八年级英语下册《Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came》Section A 1a-1c导学案 下载本文

Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section A 1a-—1c Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section 3. Pair work: 看1a中的图片,仿1c的内容编对话。合作探究(小组讨A 1a-—1c (听说课) 论) 过去进行时 【Study-aims】 1、全体学生能会背本课的rainstorm, at the time of.学习了解过去进行时的过去进行时主要表示在_____或_____进行的动作。其构成为_____。常与at that time, this time yesterday, all the evening, from 8:00 to 构成及用法。 2、多数学生能正确的使when 与at the time of引导的时间状语从句初步交谈10:00yesterday, just then, at nine yesterday, when等表示明确有具体的时间状语。 过去进行的事。如: eg:(1)I was doing my homework at this time yesterday. (1) Where were you when the rainstorm came? —I was in the library. (2)What was Tom doing at ten yesterday. (2)What were you doing at the time of the rainstorm? —I was studying. (3)I was eating dinner when the phone rang. 3、学习策略:学会通过看提示预测问题的答案。 were having 4、通过和同学合作对话,了解彼此过去正在进行的生活,促使学生积极参与英其具体的句型为: 肯定句:主语+_______+其他。eg:They a meeting that time. 否定句:主语+_______+其他。eg:They weren’t 语实践活动。 having a meeting that time. 【Key & difficult points】 一般疑问句________+主语+______+其他? 能初步交谈过去进行的事学习了解过去进行时的构成及用法。 肯定回答:Yes,主语+was/were. 否定回答:No,主语+wasn’t/weren’t. 【Learning procedure】 eg:Were they having a meeting that time? Yes, they _____. No, I. Pre-class they_____. 1、根据下列汉语提示的单词短语识记并默写。 3. 当堂检测:翻译 暴风雨_____ 在?.的时候_____ 走回家_____ 1.昨天晚上8:30我正在看电视。等公车_____ 做我的家庭作业_____ 去上班 _____ _______________________________________. 2.仔细观察下面的对话,用“_____”标出对话中所出现的时间,并补全句子. (1) A: What are you doing now? B: I am doing my homework now. They are 2.当我妈妈回来时我正在做作业。_______________________________________. having an English lesson. (2) A: What were you doing at 9 o’clock last night? B: I was doing 3.正当我在打扫房间时电话响了。_______________________________________. homework. 4. The boy was walking home when the rainstorm C:_________________________________(我正在打扫我的房间). Topic 1

(3) A: What were you doing when your mother came back yesterday? B:I ______________________________________(我正在做作业). 自学书110页预习过去进行时,掌握其构成及用法,并完成书中1a。 II. While-class 1. 导入 came.________________________. 4. 小结: III. Post-class 作业:写一个短文介绍你的家人在昨晚八点的时候正在做什么。 【Blackboard Design】 2. Learning the new knowledge: 1.小组核对预习答案,检查学生的预习效果。 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 2.听力练习:听1b完成课本上的内容,并用完整的句子回答What were people word:rainstorm, at the time of doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? sentence:(1) Where were you when the rainstorm came? —I was in the The girl library. The boy (2) What were you doing at the time of the rainstorm? —I was The woman studying. The man Grammar:was/were doing