上海英语高考及时雨翻译(中文+答案)word版 下载本文

turn to the tourist for help.

15. 他没有报名参加面试,这使他失去了一份


He didn?t sign up for the interview, which cost him a well-paid job.

16. 做幼儿园老师需要极大的耐心。(call) Working as a teacher in the kindergarten calls for a lot of patience.

17. 成功由三个重要因素组成:天才?勤奋加上


Success consists of three important factors: talent, diligence and luck.

18. 众望所归,Jam 当选了足球队队长。


As most people had expected, Jim was chosen as captain of the football team.

19. 火势最终被控制住了,但还是造成了巨大


The fire was finally brought under control, but had still caused great damage.

20. 作为班上的尖子学生,她有能力解答这些


As a top student in the class, she is capable of working out these maths problems.

Section B (每题4分)

1. 给我印象最深的是中国人民对未来满怀信


What has impressed me most is that the Chinese people are very confident of their future. 2. 在空调房间待太久会使人生病。(cause) Staying in an air-conditioned room for too long may cause people to fall ill.

3. 在孩子成长的过程中,父母不能忽视他在


In the course of the growth of a child, parents mustn?t neglect what kind of friends he is making. 4. 与他原来的期待相反,做这个工作需要经


Contrary to what he expected, doing this job involves often going abroad.

5. 经过两个小时的讨论,他们决定向经理投


After two hours? discussion, they decided to complain to the manager about it.

6. 大量砍伐树木肯定会扰乱生态平衡。


It?s certain that cutting down trees in large numbers will upset the balance of nature.

7. 这些残疾人渴望为社区贡献自己的一份力


These disabled people long to make their own

contributions to the community.

8. 第一次到纽约的时候,我对所见所闻都很


The first time I visited New York, I was curious about what I saw and heard.

9. 随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越关心生


With the improvement of living standard, People are increasingly concerned about the life quality.

10. 我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合


I find it hard to cooperate with those who always stick own opinions.

高考英语中译英测验 4 (D)

Section A (每题3分)

1. 她下定决心不惜任何代价不让父母失望。


She is determined not to let her parents down at any cost.

2. 我们认为有必要为地震的受害者捐款。


We think it necessary to donate money to the earthquake victims.

3. 一本书是否畅销取决与诸多因素。


Whether a book sells well depends on many factors.

4. 这个孩子梦想着有朝一日能登上月球。


The child is dreaming of landing on the moon some day.

5. 阅读时,你不必碰到生词就查字典。


You needn?t look up every new word you come across in reading.

6. 由于经验不足,他不知道如何处理这情


He didn?t know how to deal with the situation because of his inexperience.

7. 勿庸置疑,坐飞机比坐汽车安全。


There is no doubt that taking a plane is safer than taking a car.

8. 希望你早点给我们回信。(desire)

① We desire you to reply to our letter early. ② We desire your early reply to our letter. 9. 服药时,请遵照使用说明。(direction) Please follow the directions when you take the medicine.

10. 凡是想要生存的人都要依靠社会。


Whoever wants to survive must be dependent on society.

11. 他在外貌和性格上都与妹妹截然不同。


He is completely different from his sister in appearance and character.

12. 不管谁指出我们的缺点都应受到回报。


① Whoever points out our shortcomings deserves a reward.

② Whoever points out our shortcomings deserves to be reward.

13. 因为有着强烈的求生欲望,她在这次空难


Due to her strong will to live, she survived the air crash.

14. 他仍然昏迷不醒,随时有生命危险。


He remains unconscious and is in danger of losing his life at any moment.

15. 他要求出国进修,但被公司拒绝了。


He demanded to go to abroad for further study, but was refused by his company.

16. 这场战争极大地消耗了美国的资源和财


The war was a great drain on the resources and wealth of American.

17. 他把毕生精力花在医学研究上并且取得了


He devoted all his energy to medical research and make great achievements.

18. 我认为你找到男生宿舍不会有困难。


I don?t think you?ll have any difficulty finding the boy?s dormitory.

19. 把一个国家分成四个时区是否会给人们带


Dose it give people inconvenience to divide a country into four time zones?

20. 人们经常将香港描述成国际金融与商贸中


Hong Kong is often described as an international financial and business center.

Section B (每题4分)

1. 我校正不遗余力地满足学生对课外活动的


Our school is making every effort to meet the demands of students for activities after class.

2. 同学们正在热烈讨论是否有必要穿校服。


The students are having a heated discussion about whether they should wear school uniforms. 3. 我决定不出席晚宴,除非你答应和我一起


I?ve decided not to attend the dinner party unless you promise to go to with me.

4. 随着现代技术的高速发展,良药不再苦


With the development of modern technology, good medicine doesn?t test bitter any longer.

5. 令她失望的是,她想买的连衣裙没有她要


To her disappointment, the dress she wanted to buy was not available in her color and size.

6. 在农村,因为孩子的教育支出,许多父母


In the countryside, many parents are in heavy debt because of the expense of their children?s


7. 他否认违反交通规则,而将事故责任推到


He denied breaking the traffic rules and blamed the truck driver for the accident.

8. 那个穿白衣服的女孩多才多艺,给我留下


The girl dressed in white was of many gifts, which left a deep impression on me.

9. 从考官的表情判断,他对面试者大失所


Judging from his expression, the interviewer was greatly disappointed with the interviewees. 10. 由于需要作进一步修改,他将书推迟到明


As the book needs further revising, he has delayed publishing the book until next year.

高考英语中译英测验 5 (E)

Section A (每题3分)

1. 和园丁们一起工作让我们学到许多关于花


Working with gardeners enables us to obtain a lot of knowledge of flowers.

2. 为避免误会,你最好向她解释清楚这个问


To avoid misunderstanding, you had better explain the problem to her clearly. 3. 你不吃早餐也无助于减肥。(even if)

Even if you don?t have breakfast, you won?t lose weight.

4. 我发现和你父亲交换看法很令人耳目一


I?ve found it very refreshing to exchange ideas with your farther.

5. 我们必须用知识武装头脑,以便将来为人


We must equip ourselves with knowledge so as to serve the people in the future.

6. 别对他期望太高,不然你会失望的。


Don?t expect too much of him, otherwise you will be disappointed.

7. 最后,我想引用一首诗来结束我的演讲。


Finally, I want to end my speech by quoting a poem.

8. 这种药对治疗咳嗽有立竿见影的效果。


The medicine has an immediate effect on cough.

9. 总经理不会原谅你玩忽职守的行为的。


① The general manager won?t excuse you for neglecting your duty.

② The general manager won?t excuse your neglecting your duty.

10. 他厌倦了喧嚣的城市,而渴望一种宁静的


He has tired of the noisy city and was eager for a quiet country life.

11. 让皮肤长时间晒太阳是有害的。(expose) It is harmful to expose one?s skin to the sunlight for long.

12. 他是如何在那起车祸中死里逃生的还不清


It isn?t clear yet how he narrowly escaped death / being killed in the car accident.

13. 多参加些体育锻炼,你就不那么容易感冒


If you do / take more physical exercise, you will not catch a cold so easily.

14. 这房子给我们三个人住够大了,而且离地


The house is big enough for us three to live in, and it is convenient to the subway station.

15. 如果你不研究对手,最终你将输掉这场比


If you don?t study your opponent, you will end up losing the game.

16. 我们都没料到校长会出现在晚会上。


None of us expected the headmaster to show up at the evening party.

17. 我不知道他究竟为什么辞去了这样一份高


I wonder why on earth he has quit such a well-paid job.

18. 据估计大约有超过5000万人曾感染过这种


It is estimated that more than 50 million people have been infected with this disease.

19. 报纸上一篇有趣的文章引起了我的注意。


An interesting article in the newspaper caught my eye.

20. 在场的观众有权利为他们喜爱的歌星投


The audience present are entitled to vote for their favorite singer.

Section B (每题4分)

1. 应鼓励年轻人按照自己的特长选择职业。


Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points. 2. 她报名参加模特大赛,却遭到父母的强烈


She wanted to enter for the middle competition, which was strongly opposed by her parents.

3. 为了学好英语,学生应尽可能多地接触真


To learn English well, students should be exposed to real language environments as much as possible.

4. 要教育人们注意保护环境并不容易。


It is not easy to educate people to pay attention to protecting the environment.

5. 他在技巧和经验上都与我们旗鼓相当,谁


He is equal to me in skill and experience, so either of us is likely to win the championship. 6. 近来,他在从事关于做笔记对学习效果的


Recently,he has been engaged in a research on the effects of taking notes on study.

7. 您的旧家电在我们任何一家连锁店都能以


You can exchange your old household appliances for new ones in any of our chain stores. 8. 不仅年轻人爱好这项运动,许多中年人也


Not only do the young enjoy the sport, but also many middle-aged people are eager to have a try. 9. 必须采取一切可能的措施以确保奥运会顺


All possible measures must be taken to ensure

that the Olympic Games will go on well.

10. 为了与时具进,专家们正努力改进教科


To keep pace with the times, the experts are making great efforts to improve the textbooks.

高考英语中译英测验 6 (F)

Section A (每题3分) 1. 大多数学生都支持他提出的建议。(favor) Most students are in favor of the suggesting he put forward.

2. 他因家境贫寒而不得不退学。(force)

He was forced to quit school because his family was poor.

3. 我们坚信这个高科技产品总有一天会被接


We hold a firm belief that this hi-tech product will be accepted one day.

4. 好几年来,他一直在同疾病作斗争。


He was been fighting against the disease for quite a few years.

5. 我完全被那景象迷住了,无法移开视线。


I was so fascinated by the sight that I could not take my eyes off it.

6. 学校应该注重培养学生对科学的热爱。


Schools should focus (their attention) on cultivating students? love for science. 7. 仅仅往大脑中蓄满知识是无用的。(fill) It is no use just filling your mind with knowledge.

8. 大多数与会人员不赞成此项计划。(for) Most of the people who attended the meeting were not for the plan.

9. 即使他向我道歉,我也决不会原谅他的无


① Even if he apologizes to me, I will never forgive him for being rude.

② Even if he apologize to me, I will never forgive him his rudeness.

10. 一场暴风雨后,他们发现自己面临着严重


① After a rainstorm, they found themselves faced with a serious flood.

② After a rainstorm, they found a serious flood facing them.

11. 并非任何人都适合做推销员。(fit)

Not everyone is fit for the position as a salesman.

12. 我忘了提醒他面试的时间。(forget)

I forgot to remind him of the time for the


13. 今天阳光明媚,我想去野餐。(feel)

As it is sunny today, I feel like going for a picnic.

14. 他在演讲比赛中的表现远不令人满意。


His performance in the speech competition is far from satisfactory.

15. 大楼着火后不久,消防队就赶到了。


Soon after the building caught fire, the fire brigade arrived.

16. 他在业余时间喜欢上网与人聊天。(fond) He is found of chatting on the internet in his spare time.

17. 决定将有校长来做。(fall)

It will fall on the headmaster to make the decision.

18. 每次母亲回到家里,都发现他们在打牌。


Every time the mother came back home, she found them playing cards.

19. 我们学校禁止学生在校内吃零食和乱扔垃


① Our school forbids the students to have snakes and litter in the school.

② Our school forbids the students? having snacks and littering in the school.

20. 据我所知,在那座小城市里购物很方便。

(as far as)

As far as I know, it is convenient to do shopping in that small city.

Section B (每题4分)

1. 我们最好不要与言而无信的人打交道。


We?d better not make friends with those who always fail to keep their promises.

2. 他目不转睛地看着相册,想起许多童年趣


With/Keeping his eyes fixed on the photo album, he recalled much fun in childhood.

3. 他作为一个杰出的科学家而闻名,但他却


He is famous as an outstanding scientist, but he isn?t interested in fame and wealth.

4. 只有通过仔细的观察和分析我们才能发现


Only through careful observation and analysis can we find out what the problem is.

5. MP4正在流行,而MP3已不再时兴,时尚


MP4 is in fashion now while MP3 is out of