澶栫爺鐗?涓骞寸骇璧风偣)涓夊勾绾ц嫳璇笂鍐屼紭璐ㄦ暀妗堝叏鍐屽悎闆?- 鐧惧害鏂囧簱 下载本文


③老师假装头疼,引导学生用“Have you got…?提问, 引出新单词 “headache” , 然后集体、个别反复读。同样方法学习 “stomach ache ”

学习其他新单词test Friday clever ( 通过卷纸学习 test, 通过提示学生明天是周五学习Friday, 通过夸学生学习clever ) 4.Learn the text

①T: Let’s have a look at what Sam has got.

Students just listen and look at the screen. (Powerpoint) ② Listen , point and repeat.

③ Learn the text together. (教师边领学生读边讲解课文,注意 sad –happy, test today , stomach ache 的连读,tests , Fridays 复数的读法,及 Thank you = Thanks ) ④ 教师领读。同桌合作读。学生个别读,老师纠正读音 5. Questions about the text.

① Is Sam sad? ② Is Sam ill? ③ Sam has got a headache. Yes or No? ④ Sam has got a stomach ache. Yes or No ? ⑤ Sam has a test today. Yes or No? 6.Reading . (Powerpoint)

Mum: Get up, get up, my dear! It’s time to go to school. Son: Oh, Mum. I think I’m ill today. Mum: What’s the matter, my dear?

Son: I’ve got a headache. I can’t go to school. Mum: But today you have an English test. Son: I know. But I’m not good at. Mum: Come with me to see the doctor.

Son: The doctor! Oh, No! My head is not hurted( 疼). I can go to school now. Read and draw “ T ” or “ F ”

1.The boy is ill today. ( ) 2. The boy can’t go to school today.( ) 3.The boy goes to the hospital. ( ) 4. At last (最终),the boy can go to school.( ) 7.Train Game ( Pictures in the Powerpoint )

首先邀请几个学生做示范,通过老师给的一组图片,第一个人问第二个人一个问题 “ Have you got…?” 以此类推。注意单复数。每做完一组要对出现的问题做以总结。 三Homework

1.Preview Unit 1 Listen and repeat.

2. Survey 对你的三个朋友做个调查,看看你的玩具他们都有没有。 反思:


Module7 Unit2 She's got a cold

Teaching aims:

1. the word: where and the sentence including where 2. 一般疑问句:Has Sara got a cough? And its answers: Yes, she has./No, she hasn’t. Teaching important points: He’s got … Has he got…?

Teaching difficult points:

The students could make clear with the differences between have and has. Teaching preparation: Tape,pictures Teaching steps: Step one:warming up

The teacher shows some pictres about the illness. One picture is shown and then the teacher asks students to guess what illness it is. Firstly, the interests of students are aroused through the activity and then the students could review the words learned in the last lesson. Cough, stomach ache, cold. Step two:

The teacher tells a story about the absence of Jake and Sara. And then the students could make a guess about the reasons of absence. A situation can be created here. The teacher asks students to listen to the tape and understand the main idea of this story. Some questions can be listed.

Where is Jake? What about Sara?

Has Daming got a cold too?

After answering these questions, the teacher can ask them to listen again and then they are required to read in roles in groups. Step three: considation

The students are required to make a dialogue according to the content they have learned. Step four: homework

The students are required to write down the dialogue they have made. Activity for module seven: Purpose of activity:

Let the students understand the basic asking ways of health. They can talk about illness freely and actively.

Preparation of activity: Pictures, word cards Process of activity:

The students are formed into several groups. One student in one group shows the pictures about the illness. Another student guess what illness it is. Then the two students make a dialogue with the picture reminding. Then the other students are required to practice again. The following sentence pattern should be used. She has got a …