语言学导论课后习题答案 下载本文

(g) donate: ______ (h) escalate: ______ (i) homesick: ______ (j) peddle: ______ (k) diagnose: ______ (l) tuit: ______

(m) amusing: ______ (n) loaf: ______

(o) self-destruct:______ (p) attrit: ______ (q) hairdress: ______ (r) emote: ______ (s) drowse: ______ (t) frivol: ______

9. 确定下列词语的直接语源。(例如,\的直接语源是法语,尽管它更远的来源是拉丁语。)

(a) air: ______

(b) barbecue: ______ (c) bungalow: ______ (d) cola: ______ (e) gusto: ______ (f) Babel: ______ (g) buffalo: ______ (h) cocoa: ______ (i) costume: ______ (j) ill: ______ (k) mule: ______ (l) decreed: ______ (m) revolution: ______ (n) benevolent: ______ (o) lie: ______ (p) topic: ______ (q) subject: _____ (r) theme: ______ (s) wind: ______ (t) datum: ______

10. 把下列词语进行分类,分出借词(LW)、混合借词(LB)、转移借词(LS)、翻译借词(LT):

booby trap, coconut, loanword, monk, firewater, free verse, war paint, yankee.

11. 如果有两个词缀-ly,一个生成形容词,另一个附在形容词后生成副词,我们能找到同时包含这两个词缀的词吗?

12. 从下列词语中列出后面能加-s的名词。

epiphany, foot, hat, house, kitchen, ox, phenomenon, region, sheep, tomato

13. 有没有这样的词缀,能附加在动词后面,不会产生或没有很特殊的意义,而且不会改变动词的类别?

转自[英美者]-英语专业网站:http://www.enmajor.com/cn/Html/M/Linguistics/0823035.html2. a. irremovable m. dissyllabic b. informal n. abnormal

c. impracticable o. unworkable d. insensible p. unwritten e. intangible q. unusual f. illogical r. unthinkable g. irregular s. inhuman

h. disproportionate t. irrelevant i. ineffective u. uneditable j. inelastic v. immobile k. inductive w. illegal l. irrational x. indiscreet

3. 既然把语素定义为表达和内容关系的最小单位,那么它同时涉及了语言单位的语法方面和语义方面。一个语素可能就是一个音位,如I(我);但是一个语素通常不是一个音位,如pig(猪),整个单词是一个语素,也就是说pig是具独立的自由语素,但是音位是/p/, /I/和/g/。

4. 这段话中包含的功能词有:she, was, a, and, when, she, for, she, was, past, of, her, were, in, but, this, and, as, she, a, that, from, of, would, to, her, a, of, that, had, over, she, would, the, it, on, her, and, it和the。整段文章共有85个单诩词。其中功能词有40个。所以功能词在这段文章中所占的比例是40/85≈47%

5. (a) 布龙菲尔德想把book, books, 或者do, does, did, done这样的词自主理成同一个词的不同形式,而不是看作不同的词。但另一方面,他又主张把John's hat 中的 John's当作一个词。同样the boy's (hat)也只是一个词。由此我们可以看出布龙菲尔德对词的定义,是想要用同样的标准来涵盖不同的语言单位。

(b)像和这样的语法冠词,传统认为是跟所修饰的中心语不同的词。但是布龙菲尔德不这样看,具体观点参看(a)。 (c)因此,在定义词的范围时,还考虑了语法标准。例如,the king of England's或者the man I saw yesterday这样一些用作前修饰的成分,布龙菲尔德把它们作为独立的长词处理。其实这种修饰词,是降级短语,根本就是不词。 6.

(a) bash:(b)at + m(ash) (b) smash: (sm)ack + m(ash)

(c) glimmer: (g)leam + sh(immer) (e) clash: (cl)ap + cr(ash)

(f) flare: (fl)ame + gl(immer) (g) brunch: (br)eakfast + l(unch) (h) motel: (mo)tor + ho(tel)

(i) transistor: (trans)fer + res(ister) (j) medicare: (medi)cal + (care) (k) workaholic: (work) + alco(holic) (l) spam: (sp)iced + h(am)

(m) telethon: (tele)phone + mara(thon) (n) aerobicise: (aerobi)cs + exer(cise) (o) chunnel: (ch)uckle + sn(ort) (p) chortle: (ch)uckle + sn(ort) (q) bit: (b)inary + dig(it)

(r) modem: (mo)dulator + (dem)odulator (s) guestimate: (guess) + es(timate) (t) threepeat: (three) + re(peat)

7. 确定第一栏中词的正确历史语源,并在第二栏或第三栏中划出正确的单词。

(a)hangnail (由agnail, angnail变化而来) aching nail

(b)female (中古英语:femel, femelle) a male's companion (c)(中古英语:jardin almande) garden almond

(d)shamefaced (由asparagus 变化而来) bound by shame (e)Jordan almond(中古英语:jardin almande garden almond (f)sparrowgrass (由asparagus变化而来) a genus of herbs (g)belfre(中古英语:berfrey) bell tower

(h)bridegroom (中古英语:bridegome) a man is just, or about to be married (i)muskrat(阿尔冈琴语系:musquash) a large rat-like animal

(j)woodchuck (阿尔冈琴语系:otchek) a north American marmot

8. (a) asset: (assets) (b) burgle: (burglar)

(c) enthuse: (enthusiasm) (d) greed: (greedy) (e) hush: (husht)

(f) automate: (automation) (g) donate: (donation) (h) escalate: (escalator)

(i) homesick: (homesickness) (j) peddle: (peddler)

(k) diagnose: (diagnosis) (l) tuit: (intuition) (m) amusing: (amuse) (n) loaf: (loafer)

(o) self-destruct:(self-destruction) (p) attrit: (attrition)

(q) hairdress: (hairdresser) (r) emote: (emotion) (s) drowse: (drowsy) (t) frivol: (frivolous)

9. (a) air: 中世纪英语 (b) barbecue: 美洲西班牙 (c) bungalow: 北印度语 (d) cola: 源自非洲语言 (e) gusto: 西班牙语 (f) Babel: 圣经

(g) buffalo: 意大利语 (h) cocoa: 西班牙语 (i) costume: 法语 (j) ill: 中世纪英语

(k) mule: 中世纪英语 (l) decreed: 拉丁语

(m) revolution: 中世纪英语 (n) benevolent: 中世纪英语 (o) lie: 中世纪英语 (p) topic: 拉丁语

(q) subject: 中世纪英语 (r) theme: 中世纪英语 (s) wind: 中世纪英语 (t) datum: 拉丁语

10. 借词 混合借词 转移借词 翻译借词

monk booby trap yankee firewater loanword coconut free verse war paint 11. 不能。

* friendilily * timelily * ghostlily

13. -ed表示一般过去时: He walked home. -s表示一般现在时: He walks home. -ing表示进行体: He is walking home.

转自[英美者]-英语专业网站:http://www.enmajor.com/cn/Html/M/Linguistics/0823035_2.html 第四章 句法(syntax)问题和练习

1. 给下列术语下定义: