21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第二册听力答案及原文 下载本文

5. M: I’ll tell you what. I’ve left that job for good. It was so boring. W: Oh, have you? Do you think you can stay in your present job for


Q: What does the woman mean?

A) She’ll take the job for the time being.

B) She accepted the job in time. C) She’ll never leave the job. D) She’s left the job forever.

6. Directions: Listen to the following five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers. 1. W: Hi, Jack. How’re you doing? M: Oh, it’s been a long day! Q: What does the man mean?

A) The daylight hours are long.

B) He has had a nice day.

C) He’s tired. D) He’s sick.

2. M: Would you like to have a piece of cake? W: No, thanks. I’m on a diet. Q: What does the woman mean? A) She wants to lose weight.

B) She does not like cakes.

C) She’s going to drive. D) She’s afraid to diet.

3. M: The deadline for computer registration is tomorrow. W: But I haven’t decided which courses to take yet. Q: What are they talking about? A) Registering for classes.

B) Buying a computer.

C) Getting directions. D) Buying books.

4. M: Dr. Smith, could you let me audit your class?

W: Let me see, I’ll have to check the class enrollment list first. Q: What does the woman mean?

A) She has to ask for permission.

B) She thinks it will be fine.

C) She says it is impossible. D) She doesn’t know yet.

5. W: I don’t think the job has to be done perfectly.

M: Maybe not, but it’s important that you do your best. Q: What does the man mean?

A) One should write down anything important.

B) It’s difficult to write correctly.

C) Nobody can be perfect. D) Do as well as you can.

6. Directions: Listen to the following short story twice. Listen carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the story you have just heard.

software 软件

awkward 棘手的

airliner 大型客机 programmer 程序设计员 disembark 下飞机

ensuing 接着发生的 motionless 不动的

taxi (飞机)滑行 let alone 更不用说

At a recent computer software engineering course, the participants were given an awkward question to answer:

“If you had just boarded an airliner and discovered that your team of programmers had been responsible for the flight control software, how many of you would disembark immediately?”

Among the ensuing forest of raised hands only one man sat motionless. When asked what he would do, he replied that he would be quite content to stay aboard.

With his team’s software, he said, the plane was unlikely to even taxi as far as the runway, let alone take off.

F 1. The story took place in an airliner.

F 2. The team of programmers designed the flight control software. _ T 3. Asked if they would stay aboard, the programmers did not even

trust themselves and said they would disembark immediately.

T 4. Only one of the programmers said he would be comfortable

staying on board.

T 5. The only programmer left was confident that the airliner

would not even take off.

8. Directions: Listen to the following talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk is given twice. We’ve all heard the classic adage (格言), “Is the glass half empty or half full?” but we may not realize the true power of seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. It can have a far-reaching (深远的) influence on everything from our day-to-day lives and selections of mates (配偶), to our career choices and long-term successes.

Optimists think in color. They are open-minded to new ideas and situations and enjoy the thoughts and opinions of others. Optimists realize that change is a good and necessary thing. They usually maintain (保持) an attitude of adaptability (适应) and take criticism with a grain of salt (有保留地). They always, however, appreciate good feedback (反馈) and constantly look to bettering themselves. Learning optimism makes life more enjoyable.

(115 words)

9. Directions: Listen to the talk again and then answer the following questions orally. 1. What is the classic adage relevant to the talk? Is the glass half empty or half full?

2. What is the power of seeing the world through rose-colored glasses? It can have a far-reaching influence on everything from our day-to-day lives and selections of mates, to our career choices and long-term successes.

3. What is optimists’ thinking style?

They think in color. They are open-minded to new ideas and situations and enjoy the thoughts and opinions of others. 4. What do optimists think of change?

They think that change is a good and necessary thing. 5. How do they react to feedback and take criticism? They appreciate good feedback and take criticism with a grain of salt.

10. Directions: Explore an answer to the question given below.

Why do people like optimists more than they do pessimists (悲观者)?