毕 业 设 计
设计题目: 基于单片机的烟雾报警器设计 学 生: XXX 指导教师: XXXX 学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化20012级3班
任务内容(包括内容、计划、时间安排、完成工作量与水平具体要求) (1)课题内容: ①.设计基于单片机控制的烟雾报警器; ②.烟雾报警器的信号采集模块设计; ③.烟雾报警器的报警模块设计; ④.烟雾报警器的软件设计; (2)时间安排: 3月1日至4月15日:查找资料、调研、方案论证; 4月16日至5月15日:设计烟雾报警器; 5月16日至6月10日:撰写论文。 (3)工作量: 其 中: 参考文献篇数: 20篇以上(其中,外文资料3篇以上); 图 纸 张 数: 讲解图:A0图纸1张,A1图纸1-2张; 说明书字数: 10000字以上 专业负责人意见 签名: 年 月 日
摘 要
Design of Smoke Alarm Based on
With the development of social and economic,the prevention of fire are more and more important.However, in the present, most of research and development of fire alarm systems only focus on large sites. Therefore, it is necessary to design a simple, economical and practical family Smoke Alarm to meet the market demand. Taking both the basic requirement and the function of family Smoke Alarms should have into account, thesis designs a suitable smoke alarm for household using.
Which the sensor and the microcontroller of the design is the most important part of alarm devices, with other devices can achieve alarming with sound and light, automatically reducing smoke and fighting fire ,etc. IN design, microcontroller used AT89C51 and select QM-N5 Gas Sensor to detect smoke. Smoke alarm mainly by the signal acquired circuit, A/D converted circuit, MCU controlled circuit,displayed circuit and alarming with sound and light circuit,reasonable design, simple structure, easy to use, inexpensive. As a result, the microcontroller in the control of the smoke alarm system is fully applied. Therefore, this design about smoke alarm has practical value. Thesis give detailed introduction for the function and theory of the various component parts of the alarm system, focus on the interface technology between its main controlled circuit and peripheral circuit, also give explanation of the software .
Key words :Smoke Alarm;MCU; sensor