施工组织设计(中英文对照) 下载本文保温层施工The Insulation work:1、找平层上涂隔气层后,即可铺贴保温层,保温层的基层应平整,干燥和洁净。On the surface of the screed apply one layer to separate from the air. Then fix the insulation. It should be level, dry and clean.2、铺贴的保温层块应贴严、铺设平稳,分层铺设时上下接缝应相互错开。The insulation blocks shall be fixed close to each other, and overlap properly between the upper and lower layer.保护层施工The Protection Layer work:1、分格缝部位应按设计要求设置.如设计无明确规定时,分格缝应设置在结构层屋面板的支承端,屋面转折处(如屋脊),防水层与突出屋面结构的交接处,纵横分格缝为6m*6M.分格缝宽宜为10-20mm。Properly fix the joints and the squares as per the design requirements. 2、浇筑前,将隔离层表面浮渣、杂物清除干净,泛头后铁抹子压实抹平,并要确保防水层的设计厚度和排水坡度。铺设、振动、滚压砂浆时必须严格保证钢丝间距及位置的准确。Thoroughly clean before casting. Ensure the thickness and the slope.3、砂浆收水初凝后,用铁抹子第二次压实抹光并进行修补,砂浆终凝前进行第三次压实抹光,要求做到表面平光,不起砂、起层、无抹板压痕为止,抹压时,不得洒干水泥。砂浆终凝后,必须立即进行养护,采用蓄水养护或覆盖草帘、草袋后浇水,养护不少于14天,养护期间禁止上人。Smoothen the surface with an iron trawl when mortar sets. Then cover the roof with straw bags and make curing for 14 days. No bod is allowed to step on the roof during the curing period.防水层Water-proof Layer基层要求:基层找平层必须平整光洁,坡度必须符合设计要求,不允许有起砂,掸灰和凸凹不平等缺陷。找平层必须流水通畅,严禁有积水部位,可用泼水检验方法,认证找平层的平整程度。找平层的含水率不得大于9%。The base course shall be level and smooth, the slope complies with the design requirements, no grains of sand, dust and etc. The water content shall not be more than 9%.施工要点:本工程设计采用的是合成高分子卷材防水层和聚氨酯涂膜防水层。

This project is designed to use macromolecule water-proof rolls and polyurethane water-proof paint.高分子卷材防水层施工中采用冷粘法铺贴The macromolecule water-proof rolls shall be stick to each other:①胶粘剂涂刷应均匀,不露底,不堆积;Apply the glue evenly ;②铺贴的卷材下面的空气应排尽,并辊压粘结牢固Completely release the air under the rolls; ③铺贴卷材应平整顺直,搭接尺寸准确,不得扭曲、皱折;lay and joint the rolls smooth and straight overlap properly without any twists and buckles;④接缝口应用密封材料封严,宽度不应小于10mm;Joints are tightly closed and the width shall not less than 10mm;⑤卷材宜平行屋脊铺贴,上下卷材不得相互垂直铺贴。The rolls shall be laid parallel to the ridges and shall not be laid vertically cross to each other.成品保护The Products Protection:①铺好的卷材防水层,严防施工机具和尖硬物件破坏。Protect the water-proof layer from being any damage by tools and other hard objects;②铺设防水卷材一定要精密操作,严防胶粘剂污染已做好的墙壁,檐口和门窗等部位。Work carefully and no stain or dirt on the completed walls, cornices, doors and windows;③铺贴完工后,要进行清除工作,及时将屋面清扫干净,排水口,排水沟等处不得有杂物堵塞,以确保排水畅通。Clean the roof water trap and discharge openings;④安全措施:于施工中所用的材料均属易燃品,存放地点和施工现场必须加强防火工作,严禁烟火,并且具备适量的干粉灭火器;用具使用后,要及时用汽油等有机溶剂清洗干净;工作人员必须佩戴安全带及防护用品。Safety precautions: all the materials for the work are inflammables; keep fire distinguishers closer; timely clean the tools and appliances with petrol or organic solvent; workers have to put on safety belt and other protective articles.

5.2.7装饰工程The Decoration Work


意外的损坏及污损。As per the progress of the civil work, many temporary stores for civil work are empty. They may be used for the decoration products and semi-products. Those temporary stores shall be closed and equipped with guards to prevent the said materials from being accidentally damaged and dirtied.

装饰工程所有分部项,与安装工程的协调:由于工期较紧,装饰和安装工程要合理穿插,所有预留工作严格按图纸施工,所有墙,地面施工时,应检查水电设备,管线安装是否完成不遗漏,防止粉刷后再进行打洞开槽,如果说有矛盾,双方事先要协调好。Coordination shall be made between the items of the decoration work and installation work. Due to the pressing work schedule, both the works shall be carried out in turns and in an interlude way. All the left-over jobs have to be done by strictly following the drawings. When working on the walls and floors, people have to check if any water and electrical work missing to avoid the walls from being broken after plastering completed. If there are any contradictions, coordination work should be in advance among those parties involved.施工前应将砖墙表面的灰尘、污垢和油渍等清除干净,并洒水润湿。砖墙在抹灰前一天浇水湿透,空心砌块提前2天浇水湿润,每天2遍以上;(视天气情况现场控制)。Clean t and wet he walls before working on them. Water the wall wet through one day before plastering. Hollow blocks shall be wetted 2 days in advance and more than twice a day (It depends on the weather conditions at site.)抹灰前应检查基体表面的平整, 吊垂直、套方、找规矩、贴灰饼,即处墙大角垂直,墙面横线找平,立墙下角两个标准饼,设在勒脚线上口(内墙抹灰时,上灰饼做在1.8M高处,下灰饼做在踢脚板上口,用托线板找好垂直,下灰饼也可作为踢脚步板依据),再在墙角左右两个标准饼之间拉通线,做中间灰饼,间距500mm,门窗口阳角等处上下增设灰饼.并在大角的两面弹出抹灰层的控制线,作为打底的依据。Before plastering check the walls if they are level, vertical and etc. Then make cakes and guidelines for plastering. The upper cakes are

on the height of 1.80 m while the lower cakes just above the top of the skirt. Guidelines or control lines may be made between the cakes as references for the work of rendering.抹灰砂浆应经过严格计量并拌制,其配合比和稠度等经检查合格后,方可使用。水泥砂浆及掺有水泥或石膏拌制的砂浆,必须在初凝前使用完毕。The mortar for plastering shall be strictly measured and mixed. The mix ratio and the density is subject to the approval. The mortar mixed with cement and gypsum shall be used up before it first sets.抹灰施工工艺流程The Technological Process of Plastering

门、窗口四周堵缝 墙面清理粉尘、污垢 浇水湿润墙体 吊直、套方、找规矩、贴灰饼 作护角 抹水泥窗台板 抹底及中层灰 粘分格条 抹面层水泥砂浆

Close the gaps around the doors and windows—clean the walls—splash water and wet the walls—check the walls if level ,vertical—make cakes and guidelines—fix the corner protective strips—plaster the windowsills—plastering: first course, second course—fix the separate strips—smooth the surface course.施工技术措施Technical Measures:(1) 护角:室内墙面,柱面和门洞口的阳角,用1:2水泥砂浆作护角,高度为2.1m,每侧宽度50mm.根据灰饼厚度抹灰,然后粘好八字靠尺,并找方吊直,用1:2水泥砂浆分层抹平,待砂浆稍干后,再用捋角器和水泥浆捋出小圆角。Protect the corners: all the corners of the wall, column and door opening; apply the mortar (1:2), the height of 2.1m,each side 50mm; take the cakes as reference;(2)抹水泥砂浆窗台板:先把窗台基层清理干净,用水浇透,然后用细石混凝土铺实,厚度不薄于25cm,次日用1:1:3水泥砂浆抹面,压实压光,养护2-3D.下口要求平直,不得有毛刺。Make the windowsills: first clean, then wet the sills; plaster with fine gravel concrete with the thickness no less than 25cm; smooth the surface with mortar(1:1:3) the following day; make curing for 2-3days.(3)在墙体湿润情况下,以灰饼为准进行粉刷,用压尺刮平找直,用木