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How to Change Your Life Attitude

_________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________



1-3. BAD 4-7. BCAC 8-11. DBAD 12-15. CDAD 16-20 GDEAF


21-25 DBCAC 26-30 BDACB 31-35 ADCDB 36-40 DABCD


41. lowered 42. until/till 43. pieces 44. missing 45. finally 46. to 47. that 48. would 49.moving 50. settling ¸Ä´í£º

Recently, I notice something unpleasant in our school. Some noticed

students littered free while cleaners took pains to sweep the floor.


To fight so bad behaviors, out class held a meeting theme ¡°To care such themed about our environment, start from ourselves¡±.We discussed heatedly after we agreed on one solution. From the next day on, we before were divided into group to collect rubbish on every morning before groups

class. Our deed got a thumb up from our teacher. He said we served

as¡Äexample for the students to help keep the school clean. We also an felt¡Ä meaningful to shoulder our responsibility for the it environment around them. us ÊéÃæ±í´ï£ºone possible version:

How to Change Your Life Attitude

We¡¯ve all heard about the power of our attitude, and that it¡¯s our attitude that determines how much we succeed in life. However, there is always an opportunity for change. Let me share with you how to change your life attitude.

To start with, understand what you want to change. It is important to set clear goals and point out which part of us needs to be improved or totally changed. What¡¯s more, believe you are able to change. If you don¡¯t believe in yourself or believe that you or your life can change, it won¡¯t happen.

A positive attitude is very important for living a successful and satisfying life, so just have a positive attitude.



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Our Summer Pix 16 petition has been on for a week and we have already had hundreds of entries (²ÎÈü×÷Æ·). Keep the entries ing in: the contest still runs for three more weeks. So seize the moment and join us now!

How to enter

We want your best photographs of the summer. Send your pictures to summerpix16@ irishtimes. to be in with a chance of winning our prize - a Canon digital camera£¬which is sold at a price of €549 in shops. Each Friday, we¡¯ll display the best photos sent in that week, and at the end of August we¡¯ll print the winning photograph. The photos can be taken with any kind of camera or phone. We regret we cannot respond to each entry, but we will be in touch with you if your photograph is going to be published.

Terms & conditions

? The photos must be taken this summer.

? 5 photographs may be submitted by any individual person at most.

? Employees of The Irish Times and their families or other persons connected with the organizer are not suitable to enter.

? All entries without an e-mail address are disqualified.

? By handing in your photograph, you give The Irish Times the right to use your photograph to promote the petition within the newspaper and online in printed and electronic formats. The Irish Times may also use the photograph for the promotion of any other photographic petition with The Irish Times both in print and online.

21. How long does the contest last in all? A. Only a week.

B. Two weeks.

C. Three weeks.

D. Four weeks.

22. What will a winner of the petition enjoy? A. €549.

B. His photo being printed.

D. A job offer from the organizer.

C. A Sony digital

23. Which may meet Terms & conditions? A. Anyone has access to the petition.

B. Over 5 photos can be submitted by any person. C. Entries without e-mail addresses are not accepted. D. You can send pictures taken at any time.

24. What can The Irish Times use participants¡¯ photos to do? A. Promote itself as a better newspaper. B. Advertise other photographic petitions. C. Display all of the photos each Friday. D. Sell the photos for money.


Everyone seems to be living for someone else.

I had once helped a friend run a watermelon stall. I noticed something interesting: almost every buyer would lift the melon up to their ear, and tap it, apparently trying to listen to something. I wondered what they expected to hear. Finally I could no longer hold back my curiosity and asked a customer¡ªan elderly gentleman¡ªabout this. Hearing my question, he roared with laughter. Then he replied in a self-mocking (×Ô³°) tone, ¡°Young lady, I have been doing this for more than fifty years. But all I know is that everybody would stare at you as if you were a fool if you just pick up a melon and leave!¡±

Not long after that, my watermelon stall friend sent me an invitation to her wedding, which really surprised me. I asked her, ¡°Why are you seized by a sudden desire to get married? I don¡¯t remember ever hearing you mention that you¡¯ve got a boyfriend.¡± She answered while counting money, ¡°Everyone has to get married anyway, so it is better to get married sooner than later.¡±

I could think of no word to refute (·´²µ) her. It seems that everybody is living for everybody else and has forgotten the need of their own heart. It may be safe and save a lot of worries by following others¡¯ suit in doing things. The use of WE or US will give one a steady and sure sense of pride. But why do people usually feel uneasy when using ¡°I¡±?.

I find all these things somewhat funny. We have got used to following others¡¯ example.