雅思听力练习材料及答案 下载本文

William and Mary

Questions 4 - 6

Circle the appropriate letter, A, B, C or D, as you listen.

4. Which floor is Lecture Theatre H on?

A fourth C eighth B sixth D tenth

5. How do William and Mary go to Lecture Theatre H? A escalator, then lift C stairs only B lift, then stairs D stairs, then lift

6. What does the sign say?

A Lecture postponed until 10.00 today C Dr Jones ill — lecture cancelled today

B Lecturer change — Professor Smith to present today's lecture D Lecture to be held in Theatre C today


Questions 7 - 11

Complete the table below. Mary's timetable Class Chemistry lecture Chemistry lab Genetics lecture Microbiology lecture Microbiology tutorial Plant pathology lecture Plant pathology lab Plant pathology tutorial


Day of week Example Tuesday Wednesday (8) ________ (9) ________ Wednesday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Time Example 10 o'clock (7) ________ o'clock 5 o'clock 2 o'clock (10) ________ o'clock (11) ________ o'clock 3 o'clock 12 o'clock

Section 2 Questions 12 - 23

Questions 12 - 15

Complete the notes below. Write a NUMBER or ONE WORD for each answer.

The Island of Astoria

12. ? Distance from New Zealand: __________________ km 13. ? Direction from New Zealand: _________________ ? Size compared to New Zealand: Example 25% larger 14. ? Shape of island: __________________ 15. ? Climate: _______________________

Questions 16 - 23

Complete the table. Write a NUMBER or NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

The Provinces of Astoria

Province Hornchurch New Devon Anglezark New Albion


Part of island (16) ________ Example northast (21) ________ Population Example 2.5 million (17) ________ (19) ________ 1.5 million Language Example English English English (22) ________ Main tourist attraction Example culture (18) ________ (20) ________ (23) ________

Section 3 Questions 24 - 33

Questions 24 - 26

Complete the table by ranking the THREE senses indicated. How did Immanuel Kant rank the senses?

Sense Ranking


24. hearing ________ 25. sight ________ smell Example 5 26. taste ________

Questions 27 - 29

Circle the correct answer.

27. Immanuel Kant believed..

A only smell was subjective. C touch was subjective. B hearing was subjective. D smell was not necessary.

28. A person who is 'odour-blind' ... A can smell only some odours.

C does not think flowers smell wonderful. B is unable to smell flowers. D is probably colour-blind, too.

29. The sense of smell ...

A is half as strong after the age of 65. C is stronger in women than men. B is not affected by age.

D is weakened in half of people over 80.
