某建筑工程施工安全管理计划(中英文翻译) - 图文 下载本文

12. Daily inspection/ evaluation/ review/correction/regular meeting management rules 日常施工安全检查/评比/审查/整改/例会管理规定

The project team will perform a weekly inspection, evaluation, correction and safety meeting and the specific time is subject to the owner. It is to check and confirm whether the work of previous week was in full compliance with the safety plan, progress meeting and requirements from the owner and local authority, it is also to confirm whether it has made any rectification accordingly. It is generally organized by the safety manager with the presence of project manager, project engineer and trade foremen. Generally, they will perform a site tour and give scores of all activities, then make analysis of the outcome to find where the problem lies; or to find the key point to get out solutions to ensure all requirements from the safety plan, progress meeting, the owner and local authorities have been satisfied. It is strongly recommend to encourage everybody involved to work hard to enhance the project safety by means of incentive both in physically and psychologically so as to push the safe work as well as achieve a sustainable development.


13. Safety report and statistics 项目施工安全报表和统计

Safety management is summed up once a week, result of which or rectification thereof should be reported to the owner for their review to urge the project management move forward in more scientifically and systematically.


14. Regulations for incentive and penalty management rules

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We will formulate an incentive and penalty system in full compliance with the standards and requirements from the government, authority, the owner, NTCC in respect of safety management, by which we will encourage crews or individuals of good performance and punish those of misconducts of bad performance or even ask for a further training before they are resumed. 我们将按照国家/当地政府/业主/南通建工的安全管理标准要求制定项目施工安全奖罚制度和奖励标准,奖励施工安全执行好的班组和个人,惩罚表现不好的班组和个人,同时将视情况对表现不好的班组和个人重新进行施工安全要求培训,合格后在上岗

Section 5.Safety procedures and method statement (Refer to

attachments.) 第五节 项目专业施工安全程序或方案说明(详见附件)

Section 6. Project Safety Management Close-out

第六节 项目安全管理收尾

1. Key Process of Project Safety Management Close-Out 项目施工安全管理收尾的主要工作过程: 1.1 Collect and logout personnel badges 收集和注销退场人员胸卡;

1.2 Collect and logout mark of construction equipments or tools leaving site. 收集和注销退场施工设备或工具标示;

1.3 Coordinate, remove and modify the safety signs on site together with owner. 配合业主整理、拆除、更改现场各种施工安全标示;

1.4 Coordinate and summarize safety control materials in construction process and establish project construction safety control executive report.


1.5 Join in project construction safety control meeting organized by owner or management company and explain experience during process.


1.6 Coordinate and hand over project management archive together with project engineer to

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owner or management and local construction project archive center.


2 Content of Project Safety Management Close-Out 项目施工安全管理收尾的主要工作内容: 2.1 Collect and logout personnel badges 收集和注销退场人员胸卡:

According to resources exiting requirements of project department, first collect badges of personnel exiting site and report to owner or management company to logout; make sure of proper management of personnel entering into site and prevent mis-use of badges. 按照项目部的资源退场要求,首先收集退场参建施工人员胸卡,并报业主或管理公司相关人员处进行注销,确保进场施工人员的进场资质管理有效顺利进行,严防胸卡混用。 2.2 Collect and logout mark of construction equipments or tools exiting site 收集和注销退场施工设备或工具标示:

Collect and logout mark of construction equipments or tools exiting site and report to owner or management company to logout; make sure of proper use of mark of equipments or management company; equipments on site must be utilized according to requirements of owner, management company, state and local government.

收集和注销退场施工设备或工具的标示,并报业主或管理公司相关人员处进行注销,确保进场施工设备标示不被混用,留场施工设备按照业主、管理公司、国家、当地政府的要求合法使用。 2.3 Coordinate, remove and modify the safety signs on site together with owner 配合业主整理、拆除、更改现场各种施工安全标示:

As long as advancing of project construction progress and continuous changing of site conditions, various construction signs on construction site must be coordinated, removed or modified to meet needs in different phases of construction process. Project must be followed and accelerated according to related requirements, and processed according to requirements of owner or management company at closing period; after changing of construction safety signs all project personnel shall be notices in time and a discipline training shall be carried out when necessary. 随着项目施工进度的不断向前推进项目现场条件和情况的不断变化,项目现场的各种施工安全标示就必须要进行整理、拆除、更改,以满足项目不同阶段的施工安全管理的需要。本项工作在自身项目执行过程中必须按照相关要求适时跟进,同时在项目收尾阶段还要配合业主或管理公司的要求适时进行;各种项目施工安全标示更改后,要及时通知自身项目部全体人员,必要时还要进行适当的施工安全专业培训。

2.4 Coordinate and summarize safety control materials in construction process and establish project construction safety control executive report.


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Project construction safety summery report must be coordinated by project construction safety manager together with construction safety control team, including: rationality of safet control executive system, pre-cut of safety into construction organization, guiding and service etc., with aim to improve and perfect project construction safety control system of NTCC.


2.5 Join in project construction safety control meeting organized by owner or management company and explain experience during process.


2.6 Coordinate and hand over project management archive together with project engineer to owner or management and local construction project archive center.


Section 7 Attachments

第七节 附件

Attachment I:NTCC HSE System Documents 附件I:南通建工“健康、安全、环保系统文件

Attachment II:NTCC Safety Records for Last Five Years 附件II:南通建工过去5年安全状况记录表

Attachment III:Safety procedures and method statement 附件III:项目专业施工安全程序或方案说明

Attachment I:NTCC HSE System Documents 附件I:南通建工“健康、安全、环保系统文件

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