(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年黑龙江省绥化市英语八年级(上)期末经典模拟试题 下载本文



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




1.I'm not ________ the result of the exam,because I didn't fully study for it A.sure about A.too many A.made up

B.bored with

B.too much B.put up

C.many too C.dressed up

C.different from

D.much too D.put on

2.Children look very tired. They do _________ homework every day. 3.The actor ___________ as a Monkey King in the film. 4.—Where is Mary,Kate?

—She ________ went shopping with her parents. A.maybe B.possible C.probably D.probable

5.If you have some problems,you can ask someone you ________ for help. A.choose B.trust C.refuse D.accept

6.I have to study ________ my math test ________ Friday afternoon. A.at;on B.for;on C.for;in D.on;for

7.-My father often relaxes himself by __________ to music after work. -How about your mother?

A.listen B.listened C.to listen D.listening 8.─Get good grades and you can study in a better school.

─You are right. So it's necessary to take all the subjects ________. A.carefully




9.─_________ today? ─It's Thursday,October 10th. A.What day is it


C.What's the date D.How's it going

10.He's going to buy a big house when he ______ more money. A.has B.have C.will have D.is going to have 11.Don't worry. Your son is old enough to look after ________. A.myself




12.—Do we only expect our parents to give us food and clothes? —No,they should also play a(n) ________ in teaching us about life. A.role B.joke C.plan D.example

13.一I'm going to take the kids to see the movie Aquaman. 一 . The kids are too young to see it.

A.You'd better not B.Good idea C.I think so D.No problem 14.I will ________some water into my milk . A.cut B.pour C.peel D.make 15.Would you another cup of tea?

A.like to have B.to like having C.likes have D.to like to have

16._________children want to get up early in the morning . They all like sleeping . A.A few A.sell B.to sell C.wear D.to wear

18.-How are we going to spend our free time?

-Why not ____________ a hobby, like collecting cards? A.turn up

B.put up

C.pick up

D.take up

19.Tom decided_____volleyball A.to paly B.play C.played D.playing

20.I didn’t catch the bus yesterday. I _______ walk three kilometers to wait for another bus.

A.was able to 二、单词填空


1)Little Tom's favorite TV ________ (节目) is Animal World. 2)The old man exercises ________ (两次) a day.

3)That little boy ________ (曾经) fell off that tall tree. 4)Some children were playing on the ________ (秋千). 5)Who knows the most but says the ________ (最少)? 三、句型转换 22.

1)I want to be an engineer when I grow up.(对画线部分提问) __________do___________ want to be when ____________ grow up? 2)I’m going to swim because I like exercising.(对画线部分提问) ________ ________you going to swim?-

3)He is practicing speaking English now.(用 this term作时间状语改写句子) He _________ __________ __________ ___________speaking English this term. 4)We are going to visit our friends in America next week.(改为一般疑问句) _________ _______going to visit__________ friends in America next week? 5)We'd better make a weekly plan for schoolwork. (改为同义句) . We’d better make a plan for schoolwork ___________ __________. 四、完成句子

23.根据汉语意思完成下列句子 1)你为什么喜欢看新闻?

Why ___________ you ___________ ___________ the ___________ ?

B.had to



B.A little



17.Mr. Wu asked us __________a pair of trainers, because we would have to walk a long way.


What do you ___________ ___________ ___________on TV tonight? 3)我喜欢游戏类节目。你呢?

I like game shows. ___________ ___________ you? 4)你觉得游戏类节目怎么样?

What do you ___________ ___________ game shows? 5)你期待能从新闻中学到什么?

What can you ___________ ___________ learn from the news? 五、完形填空

24.Dennis is a schoolboy from Shanghai.He 1 some New Year’s resolutions yesterday. He wants to 2 .So he is going to exercise more and eat a lot of healthier food. He 3 junk food. He is going to make a soccer team because he likes it and he is also good at play 4 . He is going to be the 5 of the soccer team. He also wants to improve his 6 .He is going to read English every morning. He is going to 7 a pen pal in England or Australia. And he is going to write letters or e-mails in English 8 his pen pal. When he grows up, he is going to be a doctor for children. He wants to help sick people. He is going to medical school for six years first 9 he finishes high school. He is going to work hard. He loves children and he thinks 10 children will be wonderful. 1)A.had B.made C.did D.listed

2)A.keep fat B.keep young C.keep old D.keep fit

3)A.didn’t eat B.is going to eat C.isn’t going to eat D.eats 4)A.basketball B.volleyball C.soccer D.baseball 5)A.captain B.player C.friend D.classmate 6)A.Chinese B.English C.Japanese D.French 7)A.find B.have C.get D.look for 8)A.with B.in C.on D.to 9)A.where B.when C.why D.what

10)A.looking for B.looking like C.looking at D.looking after 六、用所给的词正确形式填空


1)How many _________(sandwich)would you like?

2)My birthday is on the _________(four)Saturday in September. 3)Don't forget _________(turn)off the light when you leave the room. 4)The boy _________(dig)a hole and planted a tree.

5)Mom,could you help me put some _________(butter)on the bread?

七、阅读理解 26.阅读理解


A boy named Jack lived in a small village. One morning, his mother sent him to his uncle's in town. He had a very good time there. Before Jack left in the evening, his uncle gave him a jar and said, “There is some candy in it, you may put your hand into it and take some when you want to eat something.” Jack looked at the jar when he was in the train. It had a long and small neck. He put his hand into the jar and took five pieces. But he could not

get his hand out. He turned his hand this way and that way, still he could not get his hand out. He turned his hand again. Finally he let go of four pieces. Then he could pull his hand out of the jar.

1)One day Jack's mother sent him to his mother's brother's house. 2)The jar with some candy in it had a large neck. 3)Jack only stayed in town for a whole day.

4)At last Jack only took one piece of candy at a time.

5)From this lesson, Jack knew that he himself was too foolish.

27.Do you know how to make friends with a group of people? Let me tell you the steps about making friends with the group. Maybe it’s helpful(有帮助的)to you.

First, you need to know what kind of group they are. If people of the group are shy, never ask them “Why don’t you talk?” “Why are you quiet?” or “Why do you look shy?” They don’t like such questions.

Next, remember that each group is different. They may use different words, like different things or have different ways of “hanging out”.

Then, the important thing is that you should try to be outgoing. If you are outgoing, you would become very popular. Remember, nobody wants to make friends with a shy person. Finally, find a right topic to talk with the group. For example, you can talk with them about the weather, the news, their hobbies or their school life. 1)What does the underlined word “steps” mean in Chinese? A.脚步 B.步骤 C.办法 D.习惯

2)You can ask the questions like “_______” when you want to talk with a shy person. A.Why don’t you talk? B.Why are you quiet?

C.Why do you look shy? D.It’s a nice day, isn’t it? 3)You can talk with the group about the topics except _______. A.the weather B.the news C.their hobbies D.their ages 4)Which is the correct order of the following things in this passage? a. Know that each group is different. b. Try to be an outgoing person.

c. Find a right topic to talk with the group. d. Know what kind of group they are.

A.a-b-c-d B.d-a-b-c C.a-d-b-c D.d-b-a-c 5)Which is the best title for the passage? A.Finding Differences Between the Two Groups B.Good Topics to Make Conversations

C.How to Make Friends with a Group of People D.Making Friends with Parents

八、书面表达 28.书面表达

用所给的关键词写一篇短文描述你的生活习惯,至少60个单词.often, sometimes, never, always, hardly ever, once a week, twice a month.)
