(完整版)马克思主义基本原理考试题库(带答案) 下载本文

is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \d grade\y, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is 附录二:练习参考答

C.纯粹的否定 D.既克服又保留

48、决定事物性质的是: ( B )

A.主要矛盾 B.主要矛盾的主要方面 C.非主要矛盾 D.主要矛盾的非主要方面 49、下列各项表述中,属于因果关系的有: ( C )

A.千里之堤,毁于蚁穴 B.神龟虽寿,犹有竟时 C.得道多助,失道寡助 D.孟冬十月,北风徘徊

50、黑格尔说:“割下来的手只是名义上的手”,是要说明 ( B )

A.可能离不开现实 B.部分离不开整体 C.结果离不开原因 D.现实离不开本质

51、荀子说:“天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡。”说明了: ( A )

A.规律是客观的 B.规律是可知的

C.人的理性为自然立法 D.人在规律面前是无所作为的 52、社会规律与自然规律的区别在于: ( B )


B.自然规律自发地盲目地起作用,社会规律是通过人们有意识地活动来实现的 C.自然规律没有阶级性,社会规律有阶级性 D.自然规律可以认识,社会规律是难以捉摸的

53、“劳动过程结束时得到的结果,在这个过程开始时就已经在劳动者的表象中存在着,即已经观念地存在着。”这句话更好地说明了: ( A )

A.意识具有目的性和计划性 B.意识决定物质 C.意识活动具有创造性


54、承认人的观念、情绪等对人体生理活动有重要影响,这是: (A )

A.辩证唯物主义的观点 B.唯意志论的观点 C.机械论的观点 D.唯心主义的观点

55、对于同一事物,不同的人有不同的反映,这说明: ( C )

A.意识是主体的自由创造 B.意识不受客体影响 C.意识受主体状况的影响 D.意识的内容是主观的

56、中国有句俗话说:“公说公有理,婆说婆有理”。这句话说明: ( A )

A.意识具有主观性 B.意识是人随意创造的

C.意识不受认识对象的制约 D.意识的内容和形式都是主观的 57、“人有多大胆,地有多大产”观点的错误在于: ( A )

A.夸大了意识的能动性 B.夸大了运动的绝对性

is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \brary of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is — 10 —附录二:练习参考答

C.夸大了真理的相对性 D.夸大了矛盾的特殊性

58、物质和意识关系是: ( D )

A.物质决定意识,意识不反作用于物质 B.物质决定意识,物质对意识有能动作用 C.物质决定意识,意识也决定物质 D.物质决定意识,意识反作用于物质

59、正确发挥意识能动作用的最重要的前提是: ( D )

A.充分调动个人的积极性 B.充分发挥集体智慧的作用 C.对保守思想的彻底克服 D.正确认识和尊重客观规律


1、二元论的错误在于: ( AD )

A.把物质和精神绝对地对立起来 B.把物质与运动对立起来 C.把运动与静止对立起来 D.否认世界的统一性

2、意识的本质是: ( AD )

A.意识是人脑的机能 B.意识是社会的产物 C.意识是物质世界长期发展的产物 D.意识是人脑对客观物质世界的反映


( BCD )

A.实践是社会历史的主体 B.实践是社会关系形成的基础 C.实践形成了社会生活的基本领域 D.实践构成了社会发展的动力 4、唯物辩证法的总特征是: ( AD )

A.普遍联系 B.实践 C.物质第一性 D.永恒发展

5、哲学基本问题的两个方面指的是: ( BC )

A.世界是否联系和发展的问题 B.思维与存在何者为第一性的问题 C.思维与存在是否具有同一性的问题 D.是否承认思维与存在的问题 6、矛盾同一性在事物发展中的作用表现在: ( ACD )

A.矛盾双方在相互依存中得到发展 B.调和矛盾双方的对立 C.规定着事物转化的可能和发展的趋势


7、矛盾斗争性的作用表现在: ( AB )

is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \d grade\y, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is 附录二:练习参考答

A.促进矛盾双方力量的变化为矛盾转化创造条件 B.促成旧的矛盾统一体的破裂和新的矛盾统一体的产生 C.使对立的双方相互联结形成矛盾统一体


8、下列观点中,哪些是唯物主义都具有的观点: (ABD )

A.物质决定意识 B.世界是可知的

C.意识对物质具有反作用 D.意识是主体对客体的反映 9、社会历史发展的客观规律性在于: ( AD )

A.社会发展规律不以人们的意志为转移反而决定人们的意志和愿望 B.任何个人的意志在社会历史发展中的作用都等于零 C.社会发展规律存在于人们的自觉活动之外


10、尽管历史上罗马教庭把哥白尼的“日心说”当作“异端邪说”加以打击,毁掉哥白尼的书,烧死布鲁诺,监禁伽里略,但这既不能改变地球绕太阳运转的规律,也不能阻止人们接受“日心说”。这些事实说明了 ( ACD )

A.客观规律不以人的意志为转移 B.人们可以随心所欲地支配规律 C.真理中包含着不依赖于人的客观内容 D.真理终究会战胜谬误

11.矛盾力量发展的不平衡性表现在: ( BC )

A.在复杂的矛盾体系中有对抗性矛盾和非对抗性矛盾 B.在复杂的矛盾体系中有主要矛盾和非主要矛盾 C.在一个具体矛盾中有矛盾的主要方面和非主要方面 D.在复杂的矛盾体系中有基本矛盾和非基本矛盾

12、社会规律是人们自己的“社会行动的规律”,这是因为: ( ABD )

A.人是社会历史的主体 B.人们自己创造自己的历史 C.历史发展方向是由人的思想和行动决定的 D.社会规律存在和实现于实践活动之中

13、马克思主义哲学的产生是人类认识史上的伟大变革,因为它: ( ABD )

A.实现了唯物主义和辩证法的统一 B.实现了自然观和历史观的统一 C.使哲学发展到了顶峰


14、下列说法中,正确体现意识能动性的有: ( AC )

A.胸有成竹,料事如神 B.纸上谈兵,画饼充饥 C.天下无难事,只怕有心人 D.不怕做不到,就怕想不到 15、下列各项属于新事物优越于旧事物的原因的有: ( CD )

is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \brary of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is — 12 —附录二:练习参考答

A.新事物是在新的历史条件下产生的 B.新事物具有旧事物所没有的新形式


D.新事物保留了旧事物中积极的因素并增添了旧事物不能容纳的新内容 16、辩证法和形而上学的对立表现在: ( ACD )

A.是否承认矛盾以及矛盾是事物发展的动力 B.是否承认世界是可以认识的 C.是否承认世界上的事物是普遍联系的 D.是否承认世界上的事物是运动发展的

17、“量体裁衣”、“对症下药”所包含的哲理是: ( BC )

A.任何事物都存在着矛盾 B.切忌“一刀切” C.不同质的矛盾用不同的方法来处理 D.矛盾无处不在,无时不有 18、辩证否定观认为: ( ABCD )

A.辩证否定是事物的自我否定 B.辩证否定是事物发展的环节 C.辩证否定是事物联系的环节 D.辩证否定的实质是“扬弃” 19、下列见解中,能引导人们正确地发挥主观能动作用的有: ( AC )

A.根据实际情况,积极创造有利条件 B.有条件要上,没有条件也要上 C.从现实条件出发,尊重客观规律 D.量体裁衣,对症下药

20、判断一个事物是否是新事物的错误观点是: ( AB )

A.根据它时间上出现的先后 B.根据它的力量是否强大 C.是否符合事物发展的必然趋势


21、下列各项正确反映量变与质变的辩证关系的有: ( ABCD )

A.量变是质变的前提和必要准备 B.质变是量变的必然结果 C.质变体现和巩固量变的成果并为新的量变开拓道路

D.量变和质变相互转化过程体现了事物发展的连续性和非连续性的统一 22、下列选项中,体现量变引起质变的哲学道理的有: ( ABCD )

A.九层之台,起于垒土 B.千里之行,始于足下 C.长堤溃蚁穴,君子慎其微 D.水滴石穿,绳锯木断

23、下列表述,能体现重视矛盾特殊性的有: ( AC )

A.量体裁衣,对症下药 B.欲擒故纵,声东击西 C.因时制宜,因地制宜 D.乐极生悲,物极必反

24、唯物辩证法的实质和核心是对立统一规律,这是因为: ( ABCD )
