2019年湖北省咸宁市中考英语试题含答案 下载本文

economical(节俭) and civilized”. All the Games’s buildings will be environmentally friendly. 56. Which city will host the 2022 Asian Games?

A. Hangzhou. B. Guangzhou. C. Shanghai. D. Beijing. 57. What does the underlined word “themes” mean in the last paragraph?

A. 意义 B. 主题 C.内涵 D. 标题 58. According to the passage, how did the Beijing Asian Games influence China? A. It improved China’s economy(经济). B. It helped China attract more tourists. C. Guangzhou built a lot of roads and gyms.

D. It helped the world see China and its achievemems.

59. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. The first Asian Games was held in 1951.

B. Beijing will hold the 24th Winter Olympics in 2022. C. China has already hosted the Asian Games three times.

D. All the 19th Asian Games’ buildings will be environmentally friendly. 60. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. How to prepare for the Asian Games.

B. The development of the Asian Games in China. C. Why China wants to host the 19th Asian Games. D. How the 19th Asian Games emblem was designed.


Look around when you’re on a subway. What is the most popular time-killing(消磨时间的) activity? In China, most people play on their smart phone. While in other countries. people often enjoy reading.

On average(平均), each Chinese person read less than eight books in 2018, according to a recent survey from the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication. But Chinese people ①/spend/____an average of 26 minutes on WeChat Reading every day.

②在许多西方国家,人们在任何时间都会阅读。Even backpackers(背包客)enjoy reading books when they are having a break at the beach or relaxing from a hike. Reading books builds a bridge③/ b??twi?n/____our lives and the unknown world.

Many hotels abroad also offer book-exchanges for visitors. Simply drop off your finished books and take those ones that other people left behind.

In most US middle schools, teachers give students a reading list every few weeks. ④Most books are easy to read, so students won’t lose their confidence of reading.

Good reading habits lead you to a lifelong love of books. In order to encourage people to read more. China is planning to foster(培养)the habits of reading in its law, Although this has both good and bad sides,⑤________.

61.填写单词:根据文中①、③两处音标填写单词。 ①/spend/ ③/ b??twi?n/ 62. 将文中②处划线句子翻译成英语: 63.将文中④处划线句子翻译成汉语:

64.补全短文:从下面四个选项中,选出能填入文中⑤处划线部分的最佳选项。 A. it can be seen as a way to foster one’s interest B. it can be seen as a way to build somebody up

C. it can be seen as a way to develop one’s reading habits D. it can be seen as a way to improve one’s writing ability

65. What’s the purpose of having good reading habits according to the passage? 第四部分 书面表达(共25分)

八、短文填空 阅读下面短文, 在空白处写出适当的单词,单词首字母已给出。[有的词请 注意词形的变化!](共12个空,做对一个得1分,共10分)

Confucius is the greatest teacher in Chinese history. He was born on (66)S 28th. 511 B.C.in the Kingdom of Lu. in today’s Shandong Province. When he was young, he and his mother had a hard (67)1 . At the age of fifteen, he began to learn music, and he did well in it.

Then he went on (68) l other subjects. When he was thirty. he (69)b a teacher. He started his own school. He believed everyone should have a chance to get education whether they were (70)r or poor. He had about, 3,000 (71) s and many of them became famous.

Chinese sed Confucius as the greatest thinker (72)w had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior. And he is also regarded (73)a the greatest teacher. His most important ideas are about kindness and (74)g manners. He said young people should (75) t care of the old. People should not only always think of themselves, but work for (76)o . His ideas are around in people’s everyday life. Today people can still hear the ideas, and they even go far into east (77)a south Asia. 九、短文写作(共15分)

78.运动塑造健康,团结凝聚力量。5月10 日,学校举办了春季运动会。你和班上的 许多同学参加了比赛项目,战绩显著。其他同学观看了比赛,并为选手们加油喝彩。

请你根据下面四幅图片的提示,写一篇日记,介绍运动会概况及班上同学参加的情况, 并抒发自己的活动感受。



2.文章须包含图片所提供的主要信息,可适当发挥。行文连贯,条理清晰; 3.词数80~100个,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总字数。 参考词汇:teamwork

Friday, May 11th, 2019 Sunny

It was sunny yesterday. Our school held a spring sports meet.