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76. 6441-!-item-!-187;#058&005031 Is the integer k divisible by 4 ?

(1) 8k is divisible by 16.

(2) 9k is divisible by 12.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【答案】B 【思路】 (1) (2)

8k為整數,表示k可被2整除。但不表示一定可被4整除。←選項(1)不成立 169k為整數,表示3k可被4整除 =>即k可被4整除。←選項(2)成立 12--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

77. 6741-!-item-!-187;#058&005163

If n is an integer between 10 and 99, is n < 80 ?

(1) The sum of the two digits of n is a prime number.

(2) Each of the two digits of n is a prime number.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【答案】B


(1)兩個數相加為值數,有可能為: 94(相加為13) 已大於80。←選項(1)不成立

(2)兩位數皆為質數,表示選擇在一位數的質數 {2,3,5,7} 所得出最大的兩位數為75,小於80。←選項(2)成立


78. 6841-!-item-!-187;#058&005248

For each customer, a bakery charges p dollars for the first loaf of bread bought by the customer and charges q dollars for each additional loaf bought by the customer. What is the value of p ?

(1) A customer who buys 2 loaves is charged 10 percent less per loaf than a customer who buys a single loaf.

(2) A customer who buys 6 loaves of bread is charged 10 dollars.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【答案】C

【思路】由題目可得知價格公式為: p+q?(n-1) *n為總購買數量


(2) 由此可另外得知 p+5q=6,但無其他資訊可求出p、q。←選項(2)不成立

(1) + (2) 可聯立解兩方程式,因此可求出p ←選項(1))+(2)成立


79. 6946-!-item-!-187;#058&005390

If the terms of a sequence are t1, t2, t3, . . . , tn, what is the value of n ?

(1) The sum of the n terms is 3,124.

(2) The average (arithmetic mean) of the n terms is 4.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【答案】C 【思路】

(1)由此可得知 t1+…+ tn = 3124,但無其他資訊求得n ←選項(1)不成立 (2)由此可得知

p?q2 = (1-0.1)p,但無其他資訊可求出p、q ←選項(1)不成立


(1) + (2) 可聯立解兩方程式,因此可求出p ←選項(1))+(2)成立


80. 7243-!-item-!-187;#058&005480

If x is a negative number, what is the value of x ?

(1) x2 = 1

(2) x2 + 3x + 2 = 0




(1) x2 = 1,且x為負數 => x= -1 ←選項(1)成立

(2) x2 + 3x + 2 = 0 => (x+2)(x+1)=0 => x=-2 或 -1 ←選項(2)不成立


81. 7301-!-item-!-187;#058&005482


B In the figure above, what is the ratio


(1) The perimeter of rectangle KLMN is 30 meters. (2)

The three small rectangles have the same dimensions.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【答案】B


(1) 已知長方形KLMN的周長為30,但無法得知其他資訊←選項(1)不成立

(2) 已知三個小的面積一樣,且有共用邊(ex:AD為LDAC和MDAB的共用邊)可推出AC=AB。三個長方形的面積相等,表示LDAC=CKNB (設共用邊BC為2k)=> 長*k=2K*寬 =>可得知長為2k,寬為k。KN=2k,MN=3k即可求出

KNMN. ←選項(2)成立


82. 7356-!-item-!-187;#058&005489 Is

(1) x2 > y2 (2) x > y



【答案】A 【思路】

(1) x2 > y2 平方已將正負數的影響拿掉(等同於絕對值) ←選項(1)成立

(2) x > y 的情況下,y有可能為負數。如此一來y的絕對值不一定小於x。 ←選項(2)不成立


83. 7463-!-item-!-187;#058&005565 If u, v, and w are integers, is u > 0 ?

(1) u = v2 + 1

(2) u = w4 + 1

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【答案】D


(1) 在此情況下,v的平方一定大於0且1也大於0,所以兩的大於0的數相加一定大於0 ←選項(1)成立 (2) 在此情況下,w的四次方一定大於0且1也大於0,所以兩的大於0的數相加一定大於0 ←選項(2)成立 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

84. 7517-!-item-!-187;#058&005572

If p is a prime number greater than 2, what is the value of p ?

(1) There are a total of 100 prime numbers between 1 and p + 1.

(2) There are a total of p prime numbers between 1 and 3,912.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【答案】D 【思路】

(1) 從1開始署到第101(2不是)的質數即是p ←選項(1)成立 (2) 數1~3912有幾個質數,即可得知p ←選項(2)成立


85. 7713-!-item-!-187;#058&005641 Is k positive?

(1) k is between -2 and 3 on the number line.

(2) k is between 1 and 2 on the number line.