21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第二册听力答案及原文 下载本文

Ⅳ. Class Presentation

Listening & Speaking

The Language for Expressing Determination and Optimism

1). Directions: You are going to listen to an instructor talking about expressing determination and optimism. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Instructor: Are you a determined person? Are you optimistic (乐观的)

about what you have decided to do?

Your determination and optimism tend to go hand in hand.

Determination is a driving force. You have to make a decision to do everything. Nothing can be accomplished without a firm belief. Your determination usually reflects a certain degree of optimism. Your optimism will increase your resilience (活力), maintain hope and improve your chances of a successful or acceptable outcome. In this way your optimism reinforces (增强) your determination.

Pick up the following sentences to express your determination:

— I’ve made up my mind. — I’m quite decided.

— I’ve made a decision to move to Shanghai.

— It’s my decision to do it right now. — I’ve decided to find a part time job. — I’ve set my mind on taking TOEFL.

— I’ve made up my mind not to change my plan.

— I don’t think anybody can keep me from going abroad for further studies.

— Nothing can stop me from achieving my goal.

Pick up the following sentences to express your optimism:

— I have no doubt of my success. — I’m sure we’ll win.

— We’re bound to (一定会) make a success of the plan. — I’m confident (that) everything will be fine. — I’m very optimistic about the results. — I’ve every confidence in my promotion. — Things’ll work out OK.

2. Now come up with a particular subject on which you voice your opinion or attitude, and expect others to ask for clarification about something that might be unclear to them. Try to use the language you have just learned in Exercise 1.

Making a Decision and Expressing Optimism


1) Directions: Before you listen to the first conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.

crazy 疯狂的;发疯的 out of the question 不可能的 aptitude 天资,才能

Directions: Listen to the following conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing Words.

Li Ming: What did you say? Did you say you would study Japanese as your second foreign language?

Wang Ying: Yeah. Anything wrong?

Li Ming: Are you crazy? That’s out of the question! How can you

manage two foreign languages at the same time? How about other courses?

Wang Ying: Well, I’m quite decided. I don’t think anybody can keep

me from learning Japanese.

Li Ming: I know you’re a fast learner. But your schedule of courses

will get tougher. You need a chance to smell the flowers. I mean you still need to relax sometimes.

Wang Ying: I know what you mean. But don’t you see this

rapid-changing society? I would say the more languages you can speak the more chances you’ll have in the job market. Right?

Li Ming: I get your point. But….

Wang Ying: Don’t worry. I’m very optimistic about my language

aptitude. Speaking of languages how’s your English learning?

Li Ming: Well, I’m working hard on it. Wang Ying: Good.

Directions: Now listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions. 1. What has Wang Ying decided to do?

She’s decided to study Japanese as her second foreign language. 2. What does Li Ming think of her decision?

It’s impossible to manage two foreign languages at the same time. 3. What does he ask her to do?

He asks her not to work so hard. 4. How is Wang Ying’s determination?

It’s so strong that nobody can change her mind.

5. Is she confident about her decision? Why or why not?

Yes. Because she has realized the importance of speaking more languages in this rapid changing society.

2) Directions: Before you listen to the second conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.

have one’ heart set on sth. 决心做某事

admit 承认

one way or another 无论如何;用某种方法

Directions: Listen to the conversation twice, and then complete the passage according to the conversation you have just heard.

Shelley is blind. But she has set her mind on taking college classes. She’s dreamed of going to college ever since she was a little girl. Her blindness has never stopped her from going to college. Shelley says that she will give it a try no matter how hard it is. Nothing can stop her from achieving her goal. Her determination and optimism will certainly help her make a success of her future career.

Directions: Listen to the conversation again, and complete the form as the speaker recounts it. After that, act it out in class. Michael: Shelley, isn’t it hard for you to take college classes? Shelley: Why? Because I’m blind? Michael, I’ve had my heart set on getting a college degree ever since I was a little girl. My blindness has never stopped me from going to college.

Michael: But you surely admit it must be tough.

Shelley: Sure it is. But I’ve made a decision to give it a try no matter how hard it is. You know, I’ve always dreamed of going to college on way or another. Nothing can stop me from achieving my goal.

Michael: I really appreciate your determination. Shelley: Thanks. I’m sure I’ll make it. I’ve no doubt of my success. I don’t think you’d be any different.

Michael: Of course not. We’re bound to make a success of our future


Shelley: You bet. Nothing is impossible for a determined mind. Michael: Well said.

4. Directions: Tell your class what you have decided to be upon graduation. Express optimism about your determination. Try to use the language you just picked up in Exercise 1 in justifying your determination and optimism.

Listening Practice

5. Directions: Listen to the following people talking in order to learn new time expressions. 1. M: I’m not so sure that I want a car. It’s really a problem finding

a place to park-day in and day out.

W: That’s for sure.

Q : What does the man mean?

A) Sometimes it is hard to find a place to park.

B) It is always difficult to find a place to park.

C) It is easy for the man to park at the correct time.

D) Never is it a problem for the man to find a place to park.

2. W: Li, you’re late again for class. This is the third time this week. M: Miss, you must have mistaken me for somebody else. I’m only late

for class once in a while.

Q: What does the man mean?

A) This is his first time to be late for class.

B) He’s been late for class only once. C) He’s late for class sometimes. D) He’s never late for class.

3. W: Our vacation is just around the corner. Are you doing anything


M: Nothing in particular. What are you planning to do? Q: When is the vacation coming? A) It’ll come eventually.

B) It’s coming on time. C) It’s coming soon. D) It’s already come.

4. W: Stop eating junk food like that. Just imagine what junk food is

doing to your heart and arteries! It will make you sick in the long run.

M: Oh, yeah? Mm… I’ll take your advice. Q: What does the woman say about junk food?

A) It can sometimes be harmful to the health.

B) It will eventually make the man sick. C) It will kill the man right away. D) It is safe for a short time.