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图2 2009年发表的caprini血栓风险评估量表修订版

图 3 基于caprini血栓风险评估量表(中文版)


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[21] Geerts WH, Heit JA, Clagett GP, Pineo GF, Colwell CW, Anderson FA, Jr., et al. Prevention of venous thromboembolism. Chest. 2001,119:132S-75S. [22] Bergqvist D, Jendteg S, Johansen L, Persson U, Odegaard K. Cost of long-term complications of deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremities: an analysis of a defined patient population in Sweden. Ann Intern Med. 1997,126:454-7.

[23] Zhou HX, Peng LQ, Yan Y, Yi Q, Tang YJ, Shen YC, et al. Validation of the Caprini Risk Assessment Model in Chinese Hospitalized Patients with Venous Thromboembolism. Submitted for publication.

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