新视野大学英语听说教程第三册听力原文和答案 下载本文

1. in 1776

2. They worked together for the same goal 3. Fifty years 4. No ,he was ailing 5. Yes, they did. Homework Task 1

1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B Task 2

1.D 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B Task 3 1.organisms 2.untreated 3.occurences 4.agriculture 5.encouraged 6.administrations 7.attributed

8.Some thhings have been done to address this problem

9.in an effort to raise the public's awareness of environmental protection 10.to punish enterprises that drain untreated wastes into the rivers and oceans


Unit 1 Warming Up

W Did the doctor call? Did he say I?m pregnant? M Yeah,I just talked to him.

W What did he say? Are we going to have a baby? M You?re really excited about this,aren?t you?

W You know I am! It?s my dream to have a baby that I can teach how to be a loving person.

I thought you were excited too.

M Sure,I am . I?m excited for the same reason as you are. I think we

can do what you said-we can teach this baby how to grow up and become a loving person.

W so … is there a baby? What did the doctor say?

M It?s exactly what we wanted. We?re going to have a baby! Let?s start

off by calling our families and telling them the good news,I believe our parents are going to be as thrilled as we are. Short Conversations

1. W: I don?t know what to say about your new girlfriend-she seems

so cold,so distant.

M: Deep down,she?s a loving person .The problem is that she didn?t

have a loving family like ours. So she doesn?t know how to express love.

Q: According to the man,what?s wrong with his new girlfriend? 2. W: You look at my father and see a tough man with a gun and blood

on his hands. But I see him as a man who always provides for his family.

M: Whoa,wait a minute .I didn?t say anything of the sort. I admire your father a lot.

Q: What does the man think about the woman? s father?

3. W: You know,I never understood why my parents kept giving second chances to my

brother. He never does right by them.

M: Then you don?t understand the nature of love .Love means never quitting on the one you love.

Q: What does the woman NOT understand?

4. W: If only I had more money,I would buy my parents everything they wanted.

M: That?s a very nice thought,but it?s really not necessary. Visit them more. That should be enough for them.

Q: What should the woman do for her parents?

5. W: Excuse me! Have you already started class? Or am I on time? M: I?ve already begun the lesson,We?re talking about the meaning of love .Please

take your seat·

Q: What is the topic for the class?

6. W: Some learn from their parents,some from their friends … but if a person has never

learned about love,his life is a waste.

M: I agree whole-heartedly. Thankfully,I learned about love from

my parents at an early age.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?

7. W: It's 10 0?clock! You?re late again! I just don?t know what to say anymore.

M: Sweetheart, love, darling, you should know that my being late has

nothing to do with my love for you .Try to understand me. Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

8. W: Sometimes I?m glad our mother isn?t alive,I think if she could

see the person I've become,she?d really be disappointed. M: Mom had a lot of love for you .If she were here now,she wouldn?t

judge you that way. She just would?ve been happy to see her kids and help them when she could.

Q: According to the man,what would their mother NOT have done if