澶栫爺鐗?涓骞寸骇璧风偣)涓夊勾绾ц嫳璇笂鍐屼紭璐ㄦ暀妗堝叏鍐屽悎闆?- 鐧惧害鏂囧簱 下载本文

imitate the pronunciation of the sentence. On the basis of pronunciation the teacher can try to let students to understand the meaning of the sentence. Step two:

In the warming up part, we have shown the basic important points. Then we can create a situation to learn the new passage. Step three:

The teacher asks students to listen to the tape and then the students are required to read the text. At last, the students can be required to read in groups in roles. Step four:

In the second part, there are some excerices to practice the important sentence pattern”can I …..? In this part, the expressions have been given. The students could answer according to the expressions. It arouses the interests of students. Later, a song is given. We can asks students to enjoy the song to release themselves. Step five: homework

The students are required to write some sentences with using the word “can”. Activity of module five: Can I …..? Purpose of activity:

Practicing the forms of requirement and requiry in the fixed situation. Preparation for the activity pictures about the daily life

Process of activity:

The students are formed into three groups. One student comes up with requirements to other groups according to the pictures. Then the students in the other group should answer. The answer must be: yes, you can. Until the student comes up with the requirements that are not qualified with the situation. The group who insists on is the winner.

Module6 Unit1 I've got a new kite.


1. 语言功能:讲述自己拥有某物。

2. 学习任务:I’ve got a new kite. We’ve got a jigsaw puzzle. 3. 运用任务: 1. SB Module6Unit1活动3 2. 看谁说得多

每组选择一类词(如文具、食物、动物、服装等),小组讨论后用I’ve got…说句子。 3. 我们的百宝箱

呈现若干物品,用I’ve got…或We’ve got…说句子,每说一个放入百宝箱。 4. 向他人描述自己的物品。

模块分析:本模块主要学习have got 句型不同人称的表达。其中第一单元讲授的是第一人称的表达。即I’ve got…和We’ve got… 二、教学步骤: 1、任务启动:

热身:1)演唱歌曲:教师组织学生边做动作边唱 I can’t do it .

2)快速回答:教师设计一些只能用Yes, I can.或者No,I can’t.回答的问题。如:Can I

read a book in bed? Can I have lots of sweets? Can I play computer game all day? 让学生 快速举起事先准备的哭脸或笑脸,同时大声回答。


2、任务呈现:教师指自己的物品,如课本、衣服等说:This is my book.I’ve got a book. This is my sweater. I’ve got a sweater. 板书I’ve got … 让学生猜意思。而后呈现任务:今天我们来学习如何用英语讲述自己拥有某物。 3、任务准备: 课文导入:

教师画风筝简笔画或者出示风筝图片Look! A new kite.Who has a new kite?What happens to the kite? Today we’ll learn a story about a kite. That is Module 6 Unit 1.用不同颜色笔补全课题。 课文教学:

1)请学生打开书,教师播放录音。听录音前教师给出问题:Who has the new kite ? What has Daming got? What happens to the kite? What does the kite look like? 引导学生在课文中找到答案。在帮助学生回答问题的同时讲授生词computer game,careful, jigsaw puzzle ,fix. 用快速出示、快速翻译、BINGO或者What’s missing?等游戏巩固生词。

2)教师再次播放录音,请学生在理解全文的基础上画出含有I’ve got…和We’ve got … 的 句子。教师把句子写在黑板上,先让学生在同桌之间练读,然后展开“开火车”或其他形式的朗读比赛。

3)教师第三次播放录音,请学生模仿跟读。在学生对汉意不明确或录音语速过快的地方进行讲解和指导,并适当举例。比如在讲解Can I play with your …? 请求交换玩具这一句式的时候,教师可与一生用实物现场演示,让学生更充分的感知。

4)教师让学生两人一组分角色朗读课文。请几组为大家表演对话。 4、任务完成:

1)完成SB Module6Unit1活动3

请学生拿出事先准备的活动3中的玩具图片一张或两张,集中在group leader 手里,让每个学生随机抽取后,用I’ve got… 说句子。 2) 看谁说得多

让每组在school things,food,toys,animals,clothes中选择一类词,请学生先准备,然后在所给单词范围内全组尽量多的用I’ve got… 说句子,限定时间内说出句子最多的为胜。 3)我们的百宝箱。

用课件或者图卡呈现若干组相同数目的物品,组内学生快速说出I’ve got…或We’ve got…就可以用鼠标将物品拖进百宝箱或者将图卡放入百宝箱,用时最少的组为胜。

4)鼓励学生用I’ve got…和We’ve got …自由说句子。可开展小组竞赛。 5、Home work: 选择其中一个完成:

1) 用I’ve got…和We’ve got …各写两句话。

2) 用I’ve got…和We’ve got …写一小段话。要求语句通顺,语意连贯。不少于五句话

Module6 Unit2 She's got a pet cat.

Teaching aims:

1. Ability aim: read, know and understand the word:pet; Can use this sentence:He’s/ She’s got…