2018版高考英语课标通用大一轮复习:全套课时作业(含答案) 下载本文

5.A.as if C.in case 6.A.more C.everything 7.A.surprise C.calm 8.A.decided C.failed

9.A.beyond control C.in order 10.A.winner C.addict 11.A.at home C.at school 12.A.realized C.imagined 13.A.necessary C.impossible 14.A.in need of C.in want of 15.A.missed C.got 16.A.talked C.dreamed 17.A.happiness C.regret 18.A.wise C.alive 19.A.before C.while 20.A.when C.where

B.even though D.so that B.nothing D.less B.kill D.thank B.managed D.succeeded B.under control D.out of date B.loser D.killer B.in hospital D.at work B.expected D.recognized B.possible D.unpleasant B.in search of D.in favor of B.left D.lost B.worried D.cared B.thanks D.sadness B.wealthy D.patient B.until D.after B.which D.how



1.A 解析:根据该句中的“selfies(自拍)”可知,Danny喜欢自拍,每天要花10个小时拍摄200多张自拍照。take selfies为固定搭配,意为“自拍”,故选A项。

2.B 解析:根据第二段倒数第二句中的“take the perfect picture”可以判断,他要在200多张自拍照中找出完美的一张。perfect “完美的”,符合语境。beautiful “漂亮的”,good “好的”,comfortable “舒服的”,都与语境不符。

3.C 解析:此处意为“他总是自拍10张照片”。故选C项。

4.A 解析:根据“secretly”可以判断,Danny每小时要秘密地走出教室三次去自拍。go out of class“走出教室”,故选A项。

5.D 解析:他在16岁时辍学,因此他能致力于他的爱好。根据空处前后的句意可知,前后句为因果关系,so that“因此,因而”,符合语境。as if “仿佛,好像”,even though “尽管”,in case “以防万一”,都与语境不符。

6.D 解析:根据该句中的“he could throw himself into his addiction(瘾)”可以判断,他专注于自己的爱好,连吃饭都吃得更少。故选D项。

7.B 解析:根据空后的“by taking an overdose(过度用药)”可以判断,他没有拍到完美的照片时,会试图过度用药自杀。故选B项。

8.B 解析:他的妈妈Penny努力挽救了他的生命。manage to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“设法完成某事”,故选B项。decide “决定”,fail “失败”,succeed “成功”,都与语境不符。

9.A 解析:根据语境可知,他的妈妈强迫他在无法控制自己时向别人求助。beyond control“无法控制”,符合语境。under control “在??控制下”,in order “按次序”,out of date “过时”,都与语境不符。

10.C 解析:根据上文中的“addiction”可以判断,这位19岁的男孩成了英国第一位自拍上瘾的人。故选C项。winner “获胜者”,loser “失败者”,killer “杀手”,都与语境不符。

11.B 解析:根据该句中的“under special treatment”和下文中的“to the doctors”“in hospital”“at a clinic”可知,他正在医院接受特别的治疗,故选B项。

12.A 解析:他在七个月里没有给自己拍过一张照片,他已经意识到达到完美是不可能的。realize意为“意识到”,符合语境。expect “期望”,imagine “想象”,recognize “认出”,都与语境不符。

13.C 解析:参见上题解析。

14.B 解析:根据第一段第二句中的“trying to find”可以判断,他不断地寻找完美的自拍照。in search of “寻找”,符合语境。in need of “需要”,in want of “需要”,in favor of “支持”,都与语境不符。

15.D 解析:“我”失去了朋友、教育、健康,甚至“我”的生命。lose “失去”,符合语境。miss “错过”,leave “离开”,get “得到”,都与语境不符。

16.D 解析:根据语境可知,此处表示他唯一关心的是他要带上手机。care about为固定搭配,意为“关心”,符合语境。talk “交谈”,worry “担心”,dream “梦想”,都与语境不符。

17.B 解析:根据该句中的“their help”可知,他对医生表达了他的感谢。express thanks to sb.为固定搭配,意为“向某人表示感谢”,故选B项。happiness “幸福”,regret “遗憾”,sadness “悲伤”,都与语境不符。

18.C 解析:根据语境可知,Danny向医生表达了他的感谢,并说是医生的帮助使他还活着。alive“活着的”,符合语境。wise “明智的”,wealthy “富裕的”,patient “有耐心的”,都与语境不符。

19.A 解析:Danny号召别人在被送往医院之前就应当求助。before “在??之前”,符合语境。until “直到”,while “当??时”,after “在??之后”,都与语境不符。

20.C 解析:分析该句结构可知,该句为定语从句,先行词为“clinic”,关系词在从句中作地点状语,因此用关系副词where,故选C项。



We think life in Chinese high school is an adventure in which we have to survive mountains of homework and exams.Yet would it be 1.________(surprise)if I tell you that high school life in the US is almost as stressful and demanding as it is in China?

In US high school,everything 2.________(record)and graded,including your grades on quizzes,tests and final examinations.Failing 3.________(turn)in your homework on time will directly affect your grade for a certain course.Perhaps contrary to 4.________we used to think of the US high school students,they pay great attention to their 5.________(academy)performance to try to get into distinguished university.6.________,they'll be disappointed after graduation from high school.

Like university students,the US high school students have the 7.________(free)to choose the courses that most interest 8.________(they).Even a 9th-grader can sit 9.________the same classroom as 12th-graders.But this also means he or she has to work very hard,because the teacher will not treat him or her differently just because he or she is a few years 10.________(young).

答案:[解题导语]本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了美国学生的高中生活。 1.surprising 解析:考查分词形容词。此处是现在分词作形容词,意为“令人吃惊


2.is recorded 解析:考查动词的时态和语态。everything和谓语record 之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且表示客观情况,故用一般现在时的被动语态,即is recorded,与graded呼应。

3.to turn 解析:考查非谓语动词。fail to do sth.意为“不能做某事”,为固定搭配。

4.what 解析:考查名词性从句。空处引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语,表示物的概念,故填what。

5.academic 解析:考查形容词。修饰名词应用形容词,故用形容词academic修饰名词performance,作定语。

6.Otherwise 解析:考查副词。根据语境可知,此处表示否则他们高中毕业后就会感到失望,故用副词otherwise,意为“否则”,作状语,注意首字母大写。

7.freedom 解析:考查名词。由空前的定冠词the可知,此处应用名词,即freedom。 8.them 解析:考查代词。此处应用宾格形式,作动词interest的宾语,故用them。 9.in 解析:考查介词。in the classroom意为“在教室里”,符合语境,故用介词in。

10.younger 解析:考查形容词比较级。根据上文可知,9 年级和12年级的学生比较,自然是年轻一些,故用形容词的比较级形式,即younger。



A few weeks before I noticed a coin on the road.I stepped on it and kept walking.After a while I started thinking of my deskmate which always stops to pick up loose change.If she sees the coin,she wouldn't ignore.I wanted to go back for it,but I thought it would be embarrassed if someone saw me picking up a coin.That didn't take long for me to change my thoughts from that coin on those small opportunities that I had stepped on or passed by.Later that day I told to my deskmate about the coin.She said,“I would have picked it up.” She had taken advantages of seemingly small opportunities.When adding up,they become something important.