2018版高考英语课标通用大一轮复习:全套课时作业(含答案) 下载本文

seem too heavy and difficult to control.Worse still,I had many fall off the bike.I was about to give up while my father came and encouraged me to keep going.Because much practice,I did better and better.Looking back,and I couldn't have ridden a bike well without trying hard because success lie in continuous efforts through failures.

We can't often succeed at a time.If we stick to their work,we can make it in the end.




My mother was the one who whipped me.At least she did whenever she wasn't ashamed to let the neighbors think she was killing me.If she even acted as though she was about to raise her hand to me,I would open my mouth and let the world know about it.If anybody was passing by out on the road,she would either change her mind or just give me a few licks.

Think about it now.I feel definitely that just as my father favored me for being lighter than the other children,my mother gave me more hell for the same reason.She was very light herself,but she favored the ones who were darker.Wilfred,I knew,

was particularly her angel.I remember that she would tell me to go out of the house.“Let the sun shine on you so you can get some color.”

I learned early that crying out in protest could accomplish things.My older brothers and sister would sometimes come in from school and ask for a buttered biscuit or something.My mother,impatiently,would tell them no.But I would cry out and make a fuss until I got what I wanted.I remember well how my mother asked me why I couldn't be a nice boy like Wilfred.But I would think to myself that Wilfred,for being so nice and quiet,often stayed hungry.So early in life,I had learned that if you wanted something,you had better make some noise.

1.What would the writer's mother do if someone was passing by out on the road? A.She would stop killing me. B.She would whip me even harder. C.She would shout at me very loudly. D.She would give me only a few beatings. 2.What does the underlined word “hell” mean? A.Love. C.Suffering.

B.Food. D.Space.

3.Why did the writer's mother tell him to go out of the house? A.To make him darker. C.To reduce the noise.

B.To keep him warmer. D.To get some exercise.

4.What did the writer do if he wanted to get what he needed? A.He remained quiet. B.He asked for it loudly. C.He waited patiently.

D.He asked his father for help.


1.D 解析:推理判断题。由第一段第一句:My mother was the one who whipped me.和第一段尾句:If anybody was passing by out on the road,she would either change her mind or just give me a few licks.可知,母亲总是打我,但当有人经过的时候,她要么就改变主意,要么就轻轻地拍我几下。

2.C 解析:词义猜测题。由第二段第二句:I feel definitely that just as my father favored me for being lighter than the other children,my mother gave me more hell

for the same reason.此句表达父母的两种态度,由favor可知,母亲的观点与父亲的相反,因此选择C项。我感觉父亲非常喜欢我,因为我比别的孩子要白,而母亲因为同样的原因训斥我。hell意为“训斥;地狱”。

3.A 解析:细节理解题。由第二段第三句:...but she favored the ones who were darker.和第二段最后两句:I remember that she would tell me to go out of the house.“Let the sun shine on you so you can get some color.”可知,母亲喜欢肤色黑的孩子,因此她总让我出门晒太阳,那样就可以变黑点。

4.B 解析:细节理解题。依据最后一段尾句:So early in life,I had learned that if you wanted something,you had better make some noise.可知如果作者想要某东西他将大声地要求。



Nowadays,it's hard to find a good job and stay at it.If you're not careful,you could ruin your career.Here are some mistakes that could cause your career to go up in flames.

1.Lying.Lying can kill your career before it even starts.Resist the urge to lie on your resume (简历) or during the interview.Don't add degrees you didn't earn or jobs that you never had.__1__Once you get caught,most employers will show you the door.

2.Lack of sleep.The stress of not getting enough sleep makes you irritable(易怒的).__2__Who wants to work with such a person?Get enough sleep and make yourself more popular and productive.

3.Laziness.__3__You should always be looking for opportunities to go above and beyond your required responsibilities.During the process you may even uncover a talent you didn't realize you had.

4.Being a loner.It's important to be a team player.This is not your world.__4__While cooperating (合作 ) with others,you will see your efforts appreciated and your abilities improved.

5.Not improving your skills.No matter how good you are at your job,your skills will need a tune-up from time to time.__5__The free or low-cost online courses and certificate programs leave you with no excuse.Keeping your skills continually updated helps you stay longer at your job.

A.It also causes you to make serious mistakes.

B.You have to work with other people to get things done.

C.Let go of the attitude that you can do everything for others. D.Know that your information can be easily researched today. E.It's important not to stay too long even if you have a good job. F.Take the time to develop yourself before your job is taken away. G.Good luck won't come to you if you refuse to do more than your business. 答案:[解题导语]本文是一篇说明文。找到一个好工作并且做下去不容易,一些错误会让你的事业毁于一旦。本文列举了一些可能会使事业毁于一旦的常见错误。

1.D 解析:本段主题是撒谎。上文提到简历中不要添加那些你没有的学历或者你没有做过的工作,下文则表示一旦被发现就会被扫地出门。D项(你要知道,现在你的信息很容易被搜索到的。)符合语境。故选D项。

2.A 解析:本段主题是缺乏睡眠。空格前说缺乏睡眠使人易怒,而后面则是没有人愿意和这样的人一起工作,由此推测,设空处仍然是缺乏睡眠造成的问题。A项(它同样也会使你犯下严重的错误。)符合语境。故选A项。

3.G 解析:本段主题是懒惰。根据其他几段内容可知,标题后都是对标题内容的进一步阐述。G项(如果你不愿意多干活,好运不会降临到你身上。)这正是对懒惰这一主题的延伸。故选G项。

4.B 解析:本段主题是不合群。本段内容都是要求与人合作。B项(你得与人合作把工作做好。)符合语境。故选B项。

5.F 解析:本段主题是不提高自己。空格前提出要不断地调整自己,后面则说有很多免费或廉价的网上课程以及证书项目都给你提高的机会。F项(在没有被解雇之前花点时间提高自己。)符合语境。故选F项。



Hardly can you succeed 1.________doing something perfectly the first time you do it.2.________,when you do something for the first time,it is time to give up the idea of perfection.

I remember the first time I 3.________(drive) a car in traffic after getting my driver's license.I was very nervous in that heavy traffic—my driving style showed that I wasn't a very confident driver.Now I'm much more 4.________(experience) as a driver.5.________I still don't consider myself a perfect one,I'm much more confident behind the wheel than 6.________I was when I started.

In general,7.________is useless to work hard for doing something perfectly when you do it for the first time.You are setting the bar so high that you just feel bad when you are 8.________(able) to meet the level you have set.