


n. 迹象

There are indications that the situation may be improving. |有迹象表明,形势可能会好转。

There is every indication of a change in the weather. |种种迹象都表明天气会变化。


vt. 证实;证明;确定

The announcements confirmed that the election would take place on June

20. |公告证实选举将于6月20日举行。

Everything you have just said confirms the view that nobody can be trusted. |你刚才所说的一切证实了一个观点:谁都不能信任。 v. 确认

a note asking us to confirm when we would be arriving |要求我们确定何时抵达的便条

I'd like to confirm a reservation for a double room on the first of July. |我预订了7月1日一间双人房,想确认一下。


n. 公民身份;公民权利

What is your citizenship? |你的国籍是什么?

He wasn't sure if his citizenship could be revoked. |他不能肯定自己的公民身份是否会被取消。


vt. |怀疑

Most people don't, I suspect, realize this. |我怀疑大部分人没有意识到这一点。

He couldn't have suspected that she was lying to him. |他根本不会想到她对他说的都是谎言。 n. |嫌疑犯

The police have caught two suspects in connection with the bank robbery. |警方逮捕了两名涉嫌银行抢劫案的嫌疑犯。

Last week police finally had a suspect for the murder. |上星期警方终于查出那起谋杀案的一名嫌疑犯。


a. 严厉的;苛刻的

His behavior met harsh criticism from his family. |他的行为遭到了家人的严厉批评。

That is a very harsh punishment to give a young child. |那样惩罚一个幼儿很残忍。 2. 刺耳的

The noise is too harsh to the ear. |那种噪声十分刺耳。

I cannot imagine how she became a broadcaster with her harsh voice. |她的声音那么刺耳,真难想象她是怎么当上播音员的。


vi. 犹豫;踌躇;迟疑

|He hesitated before he spoke, as if he wasn't sure how his words would be received. |他在开口前犹豫了一会,好像不确定人们对他的话会有什么样的反应。

He who hesitates is lost. |当断不断,必受其患。


vt. 取消

The match had to be canceled because of bad weather. |因为天气不好比赛只好取消。

British Airways is canceling flights to Poland. |英国航空公司取消了飞往波兰的航班。


vi. 继续进行

|Having said how much she liked it, she then proceeded to make critical comments about the way I'd done it. |她说她很喜欢我做的这件事,可接着就批评起我做这件事的方式来。

Let's proceed to the next question. |现在讨论下一个问题。


v.引用; 引述

She worked, to quote her daughter, \用她女儿的话讲,她工作起来“好像没有明天似的”。

He's always quoting from the Bible. |他总是引用《圣经》里的话。 n. 引语,引文