小学四年级英语下册教案人教版 下载本文


Zip: This is my classroom.Open the door and see.

Look! A big board, four windows, six fans, eight lights and many desks and chairs.

Monkey: That is your classroom.What's in it? Rabbit: Let's go and have a look! Part B

1.Listen and write the letters

Wu Yifan: Come and look at this map.You can see the music room, gym and TV room on the first floor.

The art room, the computer room and the washroom are on the second floor. Tim: Where is your classroom? Wu Yifan: It's not in this building. 2.Listen and number

Helen: Amy, your school is very beautiful. Amy: Thank you. Helen: Is this the art room? Amy: Yes, it is.

Helen: Is that the computer room?

Amy: No, it isn't.It's the teacher's office. Helen: Is this the TV room? Amy: Yes, it is.

Helen: Oh! Is that the washroom? How nice! Amy: Yes, of course!

Helen: The room is so big.Is this the canteen? Amy: No, it's a classroom. Helen: That's cool! 4.Read and write

Dog: Is this your picture?

Zoom: No, my picture is on the wall. Donkey: Is that a teacher's desk? Zip: Yes, it is. Monkey: Where is my ball?

第 13 页


Rabbit: Look! It's on the floor. Challenge! 2.Little teacher

(1)This is a teacher's desk (. ) (2)is that your picture? ( Is ) (3)Yes, is it.(it is.)

3.Read, match and talk with your partner (1)Is this your schoolbag? Yes, it is.

(2)Where is your classroom? It's on the second floor. (3)Do you have a library? Yes, we do.

(4)How many lights are there in your classroom? There are six. (5)Who's your English teacher? Miss White.

第 14 页


Unit 2 What time is it?

一、单元教学目标 1.能力目标

(1)能够询问时间并做出正确的回答,如:What time is it? It's nine o'clock. (2)能够结合学过的语言描述自己的日常活动,如:It's time for English class.It's time to go to school.

(3)能够听懂并发出一些指令,如:Time for breakfast.Drink some milk. (4)能够看懂、并能制定自己的课程表和作息时间表。 (5)能够自己动手制做一个钟并用所学语言进行描述。 2.知识目标

(1)掌握A、B部分Read and write的单词和句子并能做到会听、说、读、写。 (2)认读A、B部分Let's learn、Let's talk中的单词和句子。

(3)理解并能够在教师指导下完成Let's do、Let's chant和Let's find out部分听听做做、吟唱歌谣和选出正确答案等目标要求。

(4)了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。 3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标

(1)情感态度:培养学生严格的时间观念,养成守时、守纪的好习惯。 (2)学习策略:注重合作学习与实践活动,培养心灵手巧的学生。 (3)文化目标:了解地球上不同时区在同一时刻的时间是不同的。 二.单元内容分析

1.本单元重点学习时间的表达以及描述不同时间进行的日常活动。主要句型是:What time is it? It's ... It's time for .... / It's time to ... A、B部分的Let's talk 渗透了这几个新的句型,应作为本单元的教学难点。


3.单元教学课时安排建议:六课时 第一课时:A Let's learn Let's do 第二课时:A Let's talk Let's play

第三课时:A Read and write B Let's find out C Good to know 第四课时:B Let's learn Let's chant C Story time 第五课时:B Let's talk C Let's check

第六课时:B Read and write C Task time Pronunciat

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1.能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词和词组:music class, P.E.class, English class, breakfast, lunch, dinner。

2.能认读句型:What time is it? 并做出相应的回答:It's.... It's time for.... 3.能够听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:Time for breakfast.Drink some milk.



2.本课时的难点是对新句型“What time is it? It's nine o'clock.It's time for....”的理解和运用。


1.教师准备一个教具钟和本单元的挂图。 2.教师准备六张单词卡。 3.教师准备录音机及录音带。 四、教学过程 1.热身(Warm-up)

教师播放第一单元Story time的录音或者请一组学生表演Story time中的故事。 2.预习(Preview)

教师在听录音或学生表演之后向学生提问:Where is Zoom? 学生回答:He is in the canteen.教师又问:Why? 学生答:He is hungry.教师再问:Why is he hungry? What time is it? 引导学生答出:It's time for lunch.接下来,教师可鼓励学生说出哪些东西可以告诉我们时间,如:the sun, the moon, the tree等等,学生如果不能用英文说,也可用中文说。

3.新课呈现(Presentation) Let's learn

(1)教师可制作本课时的挂图贴在黑板上说:Look! What's this? It's a clock.然后指着12点说:What time is it? It's 12 o'clock.Are you hungry? Why? 用动作示意学生说出It's time for lunch.接下来,教师利用钟面上的小图继续教授时间的表达和其它几个单词、词组。

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