Unit 05 素材文档 下载本文

的年轻人说出他们的感受和观点。 ReadingB It is clear from the survey that young people today are very much concerned about their physical appearance. This issue appears to be even more important to many young people than health. Results show that the perception of health has gradually moved away from the

traditional concept of absence of major illnesses. Now health is perceived in terms of fitness or slimness. According to the opinions of the respondents in the survey, a new definition of health should include physical appearance, a positive state of well-being (feeling well and healthy) and improved endurance and energy. However, the concept of slim beauty dominates the findings of the survey and the concern for physical appearance and skincare over exercise and healthy eating habits

among young people has many implications for healthcare education.

Key words:

perceive: to understand or think about something in a particular way



渐偏离传统的健康观念,即不生重病,而现代的健康观念是保持健壮和苗条。根据被调查者的观点,新的健康观念应该包括注重外表、乐观健康、拥有更强的耐力和更多的精力。然而调查结果也表明大多数的年轻人以苗条为美,而且他们对外表和皮肤的关注要多于对锻炼和健康饮食习惯的关心。这些观念为我们的保健教育提供了诸多暗示。 ReadingC Clearly, the concept of health has changed in recent years. Young people no longer view health as an absence of illness, that is not being sick, but rather as something which can be judged from the way a person looks. Also, they do not see health as a quality which creates “beauty from the inside” i.e. young people perceive health mainly in terms of external factors: physical appearance — especially good skin, hair and teeth — and slimness. More and more young people are increasingly willing to achieve these features by a low-impact lifestyle — treatments, medicines and dietary supplements — rather than by adopting good habits of eating well and exercising regularly.




康时侧重外在的因素:外表(尤其是皮肤、头发和牙齿要好)和苗条。年轻人越来越愿意通过一种低冲击的生活方式来达到这些身体特征,即通过治疗、药物及食补来达到健康的目的,而不是通过良好的饮食习惯和定期锻炼。 Reading D One of the most revealing findings of the study was that more than 30% of respondents felt that they were overweight and reported using weight-control products and/or joining a weight-control programme. In most instances, these products and programmes were not being used in conjunction with a programme of regular exercise. The safety of the weight-control products (which might be slimming pills or special powders or teas) was not a concern and most respondents reported that a particular product had been recommended to them by friends. A significant minority (16%), however, had learnt about the products they were using from advertisements. Some 88% felt that the products they used were safe and would have no long-term negative effects on health. Weight-control products and programmes, then, are rarely supervised by

recognized and independent professionals in the field of nutrition or even by parents. Indeed, most respondents informed the researchers that they did not tell their parents about using a weight-control substance.

Key words:

nutrition: the science of food and its effects on health and growth



并说他们正在使用控制体重的产品或者参加了某个体重控制计划,有些人则兼而试之。大多数人在使用这些产品、加入这些计划的同时并没有辅助以定期的锻炼计划。这种控制体重的产品(可能是减肥丸、特效药或减肥茶)是否安全可靠并没有受到考虑,大多数被调查者说这样那样的特效药是他们的朋友推荐的。还有少数人(16%)是从广告中得知他们正在使用的这些减肥产品的,这是一个不小的数字。这些人中大约88%的人觉得他们使用的产品是安全的,不会对健康产生长期的不良影响。而这些减肥产品的使用、减肥计划的实行很少是在营养方面的认证专家的监督下进行的,有的甚至连父母都不知道。事实上,大多数被调查者都说他们没有告诉父母他们在使用减肥品。 ReadE Achieving the ideal of slim beauty does not necessarily involve the subjects of our study in programmes of exercise. In fact, the survey

results show that only about a quarter of young people regularly, although nearly a third work out occasionally. Almost 14% of the young people work out surveyed never worked out. Those who did work out normally did so in a park or playground. Few of the respondents had become members of gyms and the usual reason given