在Abaqus中使用梁单元进行计算 下载本文

SF1 Axial force.——梁单元轴力

SF2 Transverse shear force in the local 2-direction (not available for B23, B23H, B33, B33H).——n2方向的横向剪力

SF3 Transverse shear force in the local 1-direction (available only for beams in space, not available for B33, B33H).——n1方向的横向剪力

SM1 Bending moment about the local 1-axis.——绕n1轴的弯矩

SM2 Bending moment about the local 2-axis (available only for beams in space).——绕n2轴的弯矩

SM3 Twisting moment about the beam axis (available only for beams in space).——绕梁单元轴线的扭矩

ABAQUS的任务管理命令可以暂停、恢复、和终止一个正在背景运行的任务,方法如下(在命令行输入并运行): 1、暂停一个正在运行的任务: abaqus suspend job=job-name 2、恢复一个暂停的任务: abaqus resume job=job-name 3、终止一个正在运行的任务: abaqus terminate job=job-name



2011-02-24 21:56:29| 分类:ABAQUS | 标签:time cpu total clock wall |字号 订阅

USER TIME refers to the CPU time spent executing ABAQUS.

SYSTEM TIME refers to the amount of OS kernel CPU time spent by the operating system doing work on behalf of the ABAQUS process. TOTAL CPU TIME is the sum of these two numbers.

WALL CLOCK time refers to the actual physical time spent for the analysis process to complete. If the analysis job is running on a single CPU, and the job has exclusive access to that CPU, the difference between TOTAL CPU TIME and WALL CLOCK TIME is largely the time taken to perform all I/O requests.

求解器算法比较应当用Total CPU,对用户感到的时间用Wall clock

在进行壳单元截面内力的后处理时,会遇到SF1、SF2、SF3、SF4、SF5、SF6、SM1、SM2、SM3,其具体含义是什么呢? 根据23.6.8 Continuum shell element library 的解释 Section forces, moments, and transverse shear forces

SF1 Direct membrane force per unit width in local 1-direction.——n1方向单位宽度内的正拉(压)力

SF2 Direct membrane force per unit width in local 2-direction.——n2方向单位宽度内的正拉(压)力

SF3 Shear membrane force per unit width in local 1–2 plane.——n1-n2平面内单位宽度内的剪力

SF4 Transverse shear force per unit width in local 1-direction.——n1方向单位宽度内的横向剪力

SF5 Transverse shear force per unit width in local 2-direction.——n2方向单位宽度内的横向剪力

SF6 Thickness stress integrated over the element thickness.——壳单元厚度方向的集中力

SM1 Bending moment force per unit width about local 2-axis.——绕n2轴的弯矩 SM2 Bending moment force per unit width about local 1-axis.——绕n1轴的弯矩

SM3 Twisting moment force per unit width in local 1–2 plane.——n1-n2平面内的扭矩

File extensions


State file, only used by Abaqus/Explicit. It is written by the analysis, continue, and recover options. It is read by the convert and recover options. This file is required for restart.


Symmetric model data file, only used by Abaqus/Standard. It is written during symmetric model generation by the datacheck and analysis options.


Text file containing beam cross-section properties for meshed section profiles. It is written by Abaqus/Standard during meshed beam cross-section generation.


Auto-release file, which contains information needed for license recovery and suspension.


Command file, created by the Abaqus execution procedure.


Printed output file. It is written by the analysis, datacheck, parametercheck, and continue options. Abaqus/Explicit does not write analysis results to this file.


Lanczos eigenvector file. This is a temporary scratch file that is used to store the eigenvectors calculated by the Lanczoseigensolver during the solution procedure.


User subroutine or other special-purpose FORTRAN file.


Sparse solver factor files. These temporary scratch files are used by the sparse solver in Abaqus/Standard. The uft file is created only when the unsymmetric solver is used.


Results file. It is written by the analysis and continue options in Abaqus/Standard and by the convert=select and convert=all options in Abaqus/Explicit.


Results file created when changing the format of the .fil file using the abaqusascfil command. It can be in either ASCII or binary format. (See ―Execution procedure for ASCII translation of results (.fil) files,‖ Section 3.2.9.) The ASCII format is convenient for data transfer between machines that do not have compatible binary data formats.


Analysis input file. It is read when the analysis, datacheck, and parametercheck options are selected.


Interprocess message file. It is written when an analysis is run from Abaqus/CAE, and it contains a log of all messages sent from Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit to Abaqus/CAE.


Lock file for the output database. This file is written whenever an output database file is opened with write access; it prevents you from having simultaneous write permission to the output database from multiple sources. It is deleted automatically when the output database file is closed or when the analysis that creates it ends. The ask_delete environment file parameter setting will not affect the lock file.


Lanczos vector file. This is a temporary scratch file that is used to store the Lanczos vectors and weighted Lanczos vectors.


Log file, which contains start and end times for modules run by the current Abaqus execution procedure.


Model file. It is written by the datacheck option in Abaqus/Standard and

Abaqus/Explicit. It is read and can be written by the analysis and continue options in Abaqus/Standard. It is read by the analysis and continue options in Abaqus/Explicit. Multiple model files may exist if the element operations are executed in parallel in an Abaqus/Standard analysis. In such a case a process identifier is attached to the file name. This file is required for restart.


Message file. It is written by the analysis, datacheck, and continue options in

Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. Multiple message files may exist if the element operations are executed in parallel in an Abaqus/Standard analysis. In such a case a process identifier is attached to the file name.