2019-2020学年人教版九年级英语第一学期期末考试试卷(含答案) 下载本文

–I don’t know. I was so _________ that I went to bed before it ended.

A. crazy

B. thirsty

C. sleepy

D. heavy

44. –Tina and Tara are twins.

–Really? I can’t believe it. _________ different they are!

A. How B. What What an

45. –I made some careless mistakes in my homework.

–It’s hard to ________ mistakes, but I hope you can be more careful.

A. argue

B. admire

C. avoid

D. attend

C. What a D.

46. The small boy was finally saved by the policeman, but he was _________ hurt.

A. badly B. wisely C. widely D. heavily 47. –_________ on your coat, Jane. It’s very cold outside. –OK, Mom.

A. Putting B. To put

C. Put

D. Puts

48. –Are you going to the museum on Saturday or on Sunday? –_________. I’ll have to go to see my grandma on Sunday.

A. Yes, I am

B. No, I’m not

C. On Sunday

D. On Saturday

49. –Dad, I won the singing competition in my school. –Great! I’m so _________ you!

A. angry with for

50. _________ Dad _________ Mom was at home yesterday. I had to cook by myself.

A. Both, and also

51. To save electricity, we should _________ the lights when we leave a room.

A. take off

B. turn off

C. make up D. give up

B. Either, or

C. Neither, nor

D. Not only, but

B. proud of C. sorry about

D. famous

52. –Mom, can I watch TV now?

–__________! You can’t watch it until you finish your homework. A. No way

B. Never mind C. No problem

D. Not at all

53. My brother is not good at English. I advise him _________ the English club.


A. joins B. joined C. joining D. to join

54. Mr. Jackson has _________ China for many years. He knows a lot about Chinese culture.

A. been to

B. come to

C. been in D. arrived in

55. –Tom, what do you know about Ted? Can you tell me _________?

–Yes. He is smart and active.

A. what does he like B. what he likes is like

IV.完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最


Do people like April Fool’s Day?

We asked some British people this 56 . The following is what they said:

Malisa: I love April Fool’s Day. It can be really fun. I love playing tricks on people and I don’t mind if people play tricks on 57 . It’s the only day of the year when we can be silly and laugh happily. So I 58 look forward to April 1st.

Johnny: I don’t like April Fool’s Day. It makes me a bit 59 . I keep thinking that someone is going to play a trick on me. When 60 o’clock passes, I feel quite relaxed. Phil: When I was at school, April Fool’s Day was always fun. We played tricks on each other and sometimes even on the 61 . Once one of the boys at school put a bucket of water on the top of the door. When the chemistry teacher came in, he got very 62 ! It was funny, but the boy got into big trouble!

Louise: I think April Fool’s Day is a great idea. I always believe everything I read in the newspaper or watch on the TV news. 63 April Fool’s Day can remind us that maybe we shouldn’t always believe the news.

Mark: I 64 April Fool’s Day. Last year someone at work changed the sugar for salt, and as a result we all put 65 in our coffee! That was really terrible. 56. A. party 57. A. me

B. problem B. you

C. question C. him

D. exercise D. her

C. what is he like

D. what he

58. A. also B. never C. almost D. always

D. lovely D. twelve


59. A. nervous B. famous C. hungry 60. A. four

B. seven C. nine

61. A. student B. teacher C. doctor D. writer 62. A. wet

B. hot B. If

C. long

D. warm

63. A. Or C. But D. Though C. miss D. want

C. salt D. sugar

64. A. love B. hate 65. A. tea

B. milk

V.补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分) Jane: Hi, Kate! You don’t look good. 66

Kate: The final exam is coming in a few days. 67 Jane: It’s no use worrying.

Kate: I know, but I just can’t stop worrying. 68

Jane: I’m a little worried, but I’m also looking forward to it. Kate: Oh, really?

Jane: Yeah. I’m looking forward to the vacation after the exam. Kate: 69

Jane: Well, not yet. But I’m doing my best. I believe I can get good grades as long as I try my best.

Kate: 70 I will stop wasting time worrying. I’ll put my time to good use. Jane: Well, good luck to both of us. 66. A. Who’s that boy? C. What’s the matter? 67. A. I have a toothache. C. We are really busy. 68. A. How about you? C. Can you help me?

B. Where’s the doctor? D. When is the math test? B. We all feel very excited. D. I’m so worried about it. B. What’re you looking for? D. How do you study for a test?

69. A. Have you eaten your breakfast? B. What’re you doing for vacation?

C. Have you got ready for the exam? vacation?

70. A. I don’t think so.

C. You’re welcome.

B. You’re right. D. Here you are.

D. Did you enjoy yourself on

VI.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所




I never had an enemy until Jeremy moved into our neighborhood. He moved here last week and lived next door to my best friend Stanley. I did not like Jeremy. He had a party and he didn’t invite me. But he invited my best friend Stanley.

Dad told me that when he was my age, he had enemies, too. But he knew of a way to make them go away. “The Enemy Pie,” he said.

Dad made the pie for me. It smelled really good and it looked good enough to eat! “What exactly does it do to enemies? Can it make their hair fall out?” I asked.

Dad said, “In order for it to work, you need to spend a day with your enemy. Even worse, you have to be nice to him. It’s not easy. But that’s the only way that the Enemy Pie can work. Are you sure you want to do this?” Of course I was.

I rode my bike to Jeremy’s house and knocked on the door. When Jeremy opened the door, he seemed surprised. I invited him to come out and play. We rode bikes for a while, and then ate lunch together. After lunch we went over to my house. It was strange, but I was having fun with my enemy.

We played games until my dad called us for dinner. Dad had made my favorite food. It was Jeremy’s favorite, too! Maybe Jeremy wasn’t so bad after all. When Dad took out the Enemy Pie, I didn’t want Jeremy to have it! “Don’t worry,” Dad said. “Now it has become a Friend Pie!”

71. The writer didn’t like Jeremy because Jeremy didn’t invite him to _________. A. dinner

B. his party

C. the club

D. the concert

72. The writer’s father said he knew how to _________.

A. get good grades B. make delicious pies C. work with enemies leave

73. What did the writer and Jeremy do before lunch?

A. They rode bikes. B. They watched TV. C. They did homework. D. shopping.

74. Jeremy and the writer played games and then had dinner _________. A. in a hotel

D. make enemies

They went

B. in the writer’s house C. in Jeremy’s house D. in a