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ȷ𰸡 ABC

𰸽 ڿҵԵIJҵʱ¼Ƿdzؼģڽ׶ΡԼг̶ȡҵ۾ϵĽ̶ֵܳDzԡ ԡҵԵķࡪҵա֪ʶпˡ

ɱ12653542,ʡ 10

ȷ𰸡 CD

𰸽 ƷڶԸϵͳвȷ¼״̬ıĶѡAԷڶĿȷԶԽӰеĶѡBʧЧģʽӰΣȷڶʧЧģʽӰ켰ΣжԻԶʶ𷽷ṩ֧֣ѡCȷ龰ͨģⲻȷ龰ҵٵķսжԺͶѡDȷ ԡչ뷽龰֪ʶпˡ ɱ12653543,ʡ 11

ȷ𰸡 BCD

𰸽 ܻʦֹܻƹĸӦЭҵ˸ҵȫԤ֯쵼ѡAȷ

ԡڲƵӦáȫԤ㡪Ҫʩ֪ʶпˡ ɱ12653544,ʡ 12

ȷ𰸡 BD


𰸽 ҵṹӦصע¡¡߼ԱְʸְԼ»ᡢ»;ЧҵڲãӦصעڲõĺԺеĸЧԵȡ

ԡڲƵӦáܹ֯Ҫʩ֪ʶпˡ ɱ12653545,ʡ 13

ȷ𰸡 ABD

𰸽 ɱί˼ල֧˱֤֧ʣʧѡABDȷѡCڲ˿ı֡

ԡ˾֪ۡʶпˡ ɱ12653547,ʡ 14

ȷ𰸡 ABD

𰸽 ʶսȺıϸгĿѡC ԡսȺĶ弰֪ʶпˡ ɱ12653548,ʡ 1

ȷ𰸡 ҵ񣨸;λ0.5֣ սԣӦȡѡͶսԡ0.5֣






ԡֵ֪ʶпˡ ɱ12661590,ʡ

ȷ𰸡 ռֵķ࣬׹˾Ӫ»֣ ڲڣ٣0.5֣ Դڣ0.5֣ гӪۣ0.5֣ ۺ񣨻ܣ0.5֣ ҵʩݣ0.5֣ ɹޡ0.5֣ English Answers

1 The computer software belongs to the type of Question Marks in a high growth and low competitive position

Strategy: Alternative investment strategies should be adopted

Organization: It is best to use the form of a think tank or project organization, and select responsible person who has planning ability and is willing to take risk.

The online services and personal computer belong to the type of Star in a high growth and strong competitive position

Strategy: Actively expanding economic size and market opportunities, and


aimed at long-term interests, increasing market share and strengthen competitive position.

Organization: It is best to use the form of business unit, and the responsible operator should be expert at production technology and sales.

2Classified by value chain activities, production and operation activities of company Jia can be divided as follows.

Internal logistics Basic Activities: activities

Human resources management Supplementary Activities: activities Marketing Basic Activities: activities After-sale services Basic Activities: activity

Enterprise Infrastructure Supplementary Activities: activities Procurement Supplementary Activities: activities ԡֵ֪ʶпˡ ɱ12661591,ʡ 2

ȷ𰸡 1SWOTԭ

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