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Section 2 Questions 12 - 21

Questions 12 and 13

Choose the letters corresponding to the correct people.

12. Which person is Bruce Chandler? 13. Which person is Donna Wilcox?


Question 14

Circle the letter A - D indicating the location of the speaker.

14. Where is Jennifer Davis (the speaker)?

Questions 15 and 16

Write a NUMBER for each answer.

15. The Maslow University campus has ________ buildings. 16. The buildings are on ________ hectares of land.

Questions 17 - 19

Circle the correct answer.

17. Before immigration, John Maslow was ...

A a teacher. C a college president. B a trainer. D a mathematician. 18. Maslow's Teacher's College ... A operated for 10 years.

B was originally a private college. C closed in 1848.

D trained high school teachers.


19. Maslow University ...

A is 11 kilometres from the city centre. B was established in 1866.

C was established after Riversdale University. D was built next to Maslow Teacher's College.

Questions 20 and 21

Circle TWO correct letters.

20 - 21. Riversdale University normally beats Maslow University at ... A basketball.

B women's swimming. C soccer.

D track and field. E baseball.

F men's swimming. G football.


Section 3 Questions 22 - 33

Questions 22 and 23

Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or NUMBERS for each answer.

NOTES ON COFFEE 22. 23. Example ? Journal: Food Economics Review ? Coffee farming provides work for ________ people ? Great economic importance ? Ranked ________ most important commodity in world ? Most farmers produce coffee on 4-5 hectares of land

Questions 24 - 27

Complete the table. COFFEE BEAN TYPE GROWING USED FOR ALTITUDE Example 600-2000 Arabica metres Robusta Liberica


LARGEST GROWER COUNTRY premium coffee (24) ________ below 1200 metres (25) ________ (26) ________ Brazil (27) ________