外贸函电英语课后练习 - 图文 下载本文

14. All the shipping space for June shipment _____, we can not but ask you to extend the

date of shipment till July 31, 1999.

a) booked up b) to be booked up c) being booked up d) book up

III. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms:

profit commission discount 1. It is possible to offset their losses with the _____ realized in their affiliated companies. 2. The _____ market is very unsettled.

3. We are confident that we can deal satisfactorily with any _____ with which you may

entrust us.

4. The developing nations get _____ when these workers bring their savings and their

required technical skills back home.

5. We do not pay _____ to firms dealing with us on principal-to-principal basis. 6. If you can _____ your price by 15%, we are prepared to book with you 1 000 bales. 7. They accepted the offer just to start the ball rolling, disregarding _____. 8. In view of these restrictions, you would have to sell oil at a _____.

9. We believe you will _____ by confining your offers to a limited number of firms. 10. The remittance covers _____ due to you up to date.

11. We _____ the information, which seems to be somewhat exaggerated. 12. The bank charges _____ for exchanging foreign currency.

IV. Put the following sentences into Chinese:

1. We have received with thanks your quotation of April 20 and are pleased to send you the

following order, which we trust will receive your prompt attention.

2. The covering L/C will be established in due course, and we trust that you will take all

necessary measure to ensure punctual shipment.

3. With reference to our order for 400 unit of electronic lighters we have pleasure in sending

you our purchase confirmation No. 192 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return to us for our records.

4. Owing to heavy commitments, we are not in a position to accept new orders. However, as

soon as fresh supplies come in, we‘ll immediately contact you with fax. 5. We are nearly out of stock of this line, so we must urge immediate delivery. 6. We can reduce our price by 5% if your order exceeds 10 000 pieces.

7. We regret that even on receipt of your firm order we will not be able to meet your

requirements at short convenience as the items you specify are out of stock.

8. Excellent in craftsmanship and novel in designs, our silk garments command a ready sale

in your market.

9. We are giving you the first chance in view of your previous substantial orders, but we

should appreciate a prompt reply so that we can withdraw the offer in the event of your not being interested.

10. It is to our mutual advantage to meet each other half way.

V. Put the following sentences into English:

1. 我们的货物价格公道,大约比竞争者的货价要低5%。(moderate) 2. 我们给你方特别折扣,期望发展我们之间的贸易关系。(special discount) 3. 由于你方所需商品目前无货可供,我们特推荐如下商品。(available for supply) 4. 如果此批货物符合我方要求,我们将大量定购。(to come up to expectation) 5. 请迅速告知我方是否能按修改价订购。(revised prices)

6. 由于原材料价格上涨,我们也只好对产品价格进行调整。(in view of, to adjust) 7. 一俟收到贵方订购的确认函,我们将尽快发货。(to dispatch, confirmation) 8. 我们想说明一下,由于大量需求,我们只能接受9月装船的订单。(great demand) 9. 既然我们对所有细节已取得一致意见,现在我们可以签订合同了。(to sign contract) 10. 我们对这批货不满意,因其质量和样品不一样。(to be satisfied with) 11. 比起木箱来,我更喜欢用纸箱包装。(to prefer) 12. 这笔买卖你们能给我们多少佣金?(commission)

13. 如果订单金额超过5000英镑,我们可以给5%的折扣。(to allow discount)

VI. Fill in the blanks with the following words and phrases: as follow to reduce in line with be subject to provided that remain open to one‘s regret owing to discount acceptance 1) As requested, we are offering you 300 pieces ―Flying Pigeon‖ Brand Bicycles __________.

2) We accept your offer __________ you cut your price by 2%.

3) The offer will __________ until 12:00 a.m.. November 21, Beijing time. 4) I‘m sure our offer is _______ the prevailing market price level. 5) The L/C has not yet been open _____ unforeseen circumstances. 6) Our offer is a non-firm offer. It‘s ________ our final confirmation. 7) ______ we found the quality of the shipment is not satisfactory. 8) If you can _____ the price, we might place a large order.

9) We hope you can grant us a 3% _______ for any order of more than 100 bales. 10) Our offer is firm, subject to your _____ reaching here by March 1.

VII. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the message:

An import and export c__1__ contains the following terms and conditions: 1. The name of the c__2__ and s__3__s, the quantity and p__4__;

2. Date of shipment and d__5__ port: The goods must be shipped before or on the

stipulated date of shipment and must arrive at the stipulated destination port;

3. The quoting of p__6__s: The way to quote a price in foreign trade is different from what

we do domestically. In quoting prices in foreign trade, trade t__7__ are added to the unit price. For instance, in our quoted price as ―corns at USD 280 per metric ton FOB Shanghai‖, FOB is one of the trade terms;

4. Terms of payment: That refers to mode of payment. In international trade the letter of

c__8__ is the main mode of payment. It is a bank instrument which , on one hand, a__9__ the seller that he will be paid and, on the other, assures the buyer that he will not pay until the goods have been shipped. So both the seller and the buyer feel it safe and c__10__ to use L/C;

5. Insurance: In international trade, insurance is essential. It should be indicated in the

contract whether the seller or the buyer c__11__ insurance on the goods;

6. Claim: If there is any quality, quantity or weight d__12__ of the goods, the buyer may

r__13__ a claim against the seller within a stipulated period of time;

7. Arbitration: In case no s__14__ can be reached through n__15__, dispute may be

submitted to arbitration; 8. Shipping d__16__ required;

VIII. Fill in the following contract forms in English with the given particulars:


(有关合同主要内容): 致中国建材进出口公司 敬启者: 事由:“鹦鹉”牌白水泥 经过最近的传真往来,现高兴地确认向你方按下述条件订购1000长吨标题商品: 价格:CFR热那亚每长吨£30。00英镑 包装:6层牛皮纸(6-ply kraft-paper bag)装,每袋净重约110磅 规格:5578 – 9型 装运:2005年1月一批或分两批从青岛运往热那亚,最好用直达轮 付款条件:以你方为受益人的保兑的不可撤销的信用证,凭即期汇票付款 希望你方尽快寄来我们于2004年10月16日在青岛签订的第1791号销售确认书一式两份。 热那亚贸易公司 经理 2004年10月 SALES CONTRACT

Contract No. Sellers: Buyers:

This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: Commodity: Specifications: Quantity: Unit Price: Total Value: Packing: Shipping Mark: Insurance:

Time of Shipment: Port of Shipment: Port of Destination: Terms of Payment:

Done and signed in on this day of , 200



(1) Enquiry

Copenhagen, July 25, 2004

Cathay Export Corporation, Beijing, China. Dear Sirs:

One of our clients in Odense is in the market for a parcel of 3,000 dozen/sets of Ladies‘ Pyjamas. We would therefore ask you to make us an offer based on CIF Odense including our commission of 2%.

We shall appreciate it if you will arrange for shipment to be made as early as possible by direct steamer for Odense.

As usual, our sight irrevocable L/C will be opened in your favour 30 days before the time of shipment.

Yours faithfully,


(2) Offer

Beijing, August 2, 2004 Copenhagen Trading Co. Ltd., Copenhagen, Denmark. Dear Sirs:

Thank you for your letter of July 25 inquiring for 3,000 dozen/sets Ladies‘ Pyjamas. We take pleasure in making you an offer as follows, subject to your acceptance reaching here not later than August 18:

3,000 dozen/sets of Art. No. 208 Ladies‘ Pyjamas in Pink, blue and yellow colors, equally assorted, with the size assortment of S/3, M/6, and L/3 per dozen, packed in cartons, at £26.00 per dozen/sets CIFC2% Odense, for shipment from any Chinese port in October. Please note that, since there is no direct steamer available for Odense in October, we find it only possible to ship the parcel with transshipment at Copenhagen. We look forward to your early reply.


(3) Acceptance

Copenhagen, August 9, 2004

Cathay Export Corporation, Beijing, China. Dear Sirs:

Thank you for your letter of August 2 offering us 3,000 dozen/sets of Ladies‘ Pyjamas at £26.00 per dozen/sets CIFC2% Odense.

We are glad to have been able to prevail upon our client to accept your price, though they found it a bit on the high side.