新视野大学英语听说教程第三册听力原文和答案 下载本文

she were alive?

9. M: Pardon me。Um,why don?t you teach us anything about love in class?

W: Well,love is important,but it?s not a good topic for the classroom.

You should learn about love from your parents or grandparents. Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? 10. W: I?ve been thinking about how I could teach my children to be more loving.

M: Sounds like a job for you and your husband .How about I give

you some vacation time? You could take a family trip and talk more with your kids.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

Long Conversation

M: Sometimes I really don?t understand you. You are often rude to our

children,you never play with them,and you rarely say you love them. This isn?t how parents are supposed to act .Where did you learn such behavior?

W: Hey! I don?t think I?ve treated them any differently than my parents

treated me and my sisters!

M: So that?s where you learned it…from your parents? W: My parents were good. They raised three children.

M: From what I can see,they didn?t teach you how to be a loving

person. What is going to happen to our kids? If you keep treating them poorly,they?re going to grow up to be just like you.

W: Listen,there?s a lot that I can learn about being a good mother,but

I still think I?m doing

a good job. Look at our kids. They?re already kind and loving people.

And I don?t think you have any reason to worry.

Q: 1. What are the two speakers talking about?

2. According to the man, what is the wrong with the way the woman

treats the children?

3. According to the man, what didn?t the woman?s parents teach her? 4. What does the woman think?

5. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? Passage

All parents want to raise a happy, successful and loving child,but there is little agreement about how best to reach this goal. Over the years,parents have tried dramatically different ways. They have put their baby on a schedule, or they have fed on demand; they have let their baby cry himself to sleep,or they have picked him up as soon as he cried; they have given their child whatever he wants,or they have taught him to get everything through his own efforts. These contrasting parenting strategies

arise from quite different views of the nature of children and childhood and the roles of parents. Some parents view their child as naturally social. To them,their job is to allow him the space to succeed. Others think that their child should be taught how to act. There are probably positives and negatives to each method. None of them guarantees that your child will become the loving individual you want him to be. But some things are certain-a child will be more likely to be loving if you show him love,more successful if you give him examples of success,and happier if you are happy.

Q: 1. What is this passage about? 2. What do parents NOT agree upon?

3. Why do parents have different methods for raising children? 4. How will a father raise his child if he believes his child is naturally social?

5. What can we be certain of? Radio Program

Our “This I Believe” essay today comes from Corinne Colbert, a listener in Athens, Ohio. Colbert. Colbert is a mother of two. She writes the newsletter for a business organization,and she is president of a parent-teacher?s organization. Here?s Corinne Colbert with her essay for “This I Believe”.

My husband is not my best friend .He doesn?t complete me. In fact, he can be a self-absorbed jerk. We?re nearly polar opposites: He?s a lifetime member of the NRA who doesn?t care for journalists, and I?m a lifelong liberal with a journalism degree. On the other hand,he doesn?t beat or emotionally abuse me .He doesn?t drink or chase other women. He?s a good provider. So I?m sticking with him .Some people would call that “settling”, like it?s a bad thing. But I believe in settling.

Alas, to many of us, the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. From movies to magazines to commercials,we?re told that we should demand more from lives that are,for many of us,pretty good. We suppose to look better, eat better, find better jobs,be better lovers and parents and workers .A stable marriage isn?t enough. It?s supposed to be a fairy tale. Perfection is the goal.

Settling in my sense,is about acceptance . I?m a pretty happy person, in large part because I?m honest with myself about what I have.

Of course,some situations are worth improving. If your weight jeopardizes your health, exercise and change your eating habits; if your job makes you truly miserable, find a new one. If your marriage is toxic, end it. Chances are, though, you probably have what you need. If you?re unhappy, ask yourself: Am I unhappy because I really don?t have what I need,or because I just want more?

So, yes, I?m settling. I?m happy with my husband who,despite his