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DeltaV入门教程 翻译:李俊峰



1,首先,关闭PumpsAnim dynamo set。在系统树里选择PumpsAnim,右键—〉Close。 2,在系统树里双击TanksAnim1 dynamo set ,把TankWDoorD1拖到画面上。

3,在Tank Dynamo对话框,浏览找到路径LI-101/AI1/PV/CV。体统自动添加.F_CV后缀。

4,选择 Fetch Limits from Data Source(从信号源提取上下限)。点OK。



内容 管道 动态属性的路径 没有动态属性 Dynamo Set Pipes Dynamo 根据需要,选择各种形状的管道 截止阀 XV-101/DC1/PV_D/CV ValvesAnim ValveHorizontalAnim1[注a] 调节阀 FIC-101/PID1/PV/CV ValvesAnim ValveHorizontal Control1[注b] a, 使用Valve Dynamo对话框的默认设置。 b, 在Valve Dynamo对话框,选择Animate Valve Color,在Color By对话框,选择Color by Current Value。在Color Threshold栏,选Range,设0-50为红色,50-100为绿色。


DeltaV入门教程 翻译:李俊峰

曲线链接用来在RUN模式中显示实时曲线图。可以链接数据库中的所有浮点型数据。通过工具箱里的图表工具(chart)来添加。 添加一个3线图:



2,选中图表,右键 —〉Chart Configuration。出现属性对话框。

3,选择Chart选项卡,删掉Pen List栏里的默认项目,点添加曲线按钮,浏览找到下面三个路径:

DVSYS.FIC-101/PID1/PV.F_CV DVSYS.FIC-101/PID1/SP.F_CV DVSYS.FIC-101/PID1/OUT.F_CV. 4,选Y-Axis选项卡,设title 为Flow。 选中Apply

to All Pens(用于所有曲线)。









你可以在任何一张画面上根据需要, 添加跳转链接(一般是按钮形式),可以方便地从当前画面跳到相关的其它画面。


1, 在系统树Pictures文件夹里打开打开Overview画面(Ovw_ref.grf)),不做任何改动,保存为My_Ovw_ref.。 2,

双击上一页/下一页按钮,在Next Picture里输入TANK101,点OK。保存画面。

DeltaV入门教程 翻译:李俊峰



2,在Previous Picture里,点问号,选择My_Ovw_ref.grf。在Next Picture里,点问号,选择My_Ovw_ref.grf。 3,在Previous/Next Picture对话框点OK。文件 —〉保存。



1,菜单栏,点 Insert —〉Push Button。把按钮放置在名为FIC-101/MODE的数据链接旁。用文本工具


2,选中按钮,在工具栏点Task Wizard(任务向导)工具

。出现Task Wizard对话框。


3,在Task Category(任务类别)栏选择Command(命令)。在Tasks栏选择Write Value to Tag Expert。

4,点Perform Task(执行任务)按钮,出现对话框, 在Fix Database Tag(指定数据库路径),输入DVSYS.SFC-START/SP.F_CV。




提示:另一个调用Start命令的方法,是选中按钮,右键 —〉Edit Script(编辑脚本),然后为按钮对象编辑脚本(用VB语言)。

6 DeltaV Operate 运行模式(略)

7 采集、显示数据

DeltaV入门教程 翻译:李俊峰

The DeltaV system supports the collection of user-specified parameter field values and alarms and events for long-term storage, retrieval, and presentation. There are three main aspects of continuous data collection and presentation:

? Detection by defining history collection in the modules and nodes ? Storage by the Continuous Historian subsystem

? Presentation through the Process History View application

The DeltaV system also lets you export data to the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software so that you can use that application’s extensive analysis and reporting features.

Continuous Process Data Collection

The following subsections contain information on data collection in the DeltaV system.

History Collection

The history collection function defines the module or node parameters that are monitored and stored in the DeltaV Continuous Historian.

History collection is an integral part of a module. If you copy a module that has history collection, the new module includes the history collection. This enables you to set up history collection for key parameters and copy the module for similar applications. Library modules include history collection so that you do not have to set up history collection when you copy a library module to an area. You can add additional history collection to a library module.

In Chapter 4, we set up history collection in Control Studio for the module that we created from scratch (LI-101) and acquired history collection for the other modules that we copied from the Library.

Continuous Historian and Alarms and Events Subsystems

Each workstation includes a Continuous Historian subsystem that detects and stores historical data and an Alarms and Events subsystem that detects and stores system events and alarms. The Continuous Historian subsystem monitors modules for history collection on an area basis and the Alarms and Events subsystem monitors for events and alarms on an area basis. If you move a module from one area to another, history collection moves with the module. For example, if a Continuous Historian subsystem is collecting history data from a module in AREA1, and you move another module to AREA1, all the history collection for that module is automatically added to that Continuous Historian subsystem.

You can establish duplicate data acquisition and storage by assigning an area to two or more Continuous Historian subsystems.

You must assign the areas from which you want to collect history to the subsystems, enable history collection on the workstation, and download the workstation through the DeltaV Explorer to activate the subsystems and view the data. You set up history collection for modules through the DeltaV Explorer or through Control Studio.

In the following exercises we will assign area TANK-101 to the Continuous Historian and Alarms and Events subsystems, enable history and events collection on the workstation, download the workstation, and view the data with the Process History View application. Assign TANK-101 to the History Subsystems

Assigning an area to a Continuous Historian subsystem allows the subsystem to collect historical data from the modules in that area. Assigning an area to the Alarms and Events subsystem allows the subsystem to collect alarms and events.

To assign TANK-101 to the subsystems