2017-2018年仁爱版八年级英语下册全册精美导学案(共90页) 下载本文

! 【学习目标】 教师复备栏/(1)Learn new word and phrases: 学生笔记栏 balanced diet, realize, not only ... but also (2) Learn balanced diet and its importance. We must have enough food and the food must be clean. It's very important for us to keep a balanced diet. We should eat regularly. We should eat not only our favorite food but also healthy food. 【知识链接】 1. It’s said that half of the students don’t have a regular breakfast or don’t eat anything at all in the morning.据说有一半学生吃早饭没有规律甚至不吃早餐。It’s said that…意为“据说……”这是以it为形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。如It is not known whether they will come today.今天他们是否会来还不知道。 2. In fact a good breakfast keeps us strong.事实上,一顿丰盛的早餐让我们保持身体强壮。keep sb/sth.adj.让某人/某物保持某种状态。 3 .In short,we should not only eat enough good and healthy food but also eat regularly.总之,我们不仅应该吃足够的健康的食物而且饮食也有规律。not only…but also…不但…而且…,连接主语时应遵循就近原则,其后不可连接名词、介词短语等。not only连接从句且置于句首时需要倒装,but also后面不倒装。如Not only I but also Jim likes listening to music.我和吉姆都喜欢听音乐。Not only did she read the story,but also she retold it.他不但读了这个故事而且还进行了复述。 【预习达标】 一、在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子 1.把..写下来___________2.健康的饮食_____________ 3.需要吃足够的食物_____________________________ 4.拥有均衡的饮食_______________________________ 5.不同种类的食品_______________________________ 6.给予我们能量_________________________________ 7.帮助我们骨骼发育_____________________________ 8.让我们更健康________________________________ 9.有规律地饮食_________________________________ 10.一半的学生______________________________ 11.据说…__________________________________ 12.根本不…_______________13.实际上_________ 14.让我们保持强壮___________________________ 15.总之_______________ 16.随意吃_____________ 17.不但…而且…_____________________________ 【学习流程】 ? 自学指导 一、在文中划出下面的句子并翻译 1.It’s said that half of the students don’t have a regular breakfast or don’t eat

! anything at all in the morning. 译:_________________________________________________________________________ 点拨: It’s said that… ---据说… / not…at all---根本不 思考:that引导的从句在句中作________(成分) 练习:a. 据说上星期他根本不在家。 _____ _______ _______he________ at home_____ ______last week. b. 据说他根本都不会游泳。 _____ _______ _______he________ swim_____ ______. c. 据说日语起源于汉语。____________________________________________ 2. In short, we should not only eat enough, good and healthy food but also eat regularly. 译:_________________________________________________________________________ 点拨: in short… ---总之 同义词组:___________ not only…but also…--- 不但…而且… 练习:a. Linda不但是我们的老师还是我们的朋友。 Linda _____ _____ ______our teacher_____ _____our friend. b.不但Linda是我们的朋友其他老师也是我们的朋友。 _____ ______Linda_____ _______ the other teachers _______ our __________. 注意:当not only…but also…在句子中连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词要遵循“就近原则”! 练习:_____ ______ the other teachers _____ _______ Linda ______ our __________. 3. The more regularly we eat, the healthier we are. 译:__________________________________________________ 点拨: The +比较级…,the +比较级…---越……, 越…… 练习:a. The later you stay up at night, the sleepier you feel in the day. 译:___________________________________ b. The fewer friends you have, the more lonely you are. 译:___________________________________________ c.你的朋友越多就会越开心。______ ______ _______ you have, ______ ________ you are. d.你越仔细,所犯的错误就越少。______ ______ ________you______, _____ ______ ________you’ll make. e.读书越多,你学到的知识就越多。______ ______ _______you_______, the more you_________. 链接:越来越开心…__________________________ 越来越不开心…__________________ 越来越流行…____________ 越来越不流行…_______________________________ 5. Not all the students have a regular breakfast. 6. 译:___________________________________ 点拨: Not all…--- 不是所有的…(部分否定) 拓展:a. Not both Tim and his brother are interested in history. 译:_______________________ b. Not everybody in our class will take part in the sports meeting. 译:___________________________________ c. 不是所有的书都对学习有好处。 __________________________________________ d. 不是每一个男孩都对运动感兴趣。

! ________________________________________ ? 合作探究 ? 展示提升 书面表达 以你的名义写一篇关于The First Food Festival的短文。内容包括:今天很多人来参加,一些人点北京烤鸭,一些人点印度咖喱等等,所以得食物都很可口,我工作最认真,买了最多的炒饭,这一天非常有趣 要求:内容可适当增加,但短文包含下列词汇。词数70左右。 Many different kinds of,order,would like,and so on,smell good,sell,carefully,fried rice,interesting day,Indian curries ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ _____________________________________ 【盘点收获】 【当堂检测,点击中考】 Ⅰ 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 We learn many subjects_ _(像)English,Chinese,math,music and so on. 2 If you want to lose weight(减肥),_ _(均衡饮食)is rmportant. 3 If you want to keep healthy,never eat_ _(太多)or too little. 4 She can speak_ _(不仅)English_ _(而且)a little Japanese. 5 Most students don’t have a regular eating habit. _ _ _(据说)half of them have nothing in the morning. 【点评检测结果】 附:

! 后面动词用to do 后面动词用 doing 后面动词用 do had better Will/Would/Could you please +V原 can, may, must, should, could, would, will,shall等情态动词后 don’t, doesn’t, didn’t, won’t 等助动词后 help see, watch, notice, hear, find want, would like, hope, wish, need, plan, enjoy, mind, practice, spend, prefer, keep, let sb. make sb. have sb. manage, used, afford, refuse, learn, decide, bear, finish, avoid, start, like, love, hate, continue sb. / advise sb. / lead sb. / warn sb. trouble sb. / be + 形容词 to do… be the first time, forget, remember, stop, go on, try (努力) help start, like, love, hate, continue prevent sb. from, look forward to, can’t help, feel like, be/get used to, go短语中 about, at, in, for等所有介词后 forget, remember stop, go on, try (尝试) see watch notice hear find ask sb. / tell sb. / encourage sb. / invite sb./teach be busy, have fun, have difficulty, give up,