七年级下学期英语期末复习选择题(外研版) 下载本文

A. go

B. come B. to clean

C. moved C. cleans

D. leave D. clean

3. His job is ______ the street. A. cleaned

4. There ______ students in our school that time. A. were two thousandsB. are two thousand A. finish reading A. live

B. finished read B. lived B. stops B. sang B. How bad

C. are two thousand of

C. will finish read C. living C. stop

D. were two thousand

D. finished reading D. are living D. is stopping D. sings D. What bad D. making; aren’t D. stop to have D. don’t read D. rainy D. watch

5. I _____ this book yesterday. You can take it away. 6. His aunt and uncle _____ in the USA in 1999, but not now. 7. He ______ when I called him. A. stopped A. to sing

8. We heard her ______ in the next room a moment ago.

C. singing

9. _____ weather it was that day! A. What a bad A. make; don’t

C. How a bad

10. His parents often _____ a cake for him on his birthday, but last year they ______.

B. make, didn’t

C. makes; weren’t C. stop having C. to read C. rained C. look

11. We worked from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., so we _______ a rest at two. A. stopped to have A. not read A. rains A. see

B. stopped having B. not to read B. is raining B. notice

12. My mother asked me _____ in bed.

13. It ______ heavily yesterday, but none of the students was late for school.

14. Thousands of people came to Shanghai to ______ the 48th World Table Tennis Championship. 15. --_________, Mrs. Wang. –I’m happy you did.

A. We enjoyed ourselves at the party B. We were lost yesterday

Module 10

1. He lived in a small town called Furong before he _______ here. A. moves

B. move

C. moving C. did; start C. joins; on C. won’t C. helped

D. moved D. does; start D. joined; on D. not D. did helped D. the Women’s Day D. watched; with D. in D. dangerous

2. When _____ your mother _____ to learn English? A. did; started A. joins; in A. didn’t A. help

B. does; starts B. joined; in B. don’t B. helping

3. My brother ______ the army _____ 2001.

4. –Sorry, your address again. I ______ catch you. –24 Nanjing Road. 5. We ______ each other when we studied together. 6. –Is ________ in March or May? --It’s on March 8th. A. Women’s Day A. watches; with A. with

B. Woman’s Day B. watched; in B. by

C. the Woman’s Day C. watches; in C. from

7. When my father was young, he ______ TV, but it wasn’t ______ color. 8. You still see his plays in English and ______ many other languages. 9. Cars were _______ so people used bicycles or travelled by bus or train. A. crowded

C. We didn’t finish the work D. We have to leave

B. successful C. expensive


10. –Did you wait for your father for a long time? –Yes, I ______ to bed until two in the morning. A. did go

Module 11

1. I put my hands ______ my ears because I couldn’t hear to listen. A. on

B. above B. through B. opened

C. over C. out

D. at D. from D. made D. to work out D. returned D. In; the

2. What a busy road! It took me one hour to get ______ the traffic. A. from A. Lasted

3. The meeting _____ two hours, and I almost fell asleep.

C. took

4. Tom was the second ______ this math problem. A. worked out

B. works out B. returned back B. On; the

C. working out C. returns C. on; /

5. Lucy ______ the key to me after she put the bike in front of the office building. A. returns back A. in; a

6. _____ October 15, 2003, China became the third country to put a man in _____ space. 7. If astronauts ______ in forests, the knife and gun can protect them ______ wild animals. A. land; from A. until; arrive A. waves

B. come; from

C. land; out

D. come; out

D. when; reach D. shows D. calling

8. You can’t go to the pub ______ you ______18.

B. when; arrive B. waved B. called

C. until; reach C. showed C. calls

9. He _______ the letter under my nose but he didn’t want me to read it. 10. My aunt had a baby daughter last week. She ______ Lydia. A. was called

Module 12

1. My brother, Allen ______ in Hong Kong in 1999. A. live

B. lives

C. lived

D. are living D. have; did D. reads D. do; watched D. What D. to stay D. reaching D. I did D. by boat D. at; on

2. –Did you ______ an English class last Saturday? --Yes, we ______. A. had; did A. reading

B. had’; had B. to read

C. have; had C. read

3. We finished ______ the book yesterday.

4. I often _____ my homework after supper. But yesterday evening, I ______ TV. A. do; watch A. Where A. stayed A. to get A. I’ll go

B. did; watch B. Why B. stay

C. does; watch C. When

5. --________ did you begin to learn English? –Three years ago. 6. Helen wasn’t feeling well, I told her ______ in bed till supper time.

C. to staying C. to reach C. I go

7. It took us a long time ______ Hawaii but we thought the journey was enjoyable.

B. getting B. I’m going B. by plane B. in; on

8. –You forgot to make the bed. –Oh, so I did, ______ and do it at once.

9. Timmy goes to school _______ every day. It’s 5 minutes’ walk from home to school. A. in a bus A. at; in

B. went C. don’t go D. didn’t go

C. on foot C. in; in


10. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive _______ Paris _______ the morning of July 9th.