新视野大学英语听说教程第三册听力原文和答案 下载本文

Warming up

Welcome! Thank you for joining us on our tour of America about America already,but now you’re going to learn a whole lot. You probably know more! Maybe you?ve heard a lot

about some of America’s famous writers,like Jack Kerouac,from Americans you?ve met in

your own country. And maybe Americans traveling abroad have also filled you in on some

of our great artists,like Jackson Pollock. On this tour,once lived in .It could also be that you?ve learned about we?re going to visit the homes they great American musicians,like Louis, Armstrong,and symbols of America,like the Statue of Liberty,in your history classes。Well,you?11 be interested to know then that we?11 be visiting some different museums dedicated to these people .Once again,I’m glad you?ve chosen to travel with us.

Please call on me! I?m going to be your tour guide for the next few days If you need any help,

Understanding Short Conversations

1. W: It used to be that pictures of Uncle Sam were used just to encourage men to join the army. But now you can see his image in

many other places as well.

M: Yeah .There are pictures of him all over the place,especially in advertisements.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?

2. W: The Statue of Liberty represents a welcoming spirit toward immigrants,right?

M: Well,mostly. But at first,it represented freedom from slavery. Then,it stood for the friendship between France and the US .And then even more。

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?

3. W: In the painting,American Gothic,a farmer is holding a weapon. Why? Is he going to war?

M: No! That?s not a weapon! He?s holding a tool for doing farm work!

Q: What mistake did the woman make?

4. W: I?ve traveled around the US,but I haven?t discovered anything that seems to represent it.

M: You haven?t been to Washington D .c. then .If you had,you would?ve seen a lot of buildings and statues that have comes to

represent the US.

Q: Why should the woman travel to Washington D .c.?

5. W: What do you think comes to mind when foreigners think of the US?

M: I?m not sure. But I hope they think of our beautiful forests and natural wonders. After all,this is what I think of. Q: What does the man wish for?

6. W: I had no idea that America was so famous for its painters. M: Well,there have been more than a few great American painters。However, I don?t think the US values them as much as it should do.

Q: According to the man,what is wrong with the US?

7. W: I have to write a report on America?s greatest symbol,but I don't know what it is.

M: Well,you have a lot to choose from. There's the Golden Gate Bridge,the White House,the Statue of Liberty and so on. But if you asked me I think it's the painting American Gothic.

Q :According to the man,what is America's greatest symbol?

8. W: I don?t think America has a symbol that compares with either the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Great Wall of China

M: What are you talking about? There are many symbols in this country. .Take the Washington Monument for example,it holds a lot of importance for people here.

Q: What does the man think of the Washington Monument?

9. W: Let's see?so far we?ve been to Yosemite National Park,the Black Hills,and the Hoover Dam. What?s the next stop on this tour? I?m getting kinda tired of sitting.

M: I?m not exactly sure. Give me a moment and I?11 ask the bus driver.

Q: Where are the speakers?

10. M: I?m not sure why Mom and Dad took us on this tour of great American symbols.

W: Seeing these things up close is so much better than learning about them in school,I think they just wanted us to enjoy ourselves. Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

Understanding a Long Conversation Audio Script