《功夫熊猫1》中英文台词对照 下载本文

你在瞎说什么 这个味道真是太棒了 What are you talking about? This is amazing.

你真是个伟大的厨师! Wow...you are really a good cook. 我希望我的嘴能再大一点 I wish my mouth was bigger. 小虎 你真该尝尝这面条 Tigress, you got to try this. Hmm...

据说龙斗士能几个月不吃饭靠一片银杏叶的精华 和宇宙的能量生存

It is said that the Dragon Warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing but the dew of a single Gingko leaf and the energy of the universe.


I guess my body doesn't know it's the Dragon Warrior yet. 我需要更多的\精华\和宇宙的\液\态能量... I need lard more than dew and the universe juice. - 怎么了? What?

- 啊! 没什么 师父 Oh nothing, Master Shifu. Ha...ha...ha...ha!

除非你立刻减肥500磅 并且刷牙你永远也成不了龙斗士

You will never be the Dragon Warrior unless you lose 500 pounds. and brush your teeth. 那是什么噪音?

What is the noise you're making? 笑声! 我从来没听过

Laughter? I have never heard of it.

努力练功 徒儿们 也许有一天你们就能长出跟我一样的耳朵

Work hard Panda and maybe someday you'll have ears like mine. That's good. Oh...oh, yup. 耳朵 Ears?

不好笑吗?It's not working for you. 我觉得我学的挺像的 师父...

I thought they're pretty good. It's Shifu! 学的就是师傅啊 你们以为我在学谁?

Of course it's Shifu. What do you think I'm doing? 喔喔喔...师父您来了 Master Shifu. Aahh... 你们认为这很好笑吗 You think this is funny! 太郎已经从监狱里逃出来了 - 你们却还表现的像顽童

Tai Lung has escaped from prison! And you all are acting like children! - 什么? What?

他来抢龙之典 你是唯一可以阻止他的人

He's coming for the Dragon Scroll and you're the only one who can stop him.


Ha...and here I am saying you've got no a sense of humour. 我还是...我不说了... I am gonna... step down. 您是认真的? 而我必须...

What? You're serious?And I have to...aaa...not... 龟仙人可以降伏他 Master Oogway will stop him. 他之前做过一次 一定也还可以做一次 He did it before. He'll do it again. 龟仙人不能! 再也不能了... Oogway cannot! Not anymore. Haa?

我们唯一的希望就是龙斗士 Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior. - 那头熊猫? The Panda?

- 没错! 就是那头熊猫 Yes, the Panda!

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师父 别这样了 让我们去阻止太郎 Master please, let us stop Tai Lung? 这就是你训练我们的目的所在啊 This is what you train us for!

不! 击败太郎不是你们的使命是他的使命

No! It is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung! It is his! 他去哪里了? Where did he go? 你不准走 You cannot leave!

真正的勇士是永不放弃的 A real warrior never quit! 看着吧! Watch me! 别闹了 我怎么能对抗太郎

Come on! How am I suppose to beat Tai Lung? 在这阶梯上我连你都打败不了 I can't even beat you to the stairs. 你能对抗他是因为你就是龙斗士

You will beat him because you are the Dragon Warrior. 你根本不相信的 你从来就不相信 Ouch!

You don't believe that! Oh! You never believed that. 从第一刻起 你就想赶我走

From the first moment I got here, you've been trying to get rid of me.

没错 我曾经不相信 Yes, I was! 但现在 我要你相信你的师父 But now I ask you to trust in your Master

就像我相信我的师父一样 as I have come to trust in mine. 你不是我的师父 我也不是龙斗士

You are not my Master. And I am not the Dragon Warrior. 那你怎么不放弃 Then why didn't you quit?

你也知道我一直想赶你走啊可你留了下来 You knew I was trying to get rid of you. Yet you stayed.

是的 我没走 因为... 因为你动不动打我头 或说我很臭 都很伤自尊

Ya. I stayed. I stayed because every time you threw a brick at my head Or said I smelled, it hurt! 那也没什么

But it could never hurt more than it did everyday in my life just being me.

我留下 是因为我想如果有人改变我 可以改变现在的我 那就是你

I stayed because I thought if anyone could change me, could make me not me... ...it was you. 怎么训练? 怎么训练? 整个中国最伟大的功夫大师

The greatest Kung Fu teacher of all of China. 我能改变你 我能培养你成为神龙武士 我会的.... But I can change you! I can turn you into the Dragon Warrior. And I will! 拜托 太郎正往这里来

Come on, Tai Lung is on his way right now.

即使他花费100年到达这里 你要怎样让我变成龙斗士?

And even if it takes him a hundred years to get here. How are you going to change this into the Dragon Warrior? Hah? 怎样? How? - 怎样? - 我不知道 How?

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I don't know!

我不知道 I do not know 我就说嘛! That's what I thought.

这就是您训练我的目的所在 This is what she trains for it 小虎! Tigress!

别拦我 Don't try and stop me. - 我们不是来拦你的 - 什么?

We are not trying to stop you. What?

我们是跟你一起去 We are coming with you. 怎么了? 我一不开心就会吃东西 What? I eat when I am upset, okay! 不用解释 Oh! No need to explain.

我还以为你是大猴呢 I just thought you might be monkey. 他把饼干藏在最高的架子上

He hides his almond cookies in the top-shelf. 别告诉大猴 Don't tell Monkey. 看看你 Look at you. Yaaa..!

我知道 我又打扰到你了 I know I disgust you. 不不 我是说 你怎么上去的 No, I mean, how did you get up there? 我不知道 我... I don't know,...I... 我不知道 我就是拿饼干的... I don't know. Just get the cookies.

你现在离地面10呎高而且还做着个完美的劈山腿 And yet you are 10 feet off the ground and have done a perfect split.

不 这个... 只是个...巧合 No, this? This is just an accident!

世间无巧合 跟我来


I know you are trying to be all mystical and Kung Fu-ee. 不过能说一下 我们去哪吗

But could you least tell me where we are going? 你带我走了这么久... 就是来洗澡的啊? You drag me all the way out here for a bath? 熊猫 不要用这一池祭奠之泪洗腋窝

Panda, we do not wash our pits in the pool of sacred tears. 这个池子是... Uuh?...The pool of...


This is where Oogway unraveled the mysteries of harmony and focus.


This is the birth place of Kung Fu. - 你想学武吗? - 当然

Do you want to learn Kung Fu? Yes

那我就是你师父 太好了 Then I am your Master. Okay! - 别哭 - 好的 Don't cry. Okay.

当你专心于功夫 聚精会神时反而学不好

When you focus on Kung Fu, when you concentrate, you stink.

但这可能是我的错 But perhaps that is my fault.

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我不能像训练五侠客一样训练你 I cannot train you the way I trained the Five. 我发现 训练你的方法 就是这个

I see now that the way to get through to you is with this. 太好了 我正好饿了 Aah great, cause I am hungry. 哈哈... 好! Good, 训练完成 才可以吃

when you have been trained you may eat. 我们开始吧 Let's begin. 吃吧 熊猫After you, Panda.

就这么简单? 没有啥机关 不用先徒步十里? Just like that. No sit-ups. No, ten-mile hike. 我发誓要训练你 你也完成了 I vowed to train you and you've been trained.

可以随便来吃了 You are free to eat. 好好吃 Enjoy Hey!

我说你可以随便吃了 吃个饺子吧 I said you are free to eat. Have a dumpling. 你可以随便吃了 You are free to eat. - 我可以吗? Am I? - 你可以吗? Are you? 我不饿了 I am not hungry. 师父 Master. 割断绳索 Cut it!

龙斗士在哪里? Where is the Dragon Warrior? 你怎么知道 你面对的这位不是呢? How do you know you are not looking at her? 哈哈 你以为我是傻子吗 You think I'm a fool. 我知道你不是龙斗士

I know you are not the Dragon Warrior. 你们都不是None of you! 我听说他乘着火球从天而降

I heard how he fell out of the sky on a ball of fire. 他是一个战士 是世间唯一的

But he's a warrior unlike anything in the world has ever seen. 阿波? Po?

他叫这个名字啊 阿波! So that is his name. Po! 最终 我们会来一场世纪之战 Finally, a worthy opponent. 铸就传奇 世世流传 The battle will be legendary.

我们来抓 你去帮她 We got this, help her. 大猴! 去吧~ Monkey! Jump! 螳螂 Mantis! 现在 Now!

师父把你们教的不错 Shifu, taught you well. 但他没把全部本领教给你们 But he didn't teach you everything. 你干的不错 阿波 You have done well, Panda. 很棒? Done well?

很棒! 我表现棒极了我干的超级棒 Done well! I have done awesome! 真正的英雄 懂得谦逊

The mark of a true hero is humility. 不过确实 你干的...超级棒 But yes, you have done, awesome.

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