光电式传感器论文中英文资料对照外文翻译 下载本文

4.3 被测物体反射光通量的应用

该传感器采用漫反射的原理。在这种传感器中,发射器和接收器安装在同一设备上。由发射器发射的光被目标对象所反射,并充满了各个方向,反射光的一部分反射到接收器,所以可以检测出目标对象。 1)反射式光烟报警器

在没有烟雾的情况下,由于红外管垂直于内部涂满了黑色的烟雾吸收材料,所以红外光无法到达红外光敏晶体管。当烟雾进入烟室,烟产生的固体颗粒对红外光的漫反射,使部分的红外光到达红外光敏晶体管并输出光电流。 2)光电式转速表

光电式转速表是反射的光电式传感器,它可以从与被测物体外部相差几十毫米的地方无接触的测量速度。 3)颜色传感器


4.4 被测物体遮光的应用



图6 带钢偏差的光电检测器

5 光电式传感器的发展






The Application and Development of Photoelectric

Abstract: At present, the application of photoelectric sensors are more and more

extensive, it also promotes the development of photoelectric sensors. Photoelectric sensor has simple structure and diversity. It has high precision, fast response, non-contact and other advantages. In this paper, we analyze the principle of photoelectric sensors, introduce the classification of photoelectric, and then highlight introduce the application of photoelectric sensors and the use of the principle of photoelectric sensors, analyze the current and future development of photoelectric sensors.

Keywords: Photoelectric sensor, the application of photoelectric sensor, the

development of photoelectric sensor.

1 Introduction

Photoelectric sensor is the sensor to use the electronic and optical element as the detection component. Photoelectric detection has high precision, fast response, noncontact advantages and so on. The sensor has simple structure, flexible and diverse forms. Therefore, the photoelectric sensor is widely used in the field of control and testing. It can be used to detect the non-electricity which can cause changes in the amount of light, such as light intensity, radiation temperature, gas composition. It can also use light transmission, occlusion, reflection, interference and others to measure a variety of physical quantities, such as object size, displacement, velocity, temperature, etc. So it is an important and sensitive device which has a very wide application. When using the photoelectric sensor, it doesn't directly contact with the measured object and the beam quality is nearly zero, there is no friction in the measurement and almost no pressure on the measured object. Therefore, photoelectric sensors has obvious advantages than other sensors in many applications. However, its drawback is that optical devices and electronic devices are more expensive in some applications, and environmental

conditions require higher on the measurement. In recent years, new optoelectronic devices are been emerging, particularly the birth of CCD image sensor, that creates a new field for the further application of photoelectric sensors.

2 The Principle of Photoelectric Sensor

Photoelectric sensors use photoelectric elements as sensor conversion devices. The principle of photoelectric sensor is to reflect the measured objects changes by light signal, and then convert the light signal into electrical signals by optoelectronic components. Usually the photoelectric sensor is composed by light source, optical access and optical components. The working process of photoelectric sensor is shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. The working process of photoelectric sensor

The role of optoelectronic devices is to convert the optical signal into electrical signal, which is based on the photoelectric effect. Photoelectric effect is a physical phenomenon that the light shines on certain substances and causes the material to change in the electrical characteristics. It can be divided into external and internal photoelectric effect.

External photoelectric effect is the physical phenomena that the object's electron escape surface of the object and emits outside under the influence of light. Photon is in the form of quantum \the Planck constant, v is the optical frequency. Photon flux corresponds to light intensity. External photoelectric effect is described by the Einstein equation:


Where m is electron quality, v0 is electronic escape velocity. When the photon energy is equal to or greater than the work function, the external photoelectric effect can be generated. So each object has a corresponding effect on the photoelectric threshold frequency of light, known as the red limit of frequency. For more than the red limit of the