2020届英语高考二轮专题复习与测试:题型组合练(二十六) 阅读理解+完形填空Word版含解析 下载本文

weapon is our sweat.We have 2-4 million sweat glands (腺) all over our body,which means we can run and cool ourselves at the same time.Having no fur is also a huge plus.In contrast,dogs rely on panting (喘息)to cool down,and other animals,like horses and camels,also sweat,but less effectively.As a result,they overheat faster and must slow down sooner.

So,why did humans get to be such great endurance runners,anyway?Some experts believe this became important around 2-3 million years ago,when we started hunting.Because we couldn't chase down a gazelle (瞪羚) like a cheetah,early humans learned hunting.

Studies show running can lower body weight and body fat.And the longer you train,the greater the benefits are.Just one year of training has been shown to reduce body weight by about 7 lbs,lower body fat by 2.7% and decrease resting heart rate by 2.7%.

It may seem really hard,or even impossible to run a mile or a marathon.But in fact,you were born to go on that run.We all were.

5.In the first paragraph,cheetahs are mentioned to_______. A.show cheetahs are the fastest land animals in the world B.introduce humans can run fastest on the planet in the long run C.contrast with wolves and even horses in one aspect of endurance

D.inform running may be a big challenge for most of us humans 6.Why can we humans be endurance running superstars? A.We can pant to cool down our heat like dogs. B.We can sweat effectively like horses and camels. C.We have massive sweat glands and meanwhile no fur.

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D.We can run and overheat fastest to cool down ourselves. 7.According to studies in the text,if you want to lose weight,what should you do?

A.Eat a variety of vegetables and less fat. B.Work out at the gym every day. C.Exercise outside as much as you like. D.Conduct systematic training in running.

8.What does the author intend to emphasize in the last paragraph?

A.Humans have great running ability by birth. B.Humans can chase down animals like cheetahs. C.Marathoners don't need hard training. D.Running can lower body weight and fat.

体裁:说明文 题材:科学研究 主题:人类的跑步能力 【语篇解读】 本文主要探究了人类天生具备的跑步能力。 5.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第四句和第五句“But do you know that humans can leave them in the dust?At least,in the long run,that's right”的转折可推知,第一段提到猎豹是为了和人类进行对比从而引出,从长远来看,人类是地球上跑得最快的。故选B。


6.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“We have 2-4 million sweat glands(腺)all over our body”“Having no fur is also a huge plus”可知,人类之所以在跑步方面耐力很强是因为人类有很多的汗腺,且没有动物的毛皮。故选C。


7.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段前两句“Studies show running

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can lower body weight and body fat.And the longer you train,the greater the benefits are”,并结合题干可知,想减肥的人只要进行系统的跑步训练即可。故选D。


8.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“But in fact,you were born to go on that run”并结合对全文的整体理解可推知,作者强调了人类在血统上就具备很强的跑步能力。故选A。

答案:A Ⅱ.完形填空


(2019·河南五校高三联考)Paul was my neighbor and primary school classmate.He would take wonderful panda face cookies to school every year as his birthday__1__.I would always follow him when he shared the cookies with the other classmates,just in case someone had been__2__and as a result he had a(n)__3__cookie or two.Somehow,one cookie__4__long enough for me to show it to my mother.She got the__5__from Paul's mother and bought the special cookie cutter (切割工具) at Morley Brothers,our local hardware shop.

Over the years,my mother and I would__6__to make these cookies.After I got married,I bought my own cookie cutter and the cookies remained a__7__for New Year.Later,my mother gave me her cutter.I__8__both of the panda face cookie cutters__9__Morley Brothers had closed and we never saw anything even__10__these panda faces.

One year,the two cutters were waiting to be handwashed

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and__11__for another year,after I made the cookies.Well,my oldest daughter decided to help by__12__the dishwasher.You guessed it...__13__,the two treasured plastic cutters,came out totally__14__.I knew that if I could not__15__them,a long-standing tradition would come to a__16__.

After several telephone enquiries,I learned a woman named Pat Kimbrel had__17__the hardware business from her grandmother.I was__18__!Immediately,I called and eventually I got four panda face cookie cutters.

Now the family tradition is__19__in both our and our daughters' houses.So,Pat,thanks to you and your grandmother.You just never know how many lives you affect or for how many years the__20__will be felt.

1.A.benefit C.treat 2.A.curious C.absent 3.A.delicious C.instant 4.A.appeared C.sold 5.A.recipe C.award 6.A.manage C.expect 7.A.program

B.wish D.game B.free D.cautious B.extra D.similar B.expanded D.survived B.response D.comment B.continue D.struggle B.challenge

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