2020-2021学年PEP人教版小学四年级上册期末检测英语试卷及答案 下载本文


PEP 人教版小学四年级上册期末检测卷 试语英

Let’s listen(!听力部分) 40%

一、 Listen and choose听. 单词或短语,选择正确选项。 10% ( ) 1. A. dad ( ) 4. A. bit

B. date B. bite

( ) 2. A. fun

B. fan

( ) 3. A. cut

B. cute B. strong

( ) 5. A. bathroom B. bedroom ( ) 6. A. story ( ) 8. A. soup

B. spoon

( ) 7. A. light B. right ( ) 10. A. aunt B. uncle 二、 Listen and tick(

( ) 9. A. long hair B. short hair

√)or cros听s(句 子×,). 判断正误。 6%

三、 Listen and number.听对话,标序号1-8。12%

四、 Listen and choose the right answer听. 对话,选择正确。 12% 项选的( ) 1. What color is the notebook?

A. It ’s orange. ( ) 2. What

’s in Zip

A. Some toys and a storybook. ( ) 3. What would Amy

A. Some rice and fish.

( ) 4. Are the crayons in the study?

A. Yes, they are. A. Four.

( ) 6. Who is the man?

A. The girl

’s father.

B. The girl

’s uncle.

Let’s read(! 读写做部分) 60%

一、 Read and choose看. 图读一读,根据划线部分发音规律,选择单词序号填写。


B. No, they aren B. Five.


( ) 5. How many people are there in Mr Jones family?

B. It ’s an orange.

’s schoolbag?

B. Some toys and 3 storybooks. B. Some noodles and beef.

’s father like for dinner?



A. Coke B. rice C. She D. cake E. use

1. Jake and Dave make a big _____.

2. I ’m Mike. I like _______.

3. Little Joni hopes he can get some _______.

4. Excuse me. Can I ______ the tube?

5. He has a pencil. ______ has a pen. We play together. 二、 Read and circle.看图,在正确的单词下面划线。9%

TV computer


kitchen chicken

l shoes e glasses


doctor cook

English book Chinese book



2 / 6



三、 Look, read and choose根. 据图片和语言情境,选择正确的选项。12% ( ) 1. Mike is my friend. He ________ short hair.

A. is

( ) 2. This is Amy

A. Her A. is A. a ( ) 5. I

A. fork A. Let me

( ) 1. Where is the phone?

( ) 2. Would you like a knife and fork? ( ) 3. What ( ) 4. Dinner

’s in your desk?

’s ready. Help yourself.

B. has B. She B. it ’s B. an B. knife B. Let ’s

C. have C. His C. are C. some C. spoon C. Let A. Yes, they are.

B. One pencil box andmany books. C. It’s on the fridge. D. No, she isn ’t.

E. No, thanks. I can use chopsticks. F. Thank you.

’s sister. ________ name is Ann.

( ) 3. Look, the keys ________ on the sofa.

( ) 4. You can see ________ English book under the phone.

’d like some soup. Please pass me a ________.

( ) 6. ________ close the window.

四、 Read and match.根据问句选择正确的答句,将序号写在括号内。 9%

( ) 5. Are the keys on the fridge? ( ) 6. Is she in the kitchen? A. His name is Fido.

B. How many people are there in your family? C. Thank you! D. He is a super cook. E. Is this the kitchen?

五、 Read and choose读. 一读,选择正确选项完成对话。5%

Jake: Good morning, Kate. Welcome to my home! Kate: Wow, it

’s so big! 1 ________

’s his job?

Jake: Four. Look, my parents, my sister and me. Kate: Your father is so strong. What Jake: 2 ________ He can cook yummy food. Kate: Wow, cool! En...3 ________

Jake: Yes, it is. Have some juice, please.
