电梯基础知识-2014 - 图文 下载本文

the big nuts rotate with geared machine (or belt). Therefore, supported by the spiral lever, lifts can move upward or downwards.

1-2-1-6直线电机驱动的电梯 Machine driven by lineal motor 其动力源是直线电机。 Lift is powered by lineal motor.

1-2-2 按用途分类 Classified by applications

1-2-2-1 乘客电梯 Passenger lift


Passenger lift is designed to convey passengers and required to have perfect safety facilities and necessary decoration in the car.

1-2-2-2 载货电梯 Cargo lift

主要为运送货物而设计的电梯,有司机载货电梯允许司机及装卸人员随同上下;无司机 载货电梯仅允许装卸人员在装卸货物时出入轿厢,但不允许随货物一同上下,更不准运 载乘客。

Cargo lift is designed to convey cargo and classified into 2 types:

Lift with driver: driver and servicemen are allowed to be with the cargo in the moving car. Lift without driver: only servicemen are allowed to enter the car to load or unload cargo at the landing, but not allowed to be with the cargo in a moving car; passengers are not allowed to enter the car either.

1-2-2-3 病床电梯(医用梯) Hospital lift (medical lift)


Characteristic of being long and narrow, it is designed to convey patient bed, stretcher, and medical vane.

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1-2-2-4 服务电梯(杂物梯) Service lift (dumbwaiter lift)

供图书馆、办公楼、饭店、食品等设计的电梯。这类电梯无安全设施,轿厢内严禁载人。 Service lift is designed for library, office building and hotel. Without safety facilities, such lift is not allowed to convey passengers.

1-2-2-5 观光电梯 Sightseeing lift


With transparent car wall, sightseeing lift is designed for tourists.

1-2-2-6 车辆电梯 Vehicle lift


Vehicle lift is designed to convey vehicles.

1-2-2-7 船舶电梯 Ship lift

船舶上使用的电梯。 Ship lift is designed for ship.

1-2-2-8 建筑施工电梯 Construction lift


Construction lift is designed for construction and maintenance.

1-2-2-9 其他 Others

除上述常用电梯外,还有些特殊用途的电梯,如冷库电梯、防爆电梯、矿井电梯、 电站电梯、消防员用的电梯等。

Besides the above mentioned lifts, there are lifts for special applications, such as freezer lift, explosion-proof lift, mine lift, power station lift and fireman lift.

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1-2-3 按速度分类 Classified by speed

电梯无严格的速度分类,一般习惯上如下分类 Lifts fall into the following categories:

1-2-3-1 低速梯:常指速度低于1.0m/s的电梯;

Low-speed lift is defined as lift with speed less than 1.0m/s.

1-2-3-2 快速梯:常指速度在1.0~2.5m/s的电梯;

Fast-speed lift is defined as lift with speed ranging from 1.0m/s to 2.5m/s.

1-2-3-3 高速梯:常指速度大于2.5m/s的电梯

High-speed lift is defined as lift with speed more than 2.5m/s.

1-2-4 按电梯有无司机分类

Classified by lift with or without driver

1-2-4-1 有司机电梯 Lift with attendant

电梯的运行方式由专职司机操纵来完成。 Lift running is operated by an attendant.

1-2-4-2 无司机电梯 Lift without attendant

乘客进入电梯轿厢,按下操纵箱上所需要去的层楼按钮,电梯自动运行到达目的层楼。 这类电梯具有集选功能。

Lift without attendant: Entering the car and operating floor button to select a floor desired, passenger can be conveyed to a landing desired. Such lift is featured collective-selection. 1-2-4-3 有/无司机电梯 Lift with / without attendant

这类电梯可变换控制电路,平时由乘客操纵,如遇客流量大或必要时改由司机操作。 Lift with/without attendant is operated by passengers usually. In cased of big

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passenger flow or necessary circumstance, it will be operated by the attendant.

1-2-5 按操纵控制方式分类 Classified by control mode

1-2-5-1 手柄开关操纵 Handle- operated

电梯司机在轿厢内控制操纵箱手柄开关,实现电梯的起动、上升、下降、平层、停止的运 行状态。它要求轿厢门上装有透明玻璃窗口或使用栅栏轿门,井道壁上有层楼标记和平层 标记,电梯司机根据这些标记判断层楼数及控制电梯平层。

By operating the handle of the control box in the car, the driver can make the lift start up, move upwards, move downwards, level and stop. It is required the car door equipped with transparent glass window or grid car door; well wall is required to be have floor or leveling flag, by which the driver can determine floor number and control leveling.

1-2-5-2 按钮控制电梯 Button-controlled


With automatic leveling function, button-controlled lift is simple and automatic, which has 2 control modes:

1-2-5-2-1 轿厢外按钮控制 Button outside car

轿厢由安装在各楼层门口的按钮箱进行操纵。操纵内容通常为召唤电梯、指令运行方向 和停靠楼层。电梯在接受了某一层楼的操纵指令,在没有完成指令前是不接受其他楼层 的操纵指令的。这种操作方式通常用于服务梯或层站少的货梯。

Car is controlled by the button box equipped in landing door. Car call, running direction and parking can be controlled. Lift will not execute any new command from other landings until it finishes executing a previous command. Such control mode is usually applicable to service lift or cargo lift with not more than 10 landings.

1-2-5-2-2轿厢内按钮控制 按钮箱在轿厢内,有司机操作。电梯只接受轿厢内按钮指令, 层站的召唤按钮只燃亮轿内指示灯(或起动电铃),不能截停和操纵电梯。

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