四川省成都市高新?017-2018学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题 - 百度文库 ر

generations. Hopefully, our children 70 (be) more responsible than we are today. ڶ ĸĴǿУӢŶר10С⣻ÿС1֣10֣

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޸ģڴĴ»һߣڸôд޸ĺĴʡ ע⣺ 1. ÿ޸ľһʣ

2. ֻ޸10ߣӵ11𣩲Ʒ֡

My hometown, Sichuan, is a immense region in the southwest of China, with a very amazed landscape. Much of it are hilly. In the remote areas in the west it reaches to the steep slopes of the Himalayas. There are mountain to the north and a high plateau to the south. I think his hometown is a beautiful province. People call it The Heavenly Kingdom, so the name really means four rivers. The most famous river is the Yangtze, that passes all the way through the province on it's long journey to the coast. The most beautiful spot on river is the Three Gorges. ڶ ǿУӢŶר25֣


1. ɶſ 2. ɶɫ 3. Գɶ ע⣺ 1. l00ң

2. ʵϸڣʹᡣ



⣺ 1-5 ACABB 6-10 CBBAA 11-15 BCCAC 16-20 BACBA Ķ⣺ 2124 DBDB 2528BDDA 2932 BCDA 33-35 BAB ѡ壺 36-40 DFEBC

գ 41--45 ACCBD 46--50BBACB 51--55DDBCA 56--60CADAD

﷨գ 61. concerned 62. destruction 63. what 64. kilometers 65. Unfortunately 66. to protect

67. stronger 68. down 69. for 70. will be Ĵ⣺

My hometown, Sichuan, is a immense region in the southwest of China, with a very an

amazed landscape. Much of it are hilly. In the remote areas in the west it reaches to the amazing is


steep slopes of the Himalayas. There are mountain to the north and a high plateau to the


south. I think his hometown is a beautiful province. People call it The Heavenly


Kingdom, so the name really means four rivers. The most famous river is the Yangtze,


that passes all the way through the province on its long journey to the coast. The most

which its beautiful spot on ^ river is the Three Gorges. the 