人教版英语选修7各单元重要知识点归纳与整理 下载本文


Unit 1 Living well


I单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点) 词语 1.all in all/ in all/ at all/ after all/ above all/ first of all 辨析 1. disability n.无能;残疾 disabled adj.伤残的 able adj.能干的;能够的 词形 变化 2. ambition n.野心,雄心 3.beneficial adj.有益的 4. independent adj.独立的 ambitious adj.有雄心的,野心勃勃的 benefit v.&n.受益;利益,好处 independence n.独立 depend v.依靠,依赖 5.encouragement n.鼓励 encourage v.鼓励 courage n.勇气,精神 1. ambition (n.) 雄心 词2. beneficial (adj.) 有益的 汇 3. adapt (v.) 使适应;改编 部4. conduct (n.) 行为 (v.) 指挥 分 重点 5. resign (v.) 辞职 单词 6. companion (n..) 同伴 7. access n. (接近的)方法;通路;可接近性 8. suitable adj.适合的, 适当的; 9. annoy vt. 使生气,使烦恼; 招惹; 妨碍 10. adequate adj.适当的, 足够的 in other words 换句话说 cut out 切掉,删掉 out of breath 上气不接下气 重点 sit around 闲坐着 make fun of 取笑 all the best一切顺利 词组 as well as 也, 又; 和……一样好 1. She is proud to have taken part in competitions and to have broken a record by running two laps(800 metres) this year. 2. The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me annoyed, 重点句型 and I just ignore them. 3. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. 4. Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do. 复习不定式(见语法专题) 重点语法 II 词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1). all in all/ in all/ at all/ after all/ above all/ first of all 【解释】 all in all总而言之 in all总共 at all根本 after all毕竟;别忘了(放句首时) above all最重要, 首先 first of all首先 【练习】选择all in all/ in all/ at all/ after all/ above all或first of all并用其适当的形式填空 1) Don’t blame him too much. ________, he is a small child. 2) According to the survey, _______ there are nearly one million people in this small city out of work during the economic crisis. 3) I am glad to join you in this game, but ________ please allow me to introduce myself to you. 4) The parents didn’t worry about their daughter _______, for they believed she could succeed in getting the first prize. 5) When traveling abroad, _______, you need to prepare your passport. 6) There are many beautiful sentences in your article and its handwriting is good too. ________, I’m quite satisfied with it. Keys: 1) After all 2) in all 3) first of all 4) at all 5) above all 6) All in all III 词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料) 1. disability n.无能;残疾 disabled adj.伤残的 able adj.能干的;能够的 2. ambition n.野心,雄心

ambitious adj.有雄心的,野心勃勃的

3.beneficial adj.有益的 4. independent adj.独立的 5.encouragement n.鼓励 benefit v.&n.受益;利益,好处 independence n.独立 depend v.依靠,依赖 encourage v.鼓励 courage n.勇气,精神 【练习】根据句子结构,用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空 1)The ______ girl swims well in spite of her _______.(disable) 2) Robert is a very _______ man and one of his ______ is to travel in Antarctica. (ambition) 3) If you want to be a _______, you should work hard at ______ and care for ______ situations. (politics) 4) It is known to all that fresh air is _______ to our health and the new park ______ us all, so we should keep it clean.(benefit) 5) The boy who used to ______on his parents now wants the ______ from them and is learning to be _______.(depend) 6) Praise acts as an ______ to the players, and therefore they will feel ______ and get the _______to continue and improve their performance.(encourage) 7) My brother ______ from a well-known American university. My parents attended his _______ ceremony yesterday.(graduate) 8) When someone ______ others on their success, he or she usually says “_______”.(congratulate) 9) This concert was _______ by a famous _______ from Vienna. (conduct) keys:1) disabled; disabilities 2) ambitious; ambitions 3) politician; politics; political 4) beneficial; benefits 5) depend; independence; independent 6) encouragement; encouraged; courage 7) graduated; graduation 8) congratulates; congratulations 9) conducted; conductor IV 重点词汇 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料) 1. ambition (n.) 雄心 [重点用法]

ambitious adj. 志向远大的; 有雄心壮志的;有野心的

be ambitious for [power, social position, etc.] 极欲获得[权力, 社会地位等] be ambitious of success渴望成功

be ambitious to serve the people一心想为人民服务 [典例]

1) Her ambition is the presidency. 她的抱负是成为一名总统

2) After several hours’ work, she had no ambition to go dancing. 没有精力去跳舞了 3) The prince was attracted by the girl’s beauty, and ambitious to marry her. 王子为女孩的美貌打动了,渴望能娶到她。 [练习] 汉译英

1) 他的理想就是环游世界。


2) 作为一个志向远大的领导者,他想带领当地人们过上幸福的生活。


Keys: 1)His ambition is to sail around the world. 2) As an ambitious leader, he wants to guide the local people to lead a happy life.

2. beneficial (adj.) 有益的 [重点用法]

benefit v. &n.有助于;受益;利益,好处 be beneficial to sth./sb.对……有益 be of benefit to对……有益

for the benefit of为了……(的利益) benefit from从……中受益 [典例]

1) A temperate climate is beneficial to the health; 温和气候有利于健康.

2) Sunshine is beneficial to plants. 阳光对植物有益。

3) I hope what I have written will be of benefit to someone else who may feel the same way. 我希望我写的这些将对有同感的人有帮助.

4) Both sides have benefited from the talks.双方都从和谈中受益。 [练习] 汉译英

1) 使用电脑对孩子们的学习很有好处。


2) 我发现这本书对初学英语的人很有用。


Keys: 1)Using computers has a beneficial effect on children’s learning./Using computers is beneficial to children’s learning. 2)I found the book beneficial to English beginners.

3. adapt (v.) 使适应;改编 [重点用法]

adapt (oneself) to sth.适应某物 adapt…to…使……适应……

adapt sth. for sth. from sth.根据某事将……改编成…… be adapted from… 由……改编 [典例]

1) You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。 2) The makers adapted the cartoons film for children from the Russian original. 影片制作人为了孩子们将这本俄文原著改编成了卡通电影。 [练习] 汉译英

1) 他们很快适应了城市生活;


2) 这部电影是由小说改编的。


Keys: 1) They soon adapted themselves to the city life; 2)The movie was adapted from a novel.

4. conduct (n.) 行为 (v.) 指挥 [重点用法]

conductor n. 领导者, 经理, a bad conduct恶劣行为

under the conduct of在...指导[管理]下 [典例]

1) The chairperson conducted the hearing. 主席先生主持了这个听证会。

2) His conduct of the business was very successful. 他的事业进展得相当顺利。

3) The curator conducted the visitors round the museum. 馆长领着游客们在博物馆中参观。 [练习] 汉译英

1) 在农业专家的指导下,当地农民过了个丰收年。


2) 今天下午向导指挥着小学生参观了博物馆


Keys: 1) Under the conduct of the agricultural experts, local farmers had an abundant year. 2) The guider conducted the students in primary school around the museum this afternoon.

5. resign (v.) 辞职;委托, 把...交托给(to, into) [重点用法]

resign one's position (as secretary) 辞去(秘书)职务 resign office辞职

resign oneself to听任(某种影响); 只好(做某事) resign oneself to one's fate听天由命

resign ... to... 把... 托付给 [典例]

1) In order to look after her sick mother, Mary decided to resign her position as a manager in the company.为了照顾生病的母亲,Mary决定辞去公司经理的职务。 2) I resign my children to your care. 我把孩子们委托你来照顾。 [练习] 汉译英

1) 在任何情况下,我们都不能听天由命。


2) 我只好在长队中等候


Keys: 1) In no situation, shall we resign ourselves to our fate. 2)I resigned myself to a long wait in line.

6. companion (n..) 同伴 [重点用法]

make companions of 与...作伴, 与...为友 companions in arms战友

a faithful companion忠实伴侣 [典例]

1) His companion is Jim, a black slave who has also run away. 他的搭档Jim是一个黑奴,也是逃出来的。

2) His brother is not much of a companion for him. 他兄弟与他情趣不甚相投。

7. access n. (接近的)方法;通路;可接近性 [重点用法]

accessible adj. 易接近的, 可到达的, accessible to(prep.) [典例]

1) Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village.落石阻断了通往村庄的唯一通道。 2) Every student has free access to the library.每位学生都可自由利用图书馆。 3) A place accessible to the public公众可以进入的地方 [练习] 汉译英

1) 所有的公交将会供健康和残疾人使用。




Keys: 1) All the public transport will be accessible to both ordinary people and the disabled. 2) Here is the easiest access to the problem.

8. suitable adj.适合的, 适当的; [典例]

1) Experts in education call for more books suitable for children教育方面的专家呼吁多些适合儿童阅读的书籍

2) This wine is not suitable to my taste.这酒不合我的胃口。 [重点用法]

suit v. 合适, 适合, 相配,

unsuitable adj. 不适合的, 不相称的

be suitable for (doing) sth./sb. 很适合(做)…… [练习] 汉译英

1) 我认为这个应征者不适合这个岗位.


2) 他尝试找一个合适的词来描述这幅画.
