2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 语法专题二 名词性从句 外研版 下载本文

2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 语法专题二 名词性从句 外研版

1.If I were any younger,I would do________I am interested in.

A.no matter what C.no matter which



答案 B [及物动词do后面需要接宾语从句,排除A和C两项。whichever要有选择的范围,不合语境。]

2.________the young man is in great need of a puter in his work is known to his boss.

A.What C.How

B.That D.When

答案 B [考查主语从句的用法。句意:据他的老板了解,这个年轻人在工作中急需一台电脑。从属连词that引导主语从句时没有实际意义,不担当句子成分,只起连接词的作用,不能省略。该句还可改写为:It is known to his boss that the young man is in great need of a puter in his work.]

3.Stage fright is a mon example of________educators call a“lack of confidence”among

students. A.that C.which

B.what D.whose

答案 B [句意:怯场是教育者称之为学生们缺乏自信的例证中的一个很普遍的例子。what引导定语从句,并在从句中作call的宾语。名词性从句中不缺成分时才能用that引导。]

4.These shoes look very good.I wonder________.

A.how much cost they are B.how much do they cost C.how much they cost D.how much are they cost

答案 C [考查宾语从句。句意:这鞋看起来很好。我想知道它们花了多少钱。cost为实义动词,排除选项A和D;宾语从句应该使用陈述语序,排除B项,故选C。] 5.I'm stuck on this problem;you may ask________knows better than I.

A.whoever C.anyone

B.whomever D.the one

答案 A [句意:这个问题难住我了;你可以去问一个比我理解更好的人。从句中缺少主语,可排除B项。C、D两项不能引导从句,可排除。whoever在此引导宾语从句,相

当于anyone who。]

6.One of the glorious moments in my school life was________I was awarded the Mayor's

Award. A.why

B.how D.when


答案 D [考查表语从句。句意:在我的学生时代,令我感到荣耀的时刻之一就是我被授予“市长奖”的时刻。句子的主语是one of the glorious moments,所以表语应是“当……的时候”。其他选项在语句上不通顺,故选D。]

7.________seems to be a strong petition in China for senior high students to enter unive

rsities does exist in other countries as well. A.It

B.Which D.That


答案 C [考查主语从句用法。在这个主语从句中,设空处作主语,故用what。句意:在中国,高中生考大学似乎存在很激烈的竞争,这一现象在其他国家同样存在。] 8.Your friends were all worried over________you were sick.

A.that C.what

B.which D.the fact that

答案 D [考查同位语从句。句意:你的朋友们都非常担心你生病这件事。the fact作worried over的宾语,that you were sick是the fact是同位语从句。]

9.________some teenagers don't realize is________difficult life can be after they get addic

ted to drugs. A.That;how

B.Which;what a D.What;how


答案 D [考查名词性从句。句意:一些青少年没有意识到的是吸毒成瘾后生活是多么艰难。主语从句里面缺少宾语,故排除A,which意为“哪一个(些)”,不符合语境,排除B项;在感叹句中,how修饰形容词或副词,而what修饰名词,排除选项C,故选D。]

10.My high school friend,________I haven't seen for 20 years,is no longer________he was.

A.who;that C.whom;what



答案 C [句意:我中学时的朋友,我已经20年没见他了,不再是过去的样子了。第一

空:空格前有逗号,可知是非限制性定语从句,所以其引导词不能用that;先行词指人,故排除which。第二空:空格后的表语从句中缺表语且表事物,所以用what。] 11.In recent years,there has been a heated argument about________it is necessary for

children to learn English from an early age. A.whether C.what

B.if D.that

答案 A [考查宾语从句。空白处在介词about之后,表示“是否”之间,且在介词之后引导定语从句,只能用whether,介词后通常不用if引导宾语从句。] 12.The problem will appear________a different welfare sys

tem will be created. A.unless C.until

B.whether D.if

答案 B [句意:是否创建一种不同的福利制度的问题将会出现。whether引导同位语从句,解释说明the problem的内容。if也有“是否”之意,但不能引导同位语从句。] 13.What I want to tell you is________I've made a decision that I will give up the job.

A.this C.those

B.that D.these

答案 B [考查表语从句。句意:我想告诉你的是我已决定放弃这个工作。表语从句中的that只起连接作用但不能省略。] 14.—What about your TOEFL test?

—I have answered all the questions,but I'm not sure________I could get a high enough score. A.what C.when

B.if D.why

答案 B [句意:——你的托福考试怎么样?——我把所有的问题都回答了,但我不能确定我是否能考出足够高的成绩。四个选项中只有if有“是否”的含义。] 15.—I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.

—That's________I don't agree.You should have a more active life. A.where C.when

B.what D.how

答案 A [考查表语从句。句意:——周日我喜欢把自己关在屋里整天听音乐。——那就是我不同意你的地方。你应该有更活跃的生活。结合句子成分可知,用where。