牛津深圳版一年级下1B教案完整版 - 图文 下载本文

Look. Do y0u like…? 利用老师的的课件中的食物和玩具来练习一般疑问句。 Review the dialogue. 1.Show the situation 2. Look and listen 3. Look and say. 4. Think and complete 运用多媒体创设在买东西的情景和语境,把语言点串成一个主题,让学生在看看、听听、说说、想想中感知、理解、掌握语言。 Make a dialogue. Say and act. (Work in pairs) 通过模仿自编对话,初步培养学生同伴合作能力和会话能力。 Post-task activities 1. Read the book 2. Follow the tape Homework: Suggestion:

课 时 计 划

第 九 周 星期一 第 1 节 2013 年 4 月 15 日

Module 2 My favourite things Revision 2 Period 2 1. To use nouns to identify toys and food. 2. To use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences. e.g. I like … 3. To ask yes/no questions to find out one`s preferences. e.g. Do you like …?Yes./No. 4. To ask Wh-questions to ask for specific information about a person. e.g. What do you like? I like … 5. To bring up pupils good habits of listening and speaking. 6. To educate the pupils to be polite to the others. 1. To use nouns to identify food and toys. 2. To ask Wh-question to find out specific information about something. e.g. What do you like? 3. To ask yes/no questions to elicit simple responses. e.g. Do you like …?Yes./ No. Language focus: Language skills: Step Contents 1.Warming up 2.Greetings 3.Ask and answer Methods Sing a song T says, P1 responses (How are you? etc) Purpose 让学生快速进入英语学习状态;师生问候既是对所学问候语的复习,又增进了师生情感互动 Pre-task preparations While-task procedures Review the words about the food. 1.Quick response T: What do you see? How many…? 2.Guessing game a. Look at my mouth b .What is missing? ( pictures; words) 通过快速反映的问答,既对要复习的词句进行了初次强化,又调动了学生的学习热情;通过看口型,猜单词的游戏 帮助学生掌握单词的正确读