某建筑工程施工安全管理计划(中英文翻译) - 图文 下载本文

组建项目施工 安全管理团队 项目范围/业主要求/环境/施工工艺研究 识别和确认项目 施工安全特征/风险 组织施工人员安全培训/建立和配备现场急救资源和社会资源联系网络 编制项目施工安全 管理计划和紧急响应计划 组织施工设备和机具 登记和安全性能检验 编制项目特殊或专业任务安全实施程序(S.A.P)及工作安全风险和评估(J.S.A) 活动实施准证(S.W.P)和过程安全标示、检验和验证(S.O.C) 活动安全要求交底和班前工具箱会议(P.T.A/S.T.A.C) 实施施工周安全检查/统计/评比,汇总统计结果,布置专项整治(S.A) 组织或参加项目 模拟紧急状态演习 创建安全有序的项目 文明施工环境 组织施工安全事故的救治/调查/分析(R.C.I.T),布置整改和举一反三 整理/存档项目施工安全资料,总结项目安全执行过程,促进项目施工安全管理持续改进

2. Project Construction Safety Risk Verify/ Assessment/ Prevention Procedure 项目施工安全风险识别/评估/预防程序

All construction activities shall be equipped with Safety Activity Plan established according to requirements of state, local government and owner; Safety Activity Plan must define: description of activity scope/ construction activity procedure or construction process/ Job safety analysis/ assessment/ prevention action or measure/ responsibility definition/ pre-tack analysis. After

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inspecting and confirming of al grades of management personnel and executive personnel, issue Safety Work Permit to make sure all activities are under control. See example in the following chart and see details in section five: project construction safety specific procedure.

任何施工活动在实施前都必须按照国家或当地政府或业主的要求制定施工安全活动计划(Safety Activity Plan S.A.P),项目施工安全活动计划必须定义活动的范围描述/ 施工活动程序或实施工艺/ 活动安全危害或风险识别(J.S.A)/ 评估(Assessment)/ 采取的预防措施(Prevention Action or Measures)/相关实施责任人员的职责定义(Responsibilities Definition)/ 活动开始前进行安全交底(Pre-Task Analysis),各级实施和管理人员检查确认后,再通过安全工作准证(S.W.P)的签发来确保所有的施工活动处于受控状态。下表是一个实例,具体请看第五节:项目施工安全专业程序。 Project Discipline Construction Activities Risk Verify & Assessment Sheet: 项目专业施工活动风险识别和评估表: No. 序号 Activity Description 活动描述 Hazards/ Risks 危害/风险 Risk Class 风险级别 P1 Prevention Action 预防措施 Action By 执行者 Action When 何时执行 Status 执行状态 O 1 2 Notice: 说明: P2 Design/Substitution Redesign/SWP/PPE Separation/Training Administration C Risk Class Spec. P1: Potential Death, Permanent Disability or Major Structural Damage or Potential Incident resulting in permanent or significant detrimental impact on the natural or built environment. 威胁生命,不可恢复的结构或者潜在的导致重大危害建筑和环境的威胁 P2: Potential Temporary Disability or Minor Structural Damage or Potential Incident that could impact on environmental elements (natural or built) that can be contained and remediated with no long-term effect. Any potential for exceedence of a Statutory License/Permit condition. 临时威胁,在一定时间内对建筑物或者环境造成危害的威胁 Page 22 of 50 Rev.01

Prevention Action Spec. Design: Design hazards out. Substitution: Replace the material or process with a less hazardous one.使用安全的材料,按照安全的操作程序工作。 Redesign: Redesign the equipment to reduce or move the hazard.重置工作环境,避开危险源。 SWP/PPE: Using safe work permit with personal protective safety Equipment.使用安全工作许可,在安全的工作环境下工作。 Separation: Isolate the hazard by enclosing or guarding.隔离危险源 Administration: Adjusting the time or conditions of exposure to risk.调整工作时间或者危险发生的时间 Training: Training and selecting persons to suit the skills required.培训和选择有合适技能的工人。 Status Spec. O: Open 未完 C: Closed 已关闭

3. Main HSE management Rules 项目主要施工安全管理制度 3.1 HSE responsibility system 安全生产责任制度

Establish a safe construction responsibility system at various levels from project manager, HSE manager, construction manager, project engineer, technicians, quality inspectors and other management personnel to foreman and workers. Define and cascade responsibilities to specific persons. HSE Manager and supervising engineers are nominated in Project Manager Dept., and safety inspector in project team, and part-time safety workers in construction groups.


3.2 Safety training system 安全生产培训教育制度

Implement safety training system at three levels to raise safety awareness among workers and safety management to a higher level promote the capability of preventing accidents. Persons denied the safety training are not allowed to access the site, not to mention walk or work on site. 贯彻三级安全生产培训教育制度,提高全员安全素质、安全管理水平和防止事故发生的能力,从而实现安全生产。未经三级施工安全培训教育的人员一律不得进入现场参加业主或管理公司的施工安全培训,更不得进行任何作业或行走。

Insist on safety study for at least 2 hours per week, and attend safety technical courses regularly. 坚持组织每周不少于两小时的安全学习,由安全员定期上安全技术课。

Operators for special works must be subject to safety training and are not allowed to work without a certificate after exam.


3.3 Technical orientation system 安全技术交底制度

Project Management Team and various project teams should make safety plans on the basis of project characteristics and hold orientation meeting for workers before start of work. Do not work without safety measures and technical orientation meeting.


3.4 Safety inspection system 安全生产检查制度

Safety inspection, as an important means of HSE management, is aimed at finding and inspecting potential hazards, preventing offences, implementing safety rules and standards, dissolving potential hazards and promoting HSE management. Implement regular safety inspection during construction, twice per month in Project Manager Dept. and once per week in construction

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groups. Project team leader or foreman takes the lead in inspecting with presence of related persons. Fill in “HSE Inspection record”, define inspectors, inspection date and supervisor etc. 安全检查是安全管理的重要手段,其任务是发现和检查各种危险和隐患、制止违章、落实安全规程和标准、消除事故隐患、推动安全管理工作。在施工生产中实行定期安全检查制,经理部每月一次,项目队每半月一次,班组每周一次。检查时由项目队长或班组长带队,有关人员参加,认真填写“安全质量大检查记录表”,明确检查人、检查日期、监督人等。对检查过程中发现的问题必须组织分析发生的原因,定人/定时间/定标准整改和再验收,如果是普遍问题必须制定措施举一反三,全面整改,确保施工现场安全管理工作按计划和标准运行;

HSE supervisors patrol the site on a daily basis. In case of problems, urge related persons for correction on time. HSE workers should fill in Daily Petrol Record on time. For boiler, pressure vessel, hazardous chemicals, construction power, rigging machinery, electric tools, scaffold, excavating and overhead works and PPE, inspect on a week basis and complete HSE inspection records, and conduct safety, fire prevention and sanitary inspection according to climate and seasonal characteristics, like heatstroke prevention and temperature reduction, flood and collapse prevention. Project Manager Dept. will also carry out random HSE inspection and impose punishment on offenders by warning or deposing to ensure safe construction.



3.5 HSE design system 安全设计制度

Before start of work, roll out detailed safety design regarding vulnerable areas underlying severe potential hazards like shoring of foundation pit during excavation, to prevent accident from happening.


3.6 HSE handover system 安全交接制度

Workers in shifts should stick to handover system, including safety concerns. 实行倒班作业人员,应坚持交接签认制度,交接班必须有安全交接内容。

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