2009学年奉贤初三调研测试(1001) - 图文 下载本文


(满分 150 完卷时间 100分钟)

Part 1 (第一部分 听力) (共30 分)


Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的句子,选出相应的图片):(共6分)



1. _______ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 6. ___________

II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分) 7. A) Rice dumplings B) Sushi C) Noodles D) Crisps 8. A) To see a movie B) To watch a basketball match C) To buy books D) To watch a football match 9. A) 9:45 B) At 9:00 C) At 8:00 D) At 9:30 10. A) The boy B) The girl?s father C) The boy?s father D) The girl 11. A) 30 pounds B) 25 pounds C) 5 pounds D) 35 pounds 12. A) By bus B) By underground C) On foot D) By car 13. A) Every day B) Twice a week C) Once a week D) Twice 14 .A) Hot B) Cold


C) Snowy D) Rainy 15. A) At a clothing shop B) At a restaurant C) In a supermarket D) At a library 16. A) Because she?s going to the clinic. B) Because she?s going to see the doctor.

C) Because she?s going to take care of the patient. D) Because she?s worried about her grandmother.

III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(共7分) 17.Anderson (安徒生)was born in Denmark about 200 years ago. 18. Anderson came from a shoemaker?s family.

19. Anderson?s father died when he was just 14 years old. 20. He wanted to be a singer and an actor at first.

21. Anderson wrote 150 stories in about fourteen years. 22.“The Little Match Girl”was written by Anderson. 23. Anderson?s stories are told only in English.

Ⅳ. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks (根据你听到的内容,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共7分)

24. In ___________ world, people have too much work to do. 25. They have too many problems in their ______________. 26. All these things make them _______________________. 27. In fact, __________ is always around you if you look for it. 28. How should we make _________________________happy? 29. If you are blue, it?s __________for you to sing songs loudly. 30. Why don?t we smile to ___________________the future?

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法) (共46分)

V. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :(共26分)

31. Last Friday our science teacher introduced __________ useful book to us.

A) a B) an C) / D) the 32. Most of the students in our school come to school _________school bus.

A) on B) by C) with D) in 33. My father didn?t go to schools. He taught ________ when he was a boy.

A) his B) him C) himself D) he 34. Tom made _______ mistakes in his homework. Miss Wang is satisfied with him

A) a little B) little C) a few D) few

35. There is a flower shop on _______ side of the street. Let?s go and buy some flowers

A) another B) the other C) other D) others 36. Mary telephoned me just now, but I wasn?t in. She had to leave me a ________.

A) advice B) information C) message D) paper

37. We haven?t seen each other for several years. I can ______ remember what she looks like.


A) hardly A) two-threes A) well

B) almost B) two-thirds B) beautiful

C) nearly D) quite

D) two-third D) boring

38. It is reported that about ______ of the tourists want to Hainan in winter holiday.

C) second-three C) wonderfully

39. The pop song sounded very _____. We enjoyed every minute of it.

40. Her handwriting is not so_______ as mine.

A) better B) good C) much better D) best 41. There is little snow in Shanghai in winter these years, ______?

A) is it B) isn?t it C) is there D) isn?t there 42. The sad movie made most of the girls ______.

A) cried B) crying C) to cry D) cry 43. The doctor told me _____ junk food. It?s unhealthy.

A) to eat B) not to eat C) don?t eat D) eating 44. A: _____ I have a look at your new MP4? B: Yes, you _______.

A) May…should B) Must…can C) May…need D) May…may 45. Peter didn?t visit the Science Museum ______ he had visited it before.

A) though B) if C) when D) because 46. Work harder, ______ you will fail in the final exam. A) but B) then C) or D) and

47. The price of the new flats is so high that few young people can ______ them by themselves. A) award B) afford C) admit D) attract

48. All of us are proud of the great changes in Shanghai. We?re sure Shanghai will be even _____

after the 2010 World Expo. A) good B) better C) best D) the best 49. A lot of flights were ______because of the heavy snow last month. A) put down B) put up C) put off D) put out 50. Many houses______ in the storm a few days ago. What a pity! A) damage B) damaged C) were damaging D) were damaged 51. Mary ______ to work in the west of China after she graduates from university. A) goes B) will go C) went D) would go

52. Our teachers______ us already that washing hands often will help us prevent the A-H1N1 Flu. A) tell B) told C) have told D) is telling 53. Don?t worry about your new car. Peter promised to return it to you as soon as possible. A) go back B) come back C) give back D) reach 54. A comic strip should be full of action to keep the readers interested. A) be filled with B) be interested in C) be fond of D) be keen on 55. ---May I open the window? It?s a bit hot inside. ---______

A) It doesn?t matter . B) Go ahead, please. C) I?m glad to hear that. D) Thank you. 56. ---Let?s go to the flower show this afternoon. ---______

A) That?s all right. B) Thank you for saying so. C) You are right. D) All right.


VI .Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共8分)

57. Could you show ______ how to control the machine. ( we )

58. A careless driver and the terrible weather were responsible for these people?s________. ( die) 59. We can find some _________ stories about memory. ( amaze)

60. If you want to ____________something, you must make a picture in your mind. (memory) 61. The road in my hometown will be ________________ next year. (wide) 62. It?s ______ of you to ask her such a silly question. ( fool)

63. There are many kinds of outdoor ______ such as traveling and camping. ( act ) 64. Doctor Wang will ______ on the wounded policeman at once. ( operation)

VII. Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions in the brackets(按要求改写下列句子,每空一词):(共12分)

65. They set up a new school in the town last year.(改为一般疑问句)。 ______they ______ up a new school in the town last year?

66. The woman singing over there is Tom?s aunt. ( 对划线部分提问) ______aunt ______ the woman singing over there?

67. They were very excited to take part in the Expo English Contest. (改为感叹句) ______ ______ they were to take part in the Expo English Contest! 68. We can freeze the fish if we want to keep it fresh. (改为被动语态) The fish can ______ ______ if we want to keep it fresh.

69. The boy is so strong that he can carry the heavy box himself. (保持原句意思) The boy is strong ______ ______ carry the heavy box himself.

70. When will we take an English exam? We wanted to know. (合并句子) We wanted to know ______ we ______ take an English exam.

Part 3 Reading and Writing

(第三部分 阅读和写话) (共74分)

IX. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共56分)

A. True or False.(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)

Jolie Ray was watching TV alone at home when the program suddenly stopped. “Sorry to interrupt the program. Here?s an important notice from the police. At about 9 p.m., a lady was robbed and killed by a man in brown. If you know anything about the man, please call the police. Thank you.”

The terrible news made Jolie frightened. She couldn?t help looking around, but didn?t see anyone hide behind the door or on the balcony. But all of a sudden, a man appeared and stood in front of her. He was wearing brown! Jolie didn?t know what to do!

“Calm down(冷静), young lady. Put your gold necklace and money on the table,” said the robber. “I?ll stay up here for the night. If you dare to call the police, you are just asking for trouble.” That made Jolie even more frightened, but she tried to calm herself.

Just then came the sound of a police car. In a little while, someone rang the doorbell. The robber said, with a gun pointing against Jolie?s back, “Open the door and say that you have gone to bed. Do not let anyone in.”

But Jolie had an idea. She opened the door.