某建筑工程施工安全管理计划(中英文翻译) - 图文 下载本文

6.2 Safety test 安全考试

All attendees of the training should pass the test thereof, which is carried out in written form and the results thereafter are kept. Those fail the test should attend another training and the test as well prior to entry. People who have passed the exam can be admitted to site with a permit 所有参加安全教育的员工都必须通过安全测试,安全测试将以试卷的形式进行,成绩记录在案。每一名员工都必须通过所有的考试科目。如成绩不合格,需重新培训并补考合格后才能进入施工现场。每一名通过现场考试的人员都将得到施工现场准入证。

6.3 Retraining & Retest


Personnel Safety Training & Examination Record Sheet(Detail Please See “Project Construction Safety Training and Education Procedure”):


7. Inspection of construction equipment and tools for safety 施工机具设备安全检查/检验及管理规定

7.1 All construction tools and equipment must be suitable and adequate for the purpose. Tools should be CE marked, (or comply with equivalent standards).

所有工具和设备必须符合作业要求。工具应该有CE标记(或达到同等标准),登记造册后由项目施工安全经理会同施工经理/项目工程师/专业技术人员进行安全性能和技术性能检测,合格后再交由业主或管理公司相关安全人员检测,只有经检测合格并标示好的施工机具和设备才能进入施工现场; 7.2 Guards and electrical trip switches must work effectively and must not be removed or by-passed.


7.3 All tools shall be maintained in a safe working condition. 必须保持所有工具处于安全工作状况下。

7.4 We shall provide suitable storage approved by OWNER with suitable racks and bins for storing

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tools and equipment.


7.5 We shall nominate or employ the services of a competent qualified electrician to inspect and tag electrically powered hand tools, transformers, distribution boards, extension cables etc. on a monthly basis at least. The tag shall display name and signature of the individual inspecting the tool, date of inspection and shall be ticked to indicate the tool is safe for use. CONTRACTOR shall forward the name and qualification of the qualified electrician to OWNER for approval prior to the appointment of the position.


7.6 We shall keep on site a register of all electrically powered hand tools in use, including the following details:

我们将在现场存有使用的电动工具登记表,包括: Individual identity number of the tool. 工具区分的识别号码



进行检查的合格电工姓名、签名和所有者 Date of inspection. 检查日期 -

Remarks on condition of tool and whether repaired or withdrawn from use.

Name, signature and OWNER of the qualified electrician carrying out the


7.7 No electrically powered hand tool shall be used unless it is tagged with a current ?SAFE FOR USE? tag.


7.8 All electrical leads must be connected to the power source through standard industrial waterproofed plugs and sockets, which shall be in good condition.


Project General Construction Equipment & Tools/ Panel Pictures 项目常用施工设备和工具及配电箱图片:

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Must be Category II or III electric tool instead of Category I tool.

Must be self-release/normally open switch Must comply with GB3883-1991

Am very concerned about the use of the switch on grinder that stays on. Suggest replacing all grinds with one that has a trigger on it so it stops when you let go of the trigger

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Glass steel ladder must comply with ANSI TYPE IA, with required ladder shoe. Trestle ladder shall have acceptable rungs.

No mental ladder in electricity sensitive field!

No bamboo or self made ladder!

Acceptable rigging:

Steel wire ropes fabricated in factory Nylon gallus

Buckle, suspending beam/pole arm labeled with safety load Unacceptable rigging:

Steel wire ropes woven by hand

Self-made suspending beam/pole arm and rigger that are denied load test

Buckle with no safety load sign

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