2018-2019学年高中英语模块综合检测2北师大版必修1【精心整理】.doc 下载本文

E.There are many reasons why your friends might shut you out. F.Your friends may not answer your calls or e-mails suddenly. G.Some people will talk to you calmly about something you did. 【语篇解读】 文章针对和朋友发生矛盾如何找原因,如何和解给了一些建议。

16.F [考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句讲朋友突然不理你了会让你不知所措,下句分析常见的两种原因。F项:朋友可能突然不回你电话或电子邮件了,是朋友不理你的具体表现,连接前后,故选F。]

17.C [考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段讲要查明你朋友是不理所有朋友还是只是你,如果只是你,可能你某点做的不好。C项:如果是你错了要为此道歉,与下句“他们会原谅你”连接,故选C。]

18.G [考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段讲要反思自己的错误,找到原因。下句讲如果你听不到朋友们的建议会继续错下去,朋友们就会离你远去。G项:一些朋友可能会和你谈你的错误,连接上句,和下句是转折关系,故选G。]

19.B [考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段讲用不同的方式和朋友交流,挽救你们之间的感情。上句:朋友并没有完全不理你,只是对你的交流方式厌烦。B项:所以他们会短期不理你,是上句原因的结果。故选B。]

20.D [考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段主要讲要和朋友和解,拿出诚意和真心让朋友知道你对他们的关心,D项:让朋友们知道你对友谊的真诚,适合作为本段标题,故选D。] Ⅲ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A lesson in caring

It was a cold evening and my daughter and I were walking up Broadway.I didn't notice a guy sitting inside a cardboard box.But Nora did.She wasn't even four,but she 21 at my coat and said,“That man's cold.Daddy, 22 we take him home?”

I don't remember my reply.But I do remember a sudden 23 feeling inside me.I had always been delighted at how much my daughter noticed in her 24 ,whether it was 25 in flight or children playing.But now she was noticing 26 and beggary.

A few days later,I saw an article in the newspaper about volunteers who picked up a food package from a nearby school on a Sunday morning and 27 it to an elderly person.It was quick and easy.I 28 us up.Nora was 29 about it.She could understand the importance of food,so she could easily see how 30 our job was.When Sunday came,she was ready,but I had to 31 myself to leave the house to fetch the food package.On my way to the school,I fought an urge to turn 32 .The Sunday paper and coffee were waiting for me at home.Why do this? 33 ,we phoned the elderly person we'd been appointed.She 34 us right over.

The building was in a sad state.Facing us was a silver-haired woman in an old dress.She took the package and asked us to come in.Nora ran inside.I unwillingly followed. 35 inside,I saw that the apartment belonged to someone poor.Our hostess showed us some photos.Nora played and when it came time


to say good-bye,we three hugged,I walked home in tears.

Professionals call such a(n) 36 “a volunteer opportunity”.They are opportunities,I've come to see.Where else but as volunteers do you have the opportunity to do something 37 that's good for others as well as for yourself? Nora and I regularly serve meals to needy people and 38 clothes for the homeless.Yet,as I've 39 her grow over these past four years,I still wonder—which of us has 40 more? 【语篇解读】 本文讲的是父亲和女儿在百老汇通过女儿做的一件小事受到启发和一些感慨。 21.A.waved C.pulled

B.glanced D.aimed

C [考查动词。根据语境,女儿拉了一下我的衣角说……,故选C。] 22.A.Would C.Need

B.Can D.Must

B [考查情态动词。女儿见那个乞丐很冷,问她爸爸是否可以把他带回家。征询意见,can we...? 我们可不可以……?故选B。] 23.A.general C.heavy

B.funny D.curious

C [考查形容词。从下文可知女儿过去只在意孩童的美好世界,但现在开始关注苦难,赤贫。所以作者突然有一种沉重心情。故选C。] 24.A.world C.eyesight

B.part D.area

A [考查名词。下文提到鸟儿嬉戏,小孩玩耍等均是童趣,是女儿的孩童世界。故选A。]


25.A.insects C.plants

B.animals D.birds

D [考查名词。根据常识,女儿的孩童世界,童趣当然是看鸟儿嬉戏,与小孩玩耍等。故选D。] 26.A.coldness C.illness

B.suffering D.ignorance

B [考查名词。本空和beggary是并列关系,行乞与苦难有关,故选 suffering,故选B。] 27.A.delivered C.devoted

B.returned D.posted

A [考查动词。根据句意,志愿者把食物包装盒收集起来送给一位年迈的人。deliver sth to sb.把某物递送给某人,post 邮寄,不合语境。故选A。] 28.A.held C.signed

B.hurried D.lined

C [考查词组。我们报名参加了志愿者活动,sign up报名,故选C。] 29.A.casual C.astonished

B.sorry D.excited

D [考查形容词。从第一段可以看出女儿很有爱心。对这次志愿者活动她感到很兴奋,故选D。] 30.A.creative C.shocking

B.valuable D.simple

B [考查形容词。在此活动中女儿可以理解食物的重要性,因此我们的工作很有价值。故选B。] 31.A.warn
